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Search query: kwel
Found in dictionaries: 955
  • >Lidepla lexikon - 955
941. voli
- (zwo) will, exercise volition | voli-shem - (komo) voluntarily | voler - (kwo) volunteer | vola - (kwo) will, volition | vola-forsa - strength of will | sin…
942. volupta
- (kwo) voluptuousness | volupta-ney (volupte) - (kwel) voluptuous
943. vulkan
- (kwo) volcano | vulkanike - (kwel) volcanic | Azeri
944. warme
- (kwel) warm | warmifi (fa-warme) - (zwo) get warm, warm up, grow warm | warmisi (mah-warme) - (zwo) warm, make warm | warmish - (kwel) lukewarm, tepid | warmitaa -…
945. wektaimi
- (zwo) become outdated, obsolete | wektaimi-ney (wektaimen) - (kwel) outdated, obsolete | (Origin: wek+taim+i)
946. westa
- (kwo) west | westa(-ney) - (kwel) west(ern), westerly; occidental | westa feng - west wind | westen - (konekti-komo) to the west, west of | urba es westen - the…
947. yar
- (kwo) year | Hao nove yar! - Happy New Year! | muchoyar-ney - (kwel) multiyear | yar-ney, kadayar-ney - (kwel) annual, yearly | yardey - (kwo) anniversary | …
948. yarke
- (kwel) bright; vivid | yarke sonja - vivid dream | yarkem - (komo) brightly; vividly | yarkitaa - (kwo) brightness; vividness | Russian
949. yash
- (kwo) age (stage/time or duration of life) | zuy yash-ney brata - senior brother | yashi - (zwo) age (intr.) | yashing - (kwo) ageing | yashi-ney (yashen) - (kwel)…
950. yu
- (inplas-kwo) you (sg., pl.) | Me inviti yu oli. - I invite all of you. | yu-ney, yur - (inplas-kwel) your (sg., pl.) | Walaa yur kalam. - Here is your pen. | Sey…
951. yunge
- (kwel) young | yungitaa - (kwo) youth (period, condition or quality) | yunga - (kwo) young man/woman | yungo - (kwo) young man | yungina - (kwo) young woman | …
952. yur
- (inplas-kwel) your (sg., pl.)
953. yusi
- (zwo) use (put into service, apply, exploit) | hao-yusi-ke - handy | yusa, yusing - (kwo) use, usage, application | yuser - (kwo) user | yusibile - (kwel) usable …
954. zide
- (kwel) pertinacious, stubborn, obstinate | Hindi
955. zuy
- (gramatika-komo) most; most of all | Ela es zuy jamile. - She is the most beautiful. | Ela gani zuy hao. - She sings best. | Me pri ela zuy. - I like her most of all. | …

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