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Search query: kwel
Found in dictionaries: 955
  • >Lidepla lexikon - 955
41. amiga
- (kwo) friend | amigo - (kwo) male friend | amigina - (kwo) female friend | amiga-ney (amige), amigalik - (kwel) amiable, affable, friendly | amigitaa - (kwo)…
42. amusi
- (zwo) amuse, entertain | amusi swa - amuse oneself | amusa - (kwo) amusement | amusi-she - (kwel) amusing
43. analoge
- (kwel) analogous | analogem - (komo) analogously | analoga - (kwo) analogue | analogitaa - (kwo) analogy, analogousness
44. anchun
- (kwel) safe, secure | anchuntaa - (kwo) safety, security | Mandarin
45. anglosaxon
- (kwo, kwel) Anglo-Saxon
46. animi
- (zwo) animate, endow with life; enliven, give animation to | animi-ney - (kwel) animated | anima - (kwo) animation | shwo kun anima - speak with animation | …
47. anjel
- (kwo) angel | anjellik - (kwel) angel-like, angelic
48. anonime
- (kwel) anonymous
49. aparte
- (kwel) separate, detached, apart (from others) | apartem - (komo) apart | apartem fon otres - apart from the others
50. apliki
- (zwo) apply (put on, upon, or to; put to or adapt for a special use; put into action) | aplika - (kwo) application | apliki-ney (apliken) - (kwel) applied | apliken fisika…
51. arabi
- (kwel, kwo) Arab; Arabic; Arabic language
52. arkaike
- (kwel) archaic
53. aroma
- (kwo) aroma | aroma-herba - aromatic herbs | aromaful - (kwel) full of aroma, aromatic, fragrant or sweet-smelling | aromike - (kwel) aromatic (chem.)
54. artifisiale
- (kwel) artificial (man-made; false; unnatural - cf. "jengun-ney")
55. astoni
- (zwo) astonish, amaze | fa-astoni - (zwo) be amazed, be astonished, marvel, wonder | astoni-she, astonival - (kwel) astonishing, marvelous | astoni-shem - (komo)…
56. astronomia
- (kwo) astronomy | astronomier - (kwo) astronomer | astronomike - (kwel) astronomical
57. atenta
- (kwo) attention | fai nul atenta om koysa - pay no attention to smth | atenti - (zwo) be attentive to, heed, mind, pay attention to | atenta-ney (atente) - (kwel)…
58. atletika
- (kwo) athletics | atletike - (kwel) athletic | Maltese
59. atma
- (kwo) soul | atma-ney - (kwel) of soul | dusatma-ney - (kwel) bad souled, base | Hindi
60. atom
- (kwo) atom | atom-ney - (kwel) atomic

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