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21. modus
- (kwo) mode (way, manner, or status); (gram.) mood
22. nul
- (inplas-kwel) no (whatever), none (whatever) | Nul kinda pri go somni. - No child likes to go sleep. | nulem - (inplas-komo) in no way | nulgrad - (inplas-komo) not in the…
23. obstakla
- (kwo) obstacle | obstakli, fai obstakla - (zwo) impede, hamper, put obstacles in the way
24. organisi
- (zwo) organize | organising - (kwo) organization (process) | organisa - (kwo) organization (quality of being organized or way in which smth is organized) | organisasion -…
25. otre
- (inplas-kwel) other, another | ni un ni otre - neither one nor the other | pa otre taraf - on the other hand | otrem - in other way, differently; otherwise | …
26. pasi
- (zwo) pass; pass by | pasi-ney (pasen) yar - the past year | pasi nocha - pass night | taim pasi lentem - the time drags on/crawls | pasiwat - (kwo) past (the period…
27. prave
- (kwel) right (correct, just, true, appropriate; synonyms with narrower meaning are "vere, juste, korekte") | prave jawaba - right answer | prave desida - sound decision | …
28. same
- (inplas-kwel) the same, that very | Nu shwo same lingwa. - We speak the same language. | pa same taim - at the same time | samem - (inplas-komo) in the same way | Li…
29. stepi
- (zwo) step (move the foot in walking), pace, tread | stepa - (kwo) step (also measure, action) | fai stepa fo/kontra koysa - take steps for/against smth | rasstepi -…
30. tak
- (komo) so, in this way | Me opini tak. - I think so. Tak, bu kontra-nem. - So, not otherwise. Hay bi tak! - So be it! | tak ke - so that | Russian
31. toshi
- (komo) too, as well, also, likewise, similarly, like or in the same way as somebody or something else (cf. "yoshi") | Me pri gani. - Me toshi. - I like to sing. - Me too. | Me bu…
32. tra
- (konekti-syao) through; over, across, to (on) the other side of | Me he vidi yu tra winda. - I saw you through the window. | Go tra gata! - Cross the street! | Nu gun om sey…
33. ustupi
- (zwo) concede, yield, give way | ustupa - (kwo) concession | ustupishil - (kwel) compliant, yielding, pliable | Russian
34. via
- (konekti) via (passing through, by way/means of) | a London via Paris - to London via Paris | via radio - via radio | May gin-visin sempre shwo mucho. Me en-jan oli habar…
35. way
- (kwesti) why | Way yu bu jawabi? - Why don't you answer? | waynik - (kwo) why-boy, why-girl
36. wo
- (kwesti) where | Wo yu es? Me bu vidi yu. - Where are you? I don't see you. | a wo - where, which way | A wo yu go? - Where are you going? | fon wo - where from …
37. yoshi
- (komo) in addition, also, moreover (cf. "toshi") | Me pri gani e dansi. Yoshi me pri rasmi. - I like to sing and dance. Also I like to draw. | Yoshi treba shwo ke... - Also, one…
38. yus
- (komo) just (precisely, exactly) | yus kontra-nem - just the other way round | yus tanto kwanto treba - just as much as needed | yus to ke me nidi - just what I need | …

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