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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 18
1. aa
- (exklami) ah, oh (an exclamation of understanding, recognition) | Aa, es yu! - Ah, it's you! | Aa, me samaji. - Oh, I see. | Written with two letters for distinction from…
2. bak
- (komo) 1) back (in space or time), backwards | Go avan, bu go bak. - Go ahead, don't go back. | Mata wud yao ke suy kindas lai bak a ela. - The mother would like her children to…
3. duran
- (konekti) during | duran laste dwa yar - in the course of the last two years | duran leksia - during the lecture | duran to, duranem - (taim-komo) meanwhile | duran…
4. dwa
- (kwanto) two (2) | li dwa jen - the two of them, they both | nu toki ba pa dwa jen - let the two of us have a talk | mah-dwa - (zwo) bisect, divide into two | …
5. extendi
- (zwo) extend, spread, stretch (cf. "stiri") | lu extendi-te gambas - he stretched out his legs | extendi nayu on pan - spread bread with butter | extendi tel inter dwa…
6. fo
- (konekti) 1) for (the object, aim, or purpose) | Es fo yu. - This is for you. | Me ve lai fo vidi ela. - I shall come to see her. | fo ke - in order to (see also "dabe") …
7. ganta
- (kwo) glove | piga ganta - leather gloves | dwa para ganta - two pairs of gloves
8. hev
- (sta) have | Me hev dwa kitaba. - I have two books. | en-hev - (zwo) come to possess | hevsa - (kwo) possession; property, belongings
9. klok
- (gramatika) introduces time indication in hours | klok dwa - (at) two o clock | kwel klok es? - what time is it? | klok ot e haf - half past eight | klok tri sin…
10. la
- (gramatika) substantivator, substitute word, singular | Me hev dwa rosa. Sey-la es rude e toy-la es blan. - I have two roses. This one is red and that one is white. | Bat me…
11. milion
- (kwanto) million | dwa milion - two millions | dwa milion petsto mil - 2 500 000 | milioner - (kwo) millionaire
12. ora
- (kwo) hour | afte dwa ora - in two hours | pa haf-ora afte to - in half an hour after that
13. pa
- (konekti) preposition of a wide meaning, often can be used instead of other prepositions | 1) indicates place, time (at, on, in) | pa dom - at home | pa mur - on the wall …
14. tri
- (kwanto) three (3) | li tri jen - the three of them | trifen | un de trifen - one third; dwa de trifen - two thirds | trifenka - (kwo) third | triple -…
15. vegi
- (zwo) weigh (have weight - cf. "pondi") | it vegi dwa kilo - it weighs two kilos | vega - (kwo) weight
16. ves
- (kwo) time (an instance or occurrence) | al un-ney ves - at the first time | mucho ves per dey - many times a day | kada ves yu zwo same galta - every time you make the…
17. wek
- 1) (loko-komo) away, off | Go wek! - Go away! | May tren es yo wek. - My train is away already. | mah-wek - (zwo) get rid of, do away with, expel, drive away | …
18. zun
- (zwo) concern oneself with, give one's time to, devote oneself to, occupy oneself | ta zun musika - she occupies herself with music, she goes in for music | nu zun sey problema yo…

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