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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 6
1. inloo
- (gramatika) marks non-immediate relatives | mata-inloo - (kwo) mother-in-law | brata-inloo - (kwo) cousin | son-inloo - (kwo) nephew | kindocha-inloo - (kwo)…
2. inmurisi
- (zwo) immure, mure, wall up, brick up | (Origin: in+mur+isi)
3. sal
- (gramatika) "to be about to" (immediate future) | Ela sal plaki. - She was about to cry.
4. tuy
- (komo) immediately, at once, right away | Lu he samaji to tuy. - He got it right away. | Riva es tuy afte dom. - The river is right after the house. | tuy ke - as soon as …
5. urjente
- (kwel) urgent (compelling immediate action or attention, pressing) | urjensia - (kwo) urgency
6. yus
- (komo) just (precisely, exactly) | yus kontra-nem - just the other way round | yus tanto kwanto treba - just as much as needed | yus to ke me nidi - just what I need | …

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