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Search query: away
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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 16
1. dale
- (kwel) far, distant, remote | dalem - (komo) afar | fon dalem - from afar | dalitaa - (kwo) distance (a considerable amount of space), expanse, remoteness | …
2. deflui
- (zwo) flow away, rush from | defluisa - (kwo) ebb, reflux | afluisa e defluisa - flow and ebb | (Origin: de(s)+flui)
3. fobi
- (zwo) fear, be afraid | foba - (kwo) fear, fright | prefoba - (kwo) misgiving, apprehension | fobisi - (zwo) frighten, scare, intimidate | rasfobisi -…
4. fugi
- (zwo) flee, run away | fuga - (kwo) flight, escape | fuger - (kwo) fugitive, runaway | Spanish
5. gadari
- (zwo) betray, give away | gadara - (kwo) betrayal, treason | gadarnik - (kwo) betrayer, traitor | gadara-ney (gadare), gadaralik - (kwel) treacherous, perfidious,…
6. lan
- (kwel) lazy, idle | lanfai - (zwo) be lazy, idle one's time away | lantaa - (kwo) laziness | lannik - (kwo) lazy fellow, idler, sluggard, loafer | Mandarin
7. porti
- (zwo) bear, carry; wear | raki-porti - convey or transport in a vehicle | porti wek - (zwo) take away, carry away | porting - (kwo) carrying, bearing | portibile -…
8. ras
- (syao) "separation, division, or dispersion" | muvi to move - rasmuvi to move apart | dai to give - rasdai to distribute, give to several people | sendi to send - rassendi…
9. repeli
- (zwo) repel (put off, force away) | olea repeli akwa - oil repels water | elektre sharja do same signa repeli mutu - electric charges of the same sign repel one another | …
10. tushi
- (zwo) extinguish, quench; die out | tushing - (kwo) extinguishing, putting out; extinction, dying (away) | Russian
11. tuy
- (komo) immediately, at once, right away | Lu he samaji to tuy. - He got it right away. | Riva es tuy afte dom. - The river is right after the house. | tuy ke - as soon as …
12. wek
- 1) (loko-komo) away, off | Go wek! - Go away! | May tren es yo wek. - My train is away already. | mah-wek - (zwo) get rid of, do away with, expel, drive away | …
13. wekgoni
- (zwo) chase away, drive away
14. weklansi
- (zwo) throw away, throw out
15. wekturni
- (zwo) turn away (avert)
16. yus
- (komo) just (precisely, exactly) | yus kontra-nem - just the other way round | yus tanto kwanto treba - just as much as needed | yus to ke me nidi - just what I need | …

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