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121. franko
- (kwo) franc (unit of currency)
122. franse
- (kwel, kwo) French (relating to ethnicity, language or country); French (person of French ethnicity); French language
123. frenta
- (kwo) forehead | frentahar - (kwo) fringe (part of the hair that hangs down over the forehead)
124. fronta
- (kwo) front (battlefront; field of activity; group or movement - cf. "avana", "frenta")
125. fruta
- (kwo) fruit | fruti - (zwo) fruit, bear fruit | fruting - (kwo) fructification (process of producing fruit) | fruti-she - (kwel) fruit-bearing, fructiferous; fruitful …
126. fut
- (kwo) foot (unit of measure)
127. gami
- (zwo) marry (intr./tr.) | gamifi - (zwo) marry (intr.) | gamer, gamifer - (kwo) fiance/fiancee (also dulho, dulhina) | gaming - (kwo) marriage (wedding) | …
128. ganta
- (kwo) glove | piga ganta - leather gloves | dwa para ganta - two pairs of gloves
129. gao
- (kwel, komo) high | mah-gao - (zwo) make high, raise higher, elevate | fa-gao - (zwo) become higher, heighten | gaotaa - (kwo) height | gaoley - (kwel) higher…
130. garwe
- (kwel) proud | garwi, garwefai - (zwo) be proud, take pride | garwi por koysa - be proud of smth | garwitaa - (kwo) pride | Hindi
131. ge
- 1) (kwo) piece (single item) | pet dolar per ge - five dollars apiece | 2) (gramatika) optional marker of the singular | auto-ge - one car | jen-ge - one person | …
132. gei
- (gramatika) marks "the passive of becoming" | gunsa gei zwo - the work is being done | kitaba gei lekti - this book is being read
133. geim
- (kwo) game (a kind of game; a stage of game - cf. "pleisa") | video-geim - (kwo) video game | worda-geim - (kwo) word game | hima (saif) geimes - (kwo) winter (summer)…
134. generasion
- (kwo) generation (people of same period)
135. generati
- (zwo) generate (bring into existence; engender, procreate; produce) | generati elektritaa - to generate electricity | generative - (kwel) generative | generata - (kwo)…
136. genia
- (kwo) genius | geniale - (kwel) of genius, ingenious, genial | genialem - (komo) ingeniously, genially | genialitaa - (kwo) ingeniousness, ingenuity | genialnik -…
137. geti
- (zwo) get (to somewhere, into smth); fall (into a situation) | geti a dom - get home | geti inu kaptika - fall into a trap | geti aus koylok - get out of somewhere
138. gladi
- (zwo) stroke (move the hand over the surface of smth in one direction) | Russian
139. glas
- (kwo) glass (substance) | glas(-ney) - (kwel) glass, of glass | glas bartan - glass utensil | glaslik - (kwel) glassy | glaska - (kwo) smth made of glass; jar | …
140. globus
- (kwo) globe (a spherical model of Earth or any planet)

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