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Search query: kwel
Found in dictionaries: 955
  • >Lidepla lexikon - 955
61. atrakti
- (zwo) attract | atrakta - (kwo) attraction | atraktive - (kwel) attractive
62. audi
- (zwo) hear; listen | Me bu audi nixa. - I don't hear anything. | Audi ba! - Listen! | hao-audi-ke musika - a music that is good to hear | bu-gwo-audi-ke - unheard-of …
63. audio
- (kwo, kwel) audio | rekordi audio - record audio
64. aus
- (konekti-komo) 1) out (of) (outward movement) | pren kalam aus posh - take a pencil out of the pocket | Lai aus! - Come out! | 2) (made) of (material), out of | botela…
65. auslanda
- (kwo) foreign countries | in auslanda - abroad | auslanda-ney - (kwel) foreign, of foreign countries | auslandajen, auslander - (kwo) foreigner, a person from a foreign…
66. autentike
- (kwel) authentic (genuine, real) | autentikitaa - (kwo) authenticity | Greek
67. automat
- (kwo) automatic machine, automaton, automat | automatike - (kwel) automatic | automatikem - (komo) automatically | automatisi - (zwo) automatize | automatisa -…
68. avane
- (kwel) front, fore | avanpatas - forelegs | avana - (kwo) front, facing side (also "avantaraf")
69. avare
- (kwel) avaricious, miserly, greedy | avaritaa - (kwo) avarice, greed | avarnik - (kwo) miser, niggard
70. avide
- (kwel) greedy, avid | aviditaa - (kwo) greed, avidity | avida (avido, avidina) - (kwo) greedy person
71. axa
- (kwo) axis, axle | axike - (kwel) axial
72. azure
- (kwel) azure
73. bade
- (kwel) bad; evil (cf. "dushte") | bu bade - not bad | baditaa - (kwo) evil | lucha de haotaa e baditaa - struggle of the good and the evil | badifi (fa-bade) - (zwo)…
74. bake
- (kwel) rear, back, hind | bakpatas - hind legs | baka - (kwo) the back (back side, reverse side, or area behind) (also "baktaraf")
75. balansa
- (kwo) balance, equilibrium (cf. "vaka") | balansi - (zwo) balance, maintain equilibrium; counterpoise, counterbalance | balansing - (kwo) equilibration, balancing | …
76. barbare
- (kwel) barbarian, barbarous | barbara - (kwo) barbarian | barbaritaa - (kwo) barbarism; barbarity
77. basa
- (kwo) base | basi - (zwo) base | basike - (kwel) basic | basikem - (komo) basically | sinbasa-ney - (kwel) groundless, unfounded
78. basu
- (kwo) bass (low sound) | shwo pa basu - speak/say in low voice | basu-ney - (kwel) bass | basu-ney vos - bass voice
79. beje
- (kwel) beige
80. bestia
- (kwo) beast | bestialik - (kwel) bestial, brutish | Syn.: animal

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