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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 17
1. abyas
- (kwo) habit, custom | pa abyas - through habit | hev abyas - to be accustomed, to be wont, to be in the habit of | abyas-ney - (kwel) habitual | abyas-nem - (komo)…
2. bori
- (zwo) bore, drill | boring - (kwo) boring | borer, boritul - (kwo) borer (tool) | trabori - (zwo) drill through, perforate
3. dranga
- (kwo) pressure, stress, force, push, dash; urge, drive | por dranga de halat - through force of circumstances | dranga fo libritaa - drive for freedom | drangi - (zwo)…
4. kanga
- (kwo) comb (a toothed implement) | kangi - (zwo) comb | kangi swa - comb one's hair | trakangi - (zwo) comb (search thoroughly; look through) | kanging - (kwo)…
5. kum-
- (syao) god- (related through christening) | kumpatra - (kwo) godfather | kummata - (kwo) godmother | kumson - (kwo) godson | kumman - (kwo) godfather of one's…
6. lif
- (kwo) leaf; sheet (piece of paper; flat layer of solid material) | liftot - (kwo) foliage | lifi - (zwo) browse, leaf through | liflwosa - (kwo) leaf fall
7. media
- (kwo) means, medium | bay media de - by means of, through the medium of | lekimedia - (kwo) medicinal agent, remedy | masa-media - (kwo) mass medium, mass media
8. pasi
- (zwo) pass; pass by | pasi-ney (pasen) yar - the past year | pasi nocha - pass night | taim pasi lentem - the time drags on/crawls | pasiwat - (kwo) past (the period…
9. pol
- (kwo) pole (either extremity of an axis through a sphere; a magnetic pole) | polare - (kwel) polar | polaritaa - (kwo) polarity | polarisi - (zwo) polarize (tr.) | …
10. sens
- (kwo) sense (faculty) | pet sens - five senses | ilusion de sens - illusion of the senses | sit-ney sens - the sixth sense | sens-ney - (kwel) sensual (of or…
11. snufi
- (zwo) snuffle, breathe heavily and noisily through the nose
12. tra
- (konekti-syao) through; over, across, to (on) the other side of | Me he vidi yu tra winda. - I saw you through the window. | Go tra gata! - Cross the street! | Nu gun om sey…
13. trajivi
- (zwo) experience, go through, live through; survive (remain alive) | Ela he trajivi mucho beda. - She has lived through many troubles. | Ta mog bu trajivi sey nocha. - He/she may…
14. tralasi
- (zwo) let through | butralasike - (kwel) impermeable, impenetrable; inscrutable
15. via
- (konekti) via (passing through, by way/means of) | a London via Paris - to London via Paris | via radio - via radio | May gin-visin sempre shwo mucho. Me en-jan oli habar…
16. viti
- (zwo) twine (encircle or coil around, esp. about vines; go in a winding course (Syn.: serpi)) | barana bin viti-ney bay grinka - the fence was twined with greenery | ruchey kel…
17. warme
- (kwel) warm | warmifi (fa-warme) - (zwo) get warm, warm up, grow warm | warmisi (mah-warme) - (zwo) warm, make warm | warmish - (kwel) lukewarm, tepid | warmitaa -…

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