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101. fasia
- (kwo) 1) sheaf, bundle | luma-fasia - shaft of light | ray-fasia - sheaf of rays | kula-fasia - cone of bullets | 2) fascia (connective tissue)
102. fauha
- (kwo) smell, odour | fauhi - (zwo) smell (to have a smell; to sense a smell) | fauhing, fauhisens - (kwo) sense of smell | dusfauha - (kwo) fetor, stench, stink | …
103. favor
- (kwo) favour (an approving attitude, good will; an act performed out of good will, generosity, or mercy) | pregi koywan om favor - ask someone for a favour | favori - (zwo)…
104. felda
- (kwo) field | felda de akting - field of action | magnetfelda - magnetic field | feldakin - glade, clearing | (cf. "agra")
105. fen
- (gramatika) forms fractions | un (de) trifen - one third | sem (de) shifen - seven tenths | tri stofen - three hundredths | pet otfen - five eighths | …
106. fer
- (kwo) iron | ferka - (kwo) an iron thing; piece of iron | ferdao - (kwo) railway | (cf. "yunda")
107. fet
- (kwo) fat; grease | fet-ney - (kwel) fat; fatty; greasy | swina-fet - (kwo) lard | fet-baka - (kwo) fat(ty) tail (of certain breeds of sheep) | feti - (zwo) fatten…
108. figura
- (kwo) figure (outside form, shape of a body; appearance, representation; also geom.) | figuri - (zwo) figure (to be pertinent or involved, appear - cf. "kalkuli, konti")
109. fila
- (kwo) row, line; queue, file (a line of persons or things) | fai fila - stand in line (in a queue)
110. fiti
- (zwo) fit, be of the right size; suit (to accord with - see also "godi") | palto fiti hao - the coat fits well | mah-fiti - (zwo) make fit, adjust
111. flama
- (kwo) flame, blaze | flama-lisan - tongues of flame | flama-ney - (kwel) fiery | flami - (zwo) flame, blaze | flami-she - (kwel) flaming | flaming - (kwo)…
112. flanke
- (kwel) side, flank, lateral | flanka - (kwo) flank, side | montaflanka - mountainside | a flanka - sideways | flanken - (konekti-komo) at the flank or side (of) |…
113. flasha
- (kwo) flash (blaze) | foto-flasha - photo flash | bliza-flasha - a flash of lightning | flashi - (zwo) flash, flare
114. flesh
- (kwo) flesh (the soft parts of the body; the physical being)
115. flexi
- (zwo) bend, curve, flex | flexa - (kwo) bending; bend; flexion | flexitura - (kwo) bend, curve (result of bending) | flexibile - (kwel) flexible
116. fon (1)
- (konekti) from; of (from among) | Me zai go fon teatra - I am going from the theatre. | Me he resivi se fon lu. - I have received this from him. | fon kapa til peda - from…
117. fon (2)
- (kwo) phone, telephone (shortening of "telefon") | Hu-ney fon zai baji? - Whose phone is ringing?
118. format
- (kwo) format (of publication; of data) | formati - (zwo) format | formati-ney (formaten) - (kwel) formatted
119. Frans
- (kwo) France | Frans-jen - inhabitant/citizen of France
120. frama
- (kwo) frame (framework as of a machine, as of a picture; context) | in frama de koysa - within the framework of smth | windaframa - (kwo) window-frame

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