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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 46
1. Amerika
- (kwo)America (continent) | Amerika-ney - (kwel) American (of or pertaining to the Americas) | Amerika-jen - (kwo) American (an inhabitant of the Americas; cf. "USA-jen") | …
2. anubav
- (kwo) experience | anubav-ney jen - experienced person, man of experience | anubavi - (zwo) experience (cf. "trajivi") | Hindi
3. chi
- (zwo) eat | chi masu - eat meat | hao-chi-ke fan - a tasty food | chi sabahfan - have breakfast | chi deyfan - have a midday meal | chi akshamfan - have…
4. do
- (konekti) precedes a specific characteristic, distinctive feature, or destination of object | gela do grin okos - green-eyed girl | jen do lignagamba - a man with a wooden leg …
5. Doichland
- (kwo) Germany | Doichland-jen - (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Germany
6. droni
- (zwo) drown; sink | droni-ney jen, dronijen - drowned man | mah-droni - (zwo) drown (deprive of life) | mah swa droni - drown oneself
7. dwa
- (kwanto) two (2) | li dwa jen - the two of them, they both | nu toki ba pa dwa jen - let the two of us have a talk | mah-dwa - (zwo) bisect, divide into two | …
8. eni
- (inplas-kwel) any | Eni kinda mog zwo se. - Any child can do this. | in eni kasu (enikas) - in any case | enikomo - (inplas-komo) in any way, anyhow | Yu mog zwo se…
9. Espania
- (kwo) Spain | Espania-jen - (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Spain
10. Frans
- (kwo) France | Frans-jen - inhabitant/citizen of France
11. fuy
- (exklami, syao) fie (disgust, repugnance) | fuy-jen, fuynik - a nasty person | fuyka - ugly thing
12. ge
- 1) (kwo) piece (single item) | pet dolar per ge - five dollars apiece | 2) (gramatika) optional marker of the singular | auto-ge - one car | jen-ge - one person | …
13. gorba
- (kwo) hump, hunch (deformity of the back in humans; the fleshy structure on the back of a camel) | gorba-ney (gorbe) - (kwel) hunchbacked | gorbe jen - (kwo) hunchback | …
14. hi
- (gramatika) "exactly, it's...that" (emphasizes the previous word) | nau hi - right now | Den se hi me yao shwo. - This exactly I want to say. | Me hi zwo-te se. - It's me…
15. Ingland
- (kwo) England | Ingland-jen - inhabitant/citizen of England
16. Italia
- (kwo) Italy | Italia-jen - (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Italy
17. jen
- (kwo) man (human, any man or woman) | jenley - (kwo) mankind | jen-ney - (kwel) human | jenlik - (kwel) human, humane (characteristic of human) | jenful - (kwel)…
18. Jungwo
- (kwo) China | Jungwo-jen - (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of China | See also: han
19. ko-jen
- (kwo) associate, helpmate | yu e yur ko-jen - you and your gang/mates | (Origin: ko+jen)
20. koni
- (zwo) be acquainted, know | Me bu koni toy jen. - I don't know that person. | Li bu koni mutu. - They are not acquainted with each other. | en-koni - (zwo) become…

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