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101. posible
- (kwel) possible | buposible - impossible | posiblitaa - (kwo) possibility | mah-posible - (zwo) enable (also "mogisi")
102. premia
- (kwo) bonus, premium (also finance), prize | Nobel premia - Nobel Prize
103. probable
- (kwel) probable, likely | shao-probable - unlikely, not likely | probablem - (komo) probably (see also "shayad") | probablitaa - (kwo) probability
104. profesion
- (kwo) profession, occupation | See also: profi
105. pumbe
- (kwel) silly (may be used without insulting connotations), simple-minded, goofy | pumba - (kwo) silly, simpleton, ninny, duffer | pumbitaa - (kwo) folly | See also:…
106. riza
- (kwo) root (also math.) | kwadra-riza - square root | riza-ney - (kwel) radical (of or pertaining to a root or to the intrinsic nature of smth) | Greek
107. roli
- (zwo) roll | rolika - (kwo) roll; roller | rola, roling - (kwo) roll (act), rolling | rolibutas - (kwo) roller skates | See also: volvi
108. salata
- (kwo) 1) salad | 2) lettuce (also "gardensalata") | Romanian
109. satan
- (kwo) Satan, Devil (the chief antagonist of God) | See also: bes, diabla
110. septemba
- (kwo) September (also mes-nin) | pa septemba - in September
111. shifti
- (zwo) shift, alter, dislocate, displace | shifta - (kwo) shift, dislocation, displacement | See also: smena
112. shwo
- (zwo) say, speak | si mog shwo tak - so to speak | otrem shwo-yen - to put it differently | shwoing - (kwo) speaking; grammar mood | shwosa - (kwo) speech (see also
113. sinior
- (kwo) sir, gentleman (a polite form of addressing or naming a male) | See also: madam
114. sirkula
- (kwo) circle (also group of persons) | sirkula-ney (sirkule) - (kwel) circular | sirkulalinia - (kwo) circumference
115. sirkuli
- (zwo) circulate | sirkuling - (kwo) circulation (also "sirkulasion")
116. sisma
- (kwo) earthquake (also "ardatrema")
117. skrapi
- (zwo) scratch, scrape | skrapi swa - scratch oneself | skrapitura - (kwo) scratch (result of scratching) | skraping - (kwo) scratching | See also: raspi
118. skusi
- (zwo) excuse (forgive; make allowance for; serve as justification for) | skusa - (kwo) excuse | pregi skusa - apologize | Syn.: pardoni | See also: bahani
119. sol
- (komo) only | sol manya - only tomorrow | bu sol... bat yoshi... - not only... but also...
120. spas
- (kwo) space (also whitespace) | spas-ney - (kwel) spacial | spas-taim-ney - (kwel) spatiotemporal, space-time

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