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141. disputi
- (zwo) argue, spar, bicker | disputa - (kwo) dispute, controversy | disputibile - (kwel) disputable, arguable | disputnik - (kwo) debater, squabbler | prais-disputnik…
142. distinti
- (zwo) distinguish | fa-distinti in batala - distinguish oneself in action | distinta - (kwo) distinction | fai distinta inter koysa e koysa - make difference between smth…
143. distrati
- (zwo) distract, divert | distrata - (kwo) distraction, diversion; (fig.) absence of mind | distrati-ney (distraten), distratishil - (kwel) absent-minded
144. diva
- (kwo) miracle, marvel, wonder | diva yok - no wonder | diva-ney - (kwel) marvellous, wonderful | divi - (zwo) wonder, marvel, look with amazement | Russian
145. diverse
- (kwel) diverse, sundry, several, various | diversitaa - (kwo) diversity, variety, multiplicity
146. do-janma-ney
- (kwel) innate, inborn, inherent, native
147. doiche
- (kwel, kwo) German (relating to ethnicity, language or country); German (person of German ethnicity); German language
148. dokumenta
- (kwo) document | dokumenti - (zwo) document | dokumentale - (kwel) documental
149. dolche
- (kwel) sweet | dolchevos-ney - having a sweet voice | dolchitaa - (kwo) sweetness, sweet (basic taste sensation) | dolcha, dolchika - (kwo) sweet (smth sweet)
150. dom
- (kwo) house; home | me es pa dom - I am at home | chu dom - to leave home | treba go a dom - we should go home | domlik - (kwel) home, cozy | domyuan - (kwo)…
151. domini
- (zwo) dominate | domini-she - (kwel) dominant, dominating | domina - (kwo) domination
152. doni
- (zwo) give as a gift; donate; make a present (cf. "dai") | dona - (kwo) gift, present; donation | dona de shwosa - gift of speech | donakin - (kwo) sop; tip | …
153. dosile
- (kwel) docile
154. drastike
- (kwel) drastic | drastike shanja - drastic alterations | drastike meja - drastic measures
155. drir
- (kwel) uncompromising, steadfast, firm, unflinching, inflexible, unbending | Hindi
156. drole
- (kwel) funny, amusing
157. dubi
- (zwo) doubt, question | duba - (kwo) doubt | dubival - (kwel) doubtful, dubious, questionable | sin duba, duba yok - undoubtedly, no doubt
158. duhi
- (zwo) anguish | duha - (kwo) anguish, misery, distress | duhaful - (kwel) agonizing, distressing, trying | Hindi
159. dule
- (kwel) tender (affectionate) | dulitaa - (kwo) tenderness | Hindi
160. dumi
- (zwo) think | me dumi ke... - I think that... | en-dumi - (zwo) begin to think | duma - (kwo) thought, idea | dumishil - (kwel) thoughtful | duming - (kwo)…

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