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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 520
361. pot
- (kwo) pot (a household vessel of medium size) | florpot - (kwo) flowerpot | kukipot - (kwo) cooking pot
362. pres
- (kwo) press (the entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news - cf. "preser")
363. prime
- (kwel) prime (first in importance or quality), primary, paramount | es prime kwesta - it's a question of primary importance | primem - (komo) above all, first of all; primarily,…
364. prinsip
- (kwo) principle | prinsip-ney - (kwel) of principle
365. pro
- (konekti-syao) pro, in favour of | pro-westa stata - a pro-Western state | Nu es pro guverna. - We support government. | Ob yu es pro may idea? - Do you support my idea? …
366. probus
- (kwo) proboscis (of elephant, of insect)
367. punta
- (kwo) point (dot; full stop, period; item or entry in list; score; place or locality) | puntakoma - (kwo) semicolon | dwapunta - (kwo) colon (punctuation mark) | …
368. pupila
- (kwo) pupil (of eye)
369. pur
- (konekti) 1) for, in exchange for | Tu kupi signifi pren koysa pur mani. - To buy means to take something for money. | pur to - in return, instead, but then | 2) for, in…
370. raki
- (zwo) ride (to transport oneself by means of smth), drive, go by smth (tr./intr.) | raki kaval - ride a horse | raki bus - go by bus | raki tren - go by train | raker…
371. ramla
- (kwo) sand | ramlinka - (kwo) grain of sand | ramlakloka - (kwo) hourglass | Arabic
372. rasum
- (kwo) reason (cognitive faculties; reasoning; ability to think - cf. "kausa") | jen do rasum - man of reason | rasum-ney - (kwel) reasonable | norasum-ney - (kwel)…
373. raunda
- (kwo) round (a unit of play)
374. ravan
- (kwo) amble (of a horse) | ravaner, ravan-kaval - (kwo) ambler | Tukish, Bulgarian
375. redakti
- (zwo) edit | redakter - (kwo) editor | redakting - (kwo) redaction (process of editing) | redakta (redaktura) - (kwo) redaction, version | tri-ney redakta de kitaba…
376. regula
- (kwo) rule, regulation | kom regula - as a rule | regulatot - (kwo) regulations | regulare - (kwel) regular | regularitaa - (kwo) regularity | reguli - (zwo)…
377. relati
- (zwo) relate (have connection or relationship) | se bu relati a dela - this doesn't relate to the matter | relata - (kwo) relation, relationship (connection; condition of being…
378. religion
- (kwo) religion | religion-ney - (kwel) religious (of religion) | religionful - (kwel) religious (having reverence for God)
379. rema
- (kwo) oar | remi - (zwo) row (propel a boat by use of an oar) | reming - (kwo) rowing | ek-reming - a sweep of oars | remer - (kwo) rower, oarsman
380. remarki
- (zwo) remark (express briefly and casually as a comment) | remarka - (kwo) remark (comment, a casual or brief expression of opinion)

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