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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 12
1. expres
- (kwo) express (smth quick, e.g. a means of transport, such as a train, that travels rapidly) | expres-kursa - an express course
2. kauda
- (kwo) tail | in kauda de tren - at the tail of the train
3. kway
- (kwel, komo) quick, rapid, fast; quickly, rapidly, promptly | kway tren - fast train | kway kom bliza - as quick as lightning | kwaytaa - (kwo) quickness, rapidity; speed,…
4. magari
- (gramatika, exklami) I wish, if only | Magari lu lai! - If only he would come! | Magari bi tak! - I wish it were so! | Magari nu hev-te sey mani dan! - I wish we had that…
5. prosesion
- (kwo) procession, train
6. raki
- (zwo) ride (to transport oneself by means of smth), drive, go by smth (tr./intr.) | raki kaval - ride a horse | raki bus - go by bus | raki tren - go by train | raker…
7. tamrin
- (kwo) exercise | tamrini (fai tamrin) - (zwo) exercise, train, practice | Arabic
8. trani
- (zwo) drag, trail, train | fa-trani - drag oneself | tranika - (kwo) trail, train (of a dress, of a comet)
9. tren
- (kwo) train (a line of connected railroad cars) | trenyuan - (kwo) conductor (in a train)
10. wek
- 1) (loko-komo) away, off | Go wek! - Go away! | May tren es yo wek. - My train is away already. | mah-wek - (zwo) get rid of, do away with, expel, drive away | …
11. yuan
- (kwo) member (a part of a whole; one who belongs to a group or organization - cf. "memba"); employee, worker, staff member | yuantot - (kwo) personnel | (syao) " member of";…
12. zin
- (zwo) enter, go in, come into; join, matriculate | zin shamba - enter the room | zin kluba - join a club | zin tren - board a train | zin bus - get on a bus | …

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