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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 520
201. kamon
- (exklami) come on (an expression of encouragement, hurrying up, or disbelief) | kamon, shwo! - come on, speak! | kamon, go kway! - come on, go quickly!
202. kampa
- (kwo) camp (outdoor place; group of people) | kampi - (zwo) camp
203. kan
- (zwo) look (try to see; to face or present a view), watch (view) | kan TV - watch TV | winda kan gata - windows face the street | kan sirkum - to look around | kan bak…
204. kapa
- (kwo) head; prow | spilakapa - pinhead | kol-kapa - head of cabbage
205. kapti
- (zwo) catch, capture, seize | kapta, kapting - (kwo) capture (act of capturing), catching | kaptiwat - (kwo) capture (smth captured), prey | kapter, kaptika - (kwo)…
206. karakter
- (kwo) character (distinctive quality of a person or thing) | karakter-ney - (kwel) characteristic | karakterisi - (zwo) characterize | Greek
207. kariera
- (kwo) career (occupation; the general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements)
208. kauda
- (kwo) tail | in kauda de tren - at the tail of the train
209. ken
- (kwo) can (vessel); tin can (also "tin ken") | pintaken - can of paint
210. kikiriki
- (exklami, zwo) cock-a-doodle-doo; to crow (utter the shrill cry characteristic of a cock or rooster)
211. kino
- (kwo) cinema (film; art of making films; movie industry) | kinoguan - (kwo) cinema (movie theatre) | German
212. kipi
- keep (maintain possession or condition of) | kipi mani in banka - keep money in bank | kipi sekret - keep a secret | kipi nada - keep a hope
213. klaida
- (kwo) clothes, clothing, garments | klaidi - (zwo) dress, clothe | klaidi swa - (zwo) dress oneself | klaiding - (kwo) dressing (the activity of getting dressed) | …
214. klava
- (kwo) key (of a keyboard) | klavatot - (kwo) keyboard
215. koalision
- (kwo) coalition (union of persons, parties or states)
216. koda
- (kwo) 1) code (a system of signals or symbols - cf. "kodexa"); 2) coda
217. kodexa
- (kwo) code (a systematic collection of laws or regulations - cf. "koda")
218. kolar
- (kwo) collar (of shirt or garment - cf. "galsatasma")
219. kolina
- (kwo) hill | nichen kolina - at the foot of the hill | go nich kolina - go down the hill
220. kom
- (gramatika) 1) as (in comparisons, references) | Lu mog gani sam hao kom ela. - He can sing as good as her. | Gran kom elefanta. - Big as an elefant. | Kom me yo shwo-te -…

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