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141. go
- (zwo) go (move; leave; proceed) | go a leker - go to the doctor | dela go hao - the thing goes good | go-she - (kwel) current | go-she wik - the current week | …
142. godi
- (zwo) serve (to be convenient or favourable), suit (answer a purpose, be of use) | It godi fo kwo? - What does it serve for? | godi-she - (kwel) suitable, good | godinesa…
143. gorba
- (kwo) hump, hunch (deformity of the back in humans; the fleshy structure on the back of a camel) | gorba-ney (gorbe) - (kwel) hunchbacked | gorbe jen - (kwo) hunchback | …
144. gorla
- (kwo) throat | gorla de botela - throat (neck) of the bottle | Russian
145. gradina
- (kwo) a single stair, step, footstep; rung (step of a ladder)
146. gradus
- (kwo) degree (a unit of measurement) | pet gradus sobre nol - five degrees above zero | dwashi gradus de frosta (garmitaa) - 20 degrees of frost (heat)
147. gran
- (kwel) big, large, great | gro-gran - (kwel) huge, enormous | granfinga - (kwo) thumb | grantaa - (kwo) size, magnitude | stara do un-ney grantaa - star of the…
148. grapa
- (kwo) cluster, bunch, a number of fruits or flowers growing along a common stalk | vingrapa - cluster/bunch of grapes
149. graspi
- (zwo) grasp (to take hold of or seize firmly; comprehend), grip | fa-graspi pa koysa - snatch at smth | graspika - (kwo) handle (haft, knob, bail, etc.) | dwar graspika -…
150. gratis
- (komo) gratis, free of charge
151. graviti
- (zwo) (phys. and fig.) gravitate, be attracted, tend to a center | gravita - (kwo) gravitation | kanun de gravita - the law of gravitation
152. gren
- (kwo) grain (seeds of crops; crops) | greninka - (kwo) a single seed of grain | grendom - (kwo) granary, barn
153. gun
- (zwo) work | gunjen - (kwo) worker | gunsa - (kwo) work, labour | treba go a gunsa - one must go to work | guntura - (kwo) work (product of working) | …
154. gusta
- (kwo) taste | gusti - (zwo) taste (have a taste; sample the flavour of smth orally) | gustike - (kwel) gustatory | hao-gusta-ney - (kwel) tasty
155. guta
- (kwo) drop (of liquid) | guti - (zwo) drip, fall in drops | guting - (kwo) dripping
156. gwansi
- (zwo) concern (have to do with, relate to, be of importance to) | sey dela bu gwansi me - it is no concern of me | gwansi-yen - (konekti) concerning, regarding | gwansa -…
157. ha-ha
- (exklami, kwo) ha-ha, a sound made in imitation of laughter | fai ha-ha - laugh | See also: ridi, hi-hi
158. habar
- (kwo) (piece of) news | Arabic
159. haishi
- (taim-komo) still, as yet, so far | Me haishi bu he zwo se. - I have not done this yet. | Lu haishi safari. - He still travels. | Me es haishi ausen urba. - I am still…
160. han
- 1) (kwel, kwo) Chinese (relating to ethnicity, language or country) | hanjen - (kwo) Chinese (person of Chinese ethnicity) | hanlingwa - (kwo) Chinese language (Syn.: …

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