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  • >Lidepla lexikon - 145
81. mis
- 1) (kwo) miss (a title of respect for a young unmarried woman; an unmarried woman) | See also: sinior, madam | 2) (syao) mis- (in a wrong way) | misyusi - misuse | …
82. mus
- (sta) must | Oli jen mus chi fo jivi. - All people must eat in order to live. | Manya me mus go a ofis. - Tomorrow I must go to the office. | Yu mus bu chi. = You must not…
83. na
- (gramatika) (optionally marks an end of a semantic group) | See also: ti
84. nesese
- (kwel) necessary (also "of an inevitable nature") | nesesitaa - (kwo) necessity
85. neva
- (taim-komo) never | See also: nulves
86. nihon
- (kwel, kwo) Japanese | See also: Nipon
87. Nipon
- (kwo) Japan | Nipon-jen - (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Japan | See also: nihon
88. novemba
- (kwo) November (also mes-shi-un) | pa novemba - in November
89. oktoba
- (kwo) October (also mes-shi)
90. okupi
- (zwo) occupy (a place, time, mind) | se okupi oli may duma - this occupies all my thoughts | se okupi mucho taim - it takes much time | okupi-ney (okupen) - (kwel) occupied…
91. oma
- (kwo) grandmother | See also: opa | German
92. onkla
- (kwo) uncle | See also: tia
93. opa
- (kwo) grandfather | praopa - (kwo) great-grandfather | See also: oma | German
94. operati
- (zwo) operate | operata - (kwo) operation (also "operasion") | operater - (kwo) operator
95. pasi
- (zwo) pass; pass by | pasi-ney (pasen) yar - the past year | pasi nocha - pass night | taim pasi lentem - the time drags on/crawls | pasiwat - (kwo) past (the period…
96. pasturi
- (zwo) graze, pasture | pasturi-sha - (kwo) herder, herdsman, shepherd (also "gurtayuan")
97. patra
- (kwo) father | prapatra - (kwo) forefather | mata-patra - (kwo) parents | patralanda - (kwo) fatherland | See also: papa
98. planta
- (kwo) plant (organism) | planti - (zwo) plant | beplanti agra bay repa - to plant the field with turnips | planting - (kwo) planting (act) | plantiwat - (kwo)…
99. polsa
- (kwo) wrist (the joint between the hand and the forearm) | See also: pulsa
100. pondi
- (zwo) weigh (determine weight; consider - cf. "vegi") | ponding - (kwo) weighing | pondika - (kwo) balance, scales (also "vaka") | pondidan - (kwo) scale (either of the…

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