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1. aa
- (exklami) ah, oh (an exclamation of understanding, recognition) | Aa, es yu! - Ah, it's you! | Aa, me samaji. - Oh, I see. | Written with two letters for distinction from
2. aparte
- (kwel) separate, detached, apart (from others) | apartem - (komo) apart | apartem fon otres - apart from the others
3. aus
- (konekti-komo) 1) out (of) (outward movement) | pren kalam aus posh - take a pencil out of the pocket | Lai aus! - Come out! | 2) (made) of (material), out of | botela…
4. auslanda
- (kwo) foreign countries | in auslanda - abroad | auslanda-ney - (kwel) foreign, of foreign countries | auslandajen, auslander - (kwo) foreigner, a person from a foreign…
5. autoritaa
- (kwo) authority (power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience - cf. "mahta")
6. bak
- (komo) 1) back (in space or time), backwards | Go avan, bu go bak. - Go ahead, don't go back. | Mata wud yao ke suy kindas lai bak a ela. - The mother would like her children to…
7. bin
- was, were (past tense from "bi") | Me bin dar pluri ves. - I have been there several times.
8. bufeta
- (kwo) buffet (a counter or sideboard from which food and drink are served or may be bought)
9. bugundey
- (kwo) day free from work, day off, rest-day | (Origin: bu+gun+dey)
10. chu
- (zwo) go out, leave, exit; issue (from); ooze out; come out, be issued | lu chu shamba - he left the room | sudor chu on luy fas - the sweat stood out on his face | chu dwar…
11. dale
- (kwel) far, distant, remote | dalem - (komo) afar | fon dalem - from afar | dalitaa - (kwo) distance (a considerable amount of space), expanse, remoteness | …
12. deflui
- (zwo) flow away, rush from | defluisa - (kwo) ebb, reflux | afluisa e defluisa - flow and ebb | (Origin: de(s)+flui)
13. depos
- (konekti) since, starting from | depos toy dey - since that day | me es hir depos klok shi - I have been here since ten o'clock | depos dan - since then | depos nau…
14. dey
- (kwo) day (in all meanings) | deyfan - (kwo) midday meal; dinner | lumadey - (kwo) daylight, daytime | bugundey - (kwo) day free from work, day off, rest-day | …
15. emerji
- (zwo) emerge (from a liquid); (fig.) rise into view | emerja - (kwo) emersion, emergence
16. Europa
- (kwo) Europe | Europa(-ney) - (kwel) European | europajen - (kwo) European (person living or originating from Europe)
17. extrakti
- (zwo) extract, draw from/out | extrakta - (kwo) extract
18. fon (1)
- (konekti) from; of (from among) | Me zai go fon teatra - I am going from the theatre. | Me he resivi se fon lu. - I have received this from him. | fon kapa til peda - from
19. heredi
- (zwo) inherit, be the heir to; succeed (to) | heredi koysa fon koywan - inherit smth from smb | hereda - (kwo) heritage; inheritance | hereder - (kwo) heir
20. honeste
- (kwel) honest (fair and straightforward in conduct, thought, etc., free from deceit or fraud, upright)

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