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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 16
1. amiga
- (kwo) friend | amigo - (kwo) male friend | amigina - (kwo) female friend | amiga-ney (amige), amigalik - (kwel) amiable, affable, friendly | amigitaa - (kwo)…
2. aspekti
- (zwo) look, appear | aspekti fatigi-ney - look tired | aspekta - (kwo) aspect, view, sight, look, appearance | fai aspekta - pretend, affect, feign
3. blise
- (kwel) close, near, nearby | blisem - (komo) closely | blisitaa - (kwo) closeness, nearness, proximity; affinity | blisejen - (kwo) one's near and dear | blislok…
4. dela
- (kwo) affair, business, case, issue, matter | bu es may dela - that is none of my business | dela go hao - the affair goes well | prave dela - just/righteous cause | …
5. direktor
- (kwo) director (person chosen to control or govern the affairs of an institution or corporation) | direktor de skola - director of a school
6. dule
- (kwel) tender (affectionate) | dulitaa - (kwo) tenderness | Hindi
7. go
- (zwo) go (move; leave; proceed) | go a leker - go to the doctor | dela go hao - the thing goes good | go-she - (kwel) current | go-she wik - the current week | …
8. impresi
- (zwo) impress (produce impression, affect strongly) | impresa - (kwo) impression
9. influsi
- (zwo) influence, affect | influsa - (kwo) influence
10. insulti
- (zwo) insult, affront | insulta - (kwo) insult, affront
11. karesi
- (zwo) caress, fondle with affection | karesa - (kwo) caress
12. konfirmi
- (zwo) affirm, confirm, corroborate | konfirma - (kwo) confirmation, corroboration
13. ladi
- (zwo) go right, go well; put right, put in order, fix up, settle, make smth OK | ladi dela - to settle an affair | olo ladi - everything goes good | ladi kun koywan - get on…
14. latif
- (kwel) affable, polite, courteous | Arabic
15. lyan
- (zwo) be attached (to smth/smb - a koywan/koysa), be affectionate (towards) | li lyan a mutu - they are attached to each other | lyan-ney - (kwel) in mental bonding, attached,…
16. trefi
- (zwo) hit, not miss; overtake, strike, befall, (med.) affect | trefi nishan - hit the target | trefi-ney (trefen) bay kula - bullet-stricken | disasta trefi-te lu - he was…

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