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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 520
501. voli
- (zwo) will, exercise volition | voli-shem - (komo) voluntarily | voler - (kwo) volunteer | vola - (kwo) will, volition | vola-forsa - strength of will | sin…
502. volta
- (kwo) volt (unit of measure) | sto volta - one hundred volts | shi kilovolta - ten kilovolts | sit-volta-ney lampa - a six volt lamp | Irish
503. vota
- (kwo) vote (expression of preference) | maiste vota - majority of votes | voti - (zwo) vote | voting - (kwo) voting, poll, vote
504. wahta
- (kwo) watch (the post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher) | wahti - (zwo) watch (keep a watchful eye on; guard) | wahti kinda - watch the kids | Wahti ba…
505. wanga
- (kwo) cheek (the fleshy part of either side of the face) | wangaruda - (kwo) redness in one's cheeks, (high) colour, flush, blush | wanga-osta - (kwo) cheek-bone | …
506. warni
- (zwo) warn (om koysa - of smth) | warna - (kwo) warning
507. wek
- 1) (loko-komo) away, off | Go wek! - Go away! | May tren es yo wek. - My train is away already. | mah-wek - (zwo) get rid of, do away with, expel, drive away | …
508. westa
- (kwo) west | westa(-ney) - (kwel) west(ern), westerly; occidental | westa feng - west wind | westen - (konekti-komo) to the west, west of | urba es westen - the…
509. yan
- (kwo) sheep | man-yan - (kwo) ram | gin-yan - (kwo) ewe | yunyan - (kwo) lamb | yanmasu - (kwo) mutton | yangurta - (kwo) herd of sheep | Mandarin …
510. yarda
- (kwo) yard (unit of length or volume) | Spanish
511. yash
- (kwo) age (stage/time or duration of life) | zuy yash-ney brata - senior brother | yashi - (zwo) age (intr.) | yashing - (kwo) ageing | yashi-ney (yashen) - (kwel)…
512. ye
- (gramatika) there is/are, available (cf. "yok") | Hir ye mucho flor. - There is a lot of flowers here. | Mani ye? - Is there any money available? Do you have money? | Kwo…
513. yok
- (gramatika) there is no, not available, no (cf. "ye") | Oni bu mog buli makaron: kukipot yok, agni yok; pa fakta, makaron toshi yok. - One can't boil macaroni: there is no saucepan, no…
514. yoksuni
- (zwo) deprive, bereave | yoksuni koywan de koysa - bereave smb of smth | fa-yoksuni - (zwo) lose, be deprived | fa-yoksuni de koysa - lose/be deprived of smth | …
515. yu
- (inplas-kwo) you (sg., pl.) | Me inviti yu oli. - I invite all of you. | yu-ney, yur - (inplas-kwel) your (sg., pl.) | Walaa yur kalam. - Here is your pen. | Sey…
516. yuan
- (kwo) member (a part of a whole; one who belongs to a group or organization - cf. "memba"); employee, worker, staff member | yuantot - (kwo) personnel | (syao) " member of";…
517. yuma
- (kwo) humour | yuma senta - sense of humour | yumanik - (kwo) humourist | yuma-rakonta - (kwo) humorous story | Japanese
518. yuwel
- (kwo) jewel, gem, precious stone | yuwelka - (kwo) jewel (piece of jewellery) | yuweler - (kwo) jeweller | yuwelguan - (kwo) jeweller's | German
519. zodiak
- (kwo) zodiac | zodiak signa - signs of the zodiac
520. zuy
- (gramatika-komo) most; most of all | Ela es zuy jamile. - She is the most beautiful. | Ela gani zuy hao. - She sings best. | Me pri ela zuy. - I like her most of all. | …

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