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21. atma
- (kwo) soul | atma-ney - (kwel) of soul | dusatma-ney - (kwel) bad souled, base | Hindi
22. audi
- (zwo) hear; listen | Me bu audi nixa. - I don't hear anything. | Audi ba! - Listen! | hao-audi-ke musika - a music that is good to hear | bu-gwo-audi-ke - unheard-of
23. aus
- (konekti-komo) 1) out (of) (outward movement) | pren kalam aus posh - take a pencil out of the pocket | Lai aus! - Come out! | 2) (made) of (material), out of | botela…
24. auslanda
- (kwo) foreign countries | in auslanda - abroad | auslanda-ney - (kwel) foreign, of foreign countries | auslandajen, auslander - (kwo) foreigner, a person from a foreign…
25. avan
- (komo) forward, ahead (in space or time) | Avan, sempre avan! - Forward, always forward! | Kan avan, bu kan bak. - Look forward, don't look back. | Go avan, bu turni. - Go…
26. avanpasi
- (zwo) pass ahead of, outstrip
27. bade
- (kwel) bad; evil (cf. "dushte") | bu bade - not bad | baditaa - (kwo) evil | lucha de haotaa e baditaa - struggle of the good and the evil | badifi (fa-bade) - (zwo)…
28. bahana
- (kwo) pretext, excuse | bahani - (zwo) pretext | bahani-yen ke - under the pretext of | Hindi
29. banda
- (kwo) 1) band (strip; a part of spectrum); ribbon; | 2) band (group) | banda de frekwensa - frequency band
30. bartan
- (kwo) household vessel; tableware | woshi bartan - wash the dishes | bartanlemar - (kwo) dresser (cupboard or set of shelves for dishes or kitchen utensils) | Hindi
31. basta
- (komo) enough | nu hev basta pan - we have enough bread | sauna bu es haishi basta garme - it is not yet hot enough in the sauna | (exklami) that will do! enough! | …
32. bay
- (konekti) 1) by, with, by means of (a means or tool) | skribi bay kalam - write with a pencil | lai bay avion - come by airplane | bay forsa - by force | bay to ke yu…
33. bey
- (kwo) back (the rear of body); backrest | stula bey - back of chair | stan al bey versu koywan - stand with one's back to smb | beybao - (kwo) rucksack | Mandarin …
34. bifoo
- (konekti) before (in space or time) | bifoo dom - before the house | bifoo festa - before the holiday | bifoo ke lu en-somni - before he fell asleep | bifoo olo -…
35. blada
- (kwo) blade (of a knife, sword; of an oar, propeller)
36. blik
- (kwo) catchlight, flare (reflection of light) | Russian
37. blok
- (kwo) block; unit (a part of a mechanism)
38. boh
- (kwo) god | bohina - (kwo) goddess | boh-ney, bohlik - (kwel) divine | bohmata - (kwo) mother of god | boh-blama - (kwo) blasphemy | fai boh-blama - commit…
39. borda
- (kwo) border (outer edge; frontier), brink; edge; board (of ship) | pa borda de abisma - at the brink of the abyss | bay pamaborda - with edge of one's hand | lingwa borda…
40. brata
- (kwo) brother | bratalik - (kwel) brotherly | May ko-bratas do kalam. - My co-brethren of the quill. | Sanskrit

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