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Search query: both
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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 5
1. ambi
- (inplas-kwo, kwel) both | Nu ambi pri sey kitaba. -We both like this book. | Ambi sista pri plei kun doga. - Both sisters like to play with the dog.
2. dwa
- (kwanto) two (2) | li dwa jen - the two of them, they both | nu toki ba pa dwa jen - let the two of us have a talk | mah-dwa - (zwo) bisect, divide into two | …
3. i
- (unisi) i...i... - both...and... | i lu i ela - both he and she | i sey-las i toy-las - these as well as those | (komo) too, also (relates to the following word) | …
4. janmog
- (zwo) know how to, can | Me janmog gani, yu janmog rasmi, bat nu ambi bu janmog swimi. - I can sing, yu can draw, but we both cannot swim. | janmogsa - (kwo) ability, skill,…
5. o (oda)
- (unisi) or | Kwo yu pri pyu, rasmi o gani? - What do you like more, to draw or to sing? | oda...oda... - either...or | Me bu mog dai a yu ambi kamel. Pren un. Oda sey-la,…

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