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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 9
1. dela
- (kwo) affair, business, case, issue, matter | bu es may dela - that is none of my business | dela go hao - the affair goes well | prave dela - just/righteous cause | …
2. egale
- (kwel) equal | es egale a me - it's all the same to me, it doesn't matter to me | egale geim - draw (game) | egalem - (komo) equally | egalitaa - (kwo) equality …
3. komplike
- (kwel) complicated, complex (not simple - cf. "komponi-ney") | komplikisi - (zwo) complicate | se komplikisi dela - this complicates the matter | komplikifa - (kwo)…
4. masa
- (kwo) mass (quantity of matter; a body of matter with no specific shape; the body of common people - cf. "mesa") | masa-media - (kwo) mass medium, mass media | See also: menga …
5. materia
- (kwo) matter, substance | materiale - (kwel) material (relating to matter; bodily, physical) | materiale munda - material world
6. mole
- (kwel) soft | mole kushen - soft cushion | molenesa - (kwo) softness | moli - (zwo) soften (tr./intr.) | molifi (fa-mole) - (zwo) soften, become soft | …
7. relati
- (zwo) relate (have connection or relationship) | se bu relati a dela - this doesn't relate to the matter | relata - (kwo) relation, relationship (connection; condition of being…
8. substansa
- (kwo) substance (matter, material - cf. "esensia") | grey substansa - gray substance | organike substansa - organic substance
9. ye
- (gramatika) there is/are, available (cf. "yok") | Hir ye mucho flor. - There is a lot of flowers here. | Mani ye? - Is there any money available? Do you have money? | Kwo…

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