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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 48
1. a
- (konekti) 1) to (aim, direction) | go a shop - go to the shop | lai a dom - come home | returni a janmalanda - return to one's native land | a oli taraf - in/to all…
2. ahir
- (loko-komo) hither, here, this way | Lai ahir. - Come here. | (Origin: a+hir) | Syn.: hir
3. aida
- (exklami) let's go, come along (invitation to go somewhere) | Aida a riva! - Let's go to the river! | Aida fo yabla! - Let's go to get some apples! | Turkish, Slavic
4. apari
- (zwo) appear (come into existence; to become visible - cf. "sembli") | apara - (kwo) appearance
5. aranji
- (zwo) arrange (plan or prerare for; bring about or come to an agreement; settle) | aranji mita - make an appointment | aranja - (kwo) arrangement
6. asendi
- (zwo) go up, ascend, mount | asendi sulam - mount a ladder/stairway | avion oltaim asendi-te - the plane kept ascending | prais asendi - prices come up | asenda -…
7. aus
- (konekti-komo) 1) out (of) (outward movement) | pren kalam aus posh - take a pencil out of the pocket | Lai aus! - Come out! | 2) (made) of (material), out of | botela…
8. ba
- (gramatika) marks imperative | Nu go ba! - Let us go! | Manya yu hev skola. Tayari ba yur leson! - Tomorrow you have classes. Prepare your lesson! | Ta lai ba! - Let him…
9. bak
- (komo) 1) back (in space or time), backwards | Go avan, bu go bak. - Go ahead, don't go back. | Mata wud yao ke suy kindas lai bak a ela. - The mother would like her children to…
10. bay
- (konekti) 1) by, with, by means of (a means or tool) | skribi bay kalam - write with a pencil | lai bay avion - come by airplane | bay forsa - by force | bay to ke yu…
11. blise
- (kwel) close, near, nearby | blisem - (komo) closely | blisitaa - (kwo) closeness, nearness, proximity; affinity | blisejen - (kwo) one's near and dear | blislok…
12. chu
- (zwo) go out, leave, exit; issue (from); ooze out; come out, be issued | lu chu shamba - he left the room | sudor chu on luy fas - the sweat stood out on his face | chu dwar…
13. darfi
- (sta) have permission, be allowed, (one) may | Lu darfi gun kom leker. - He is allowed to work as a doctor. | Me darfi zin ku? - May I come in? | bu darfi - is not allowed…
14. doh
- (exklami) (in response to a negative question or statement) yes; oh yes; on the contrary, quite the contrary | Also yu bu lai? - Doh! - So you won't come? - Oh, yes, I will! | …
15. eni
- (inplas-kwel) any | Eni kinda mog zwo se. - Any child can do this. | in eni kasu (enikas) - in any case | enikomo - (inplas-komo) in any way, anyhow | Yu mog zwo se…
16. expiri
- (zwo) expire (to come to an end (of time), terminate) | expira - (kwo) expiration (coming to a close, termination)
17. fo
- (konekti) 1) for (the object, aim, or purpose) | Es fo yu. - This is for you. | Me ve lai fo vidi ela. - I shall come to see her. | fo ke - in order to (see also "dabe") …
18. fulfil
- (zwo) fulfill (carry out, bring to completion, satisfy), come true | hay may yaosa fulfil! - may my wish come true! | fulfilsa - (kwo) fulfillment
19. hev
- (sta) have | Me hev dwa kitaba. - I have two books. | en-hev - (zwo) come to possess | hevsa - (kwo) possession; property, belongings
20. hir
- (loko-komo) here | Lu es hir. - He is here. | Hir es hao. - It's good here. | Lai hir. - Come here. | Figaro hir, Figaro dar. - Figaro's here, Figaro's there. | …

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