selected terms: 65 | page 1 of 1 |
- 1) (konekti) if |
Si pluvi dan me resti pa dom. - If it rains then I rest at home. |
Kwo si ta bu lai? - What if he doesn't come? |
2) (gramatika) a likening particle ("sort of, similar to, something like, a kind of, as if, seemingly") |
Ta bildi un dom-si aus brancha. - He built a kind of house using branches. |
Kwo lopi tra shamba? - Un maus-si. - What is running across the room? - A mouse or something. |
rude-si - reddish |
shi-si - about ten
- (zwo) sit |
en-sidi - (zwo) sit down |
sidika - (kwo) seat (object for sitting or connected with sitting)
- (kwo) cider
- (kwo) dial (a graduated, circular scale over which a needle moves to show a measurement); (clock) face |
- (kwo) cipher (a numeric character), digit, figure |
arabi sifra - Arabic numerals |
sifra(-ney) - (kwel) digital (numerical)
- (kwo) sieve (device) |
sifti - (zwo) sieve, sift |
sifting - (kwo) sieve, sift, screening
- (kwo) cigar
- (kwo) cigarette |
sigaretadan - (zwo) cigarette-case
- (kwo) seal (signet, its impression, etc. - cf. "fok") |
sigli - (zwo) seal
- (kwo) sign; token |
pa signa de koysa - as a token/sign of smth |
signi - (zwo) do/give a sign (cf. "signati") |
signika - (kwo) insignia; badge, pin
- (kwo) signal |
signali - (zwo) signal, give a signal
- (zwo) sign (write one's signature) |
signati-ney e sigli-ney - signed and sealed |
signatura - (kwo) signature
- (zwo) signify, mean, stand for |
signifa - (kwo) meaning |
signifaful - (kwel) significant (carrying meaning; having a covert or hidden meaning) |
Syn.: maini
- (kwel) confident or connected with confidence, sure, secure and certain, safe, reliable, dependable |
sigure om swa selfa, swa-sigure - sure of oneself, self-confident |
sigure om sukses - confident of success |
sigure plasa - safe place |
sigure vos - confident / steady voice |
sigure metoda - sure method |
sigure handa - sure hand |
fo sta sigure - just in case |
sigurem - (komo) confidently, with confidence |
siguritaa - (kwo) confidence, assurance; reliability |
swa-siguritaa - self-reliance |
sigurisi - (zwo) ensure, assure, secure; insure |
sigurisi swa - secure oneself, insure oneself |
sigurisa - (kwo) guaranteeing, securing, ensuring; insurance
- (kwo) cicada
- (kwo) knife |
sikin do kalam - (kwo) penknife |
- (kwo) cycle
- (unisi) since, because, as, considering that (at the beginning of a clause) |
Me bu yao-te shwo to a yu, bat sikom yu selfa begin sey kunshwosa, yu mus jan, ke yu hi es nofelise. - I didn't want to tell it to you, but since you yourself began this conversation, you must know that it's you who is unhappy.
- (kwo) syllable |
- (kwo) herring |
- (zwo) be/keep silent; keep silence |
silensa - (kwo) silence |
silensa-ney (silense) - (kwel) silent |
silensishil - (kwel) taciturn, silent, reserved
- (kwo) cylinder
- (kwo) silk
- (kwo) eyelash; (biol.) cilium, cilia |
elay longe silya bin pinti-ney - her long eyelashes were painted
- (kwo) top, apex, summit
- (kwo) symbol |
simbolike - (kwel) symbolic |
simboli - (zwo) symbolize
- (kwel) similar, alike |
jen-simile - resembling a human being |
similitaa - (kwo) likeness, resemblance, similarity, similitude |
simili - (zwo) be similar; resemble |
lu simili suy mata - he resembles his mother |
similisi - (zwo) liken |
nosimile - (kwel) dissimilar, unlike
- (kwel) simple |
simplitaa - (kwo) simplicity |
simplisi - (zwo) simplify (tr.) |
simplisa - (kwo) simplification |
simplem (sim) - (komo) simply; just |
Me sim bu jan. - I just don't know.
- (zwo) shrink, shrivel, cower |
- (zwo) feign; simulate |
simula - (kwo) simulation |
simuli-sha - (kwo) simulator (person); malingerer |
simuler - (kwo) simulator (device)
- (konekti) without |
(syao) "-less" |
sinsensu-ney - (kwel) senseless |
singola-ney - (kwel) aimless
- (kwo) breast; bosom |
- (kwo) mustard |
- (kwel) single (consisting of one part/aspect; undivided; individual and distinct - cf. "sole") |
single tota - a single whole |
single shamba - a single room |
single forma, singlika - (kwo) singular (gram.) |
singla - (kwo) single
- (zwo) miss (to feel the absence of someone or something, sometimes with regret), yearn, pine |
Me sinian om yu. - I miss you. |
Ta sinian om dom. - He is homesick. |
- (kwo) sir, gentleman (a polite form of addressing or naming a male) |
See also: madam
- (kwo) empty of people, lonely, desolate
- (zwo) sink (submerge; subside; go down slowly) |
sinki fas in kushen - bury one's face in the pillow |
sinka - (kwo) sinking, submersion, submergence
- (kwel) innumerable |
(Origin: sin+namba+ney)
- (kwo) synonym
- (kwel) sincere (not feigned, genuine) |
sinseritaa - (kwo) sincerity
- (kwo) synthesis |
- (kwo) convolution, sinuosity |
brein-sinua - brain convolution(s)
- (kwo) sine (math.)
- (zwo) pour (about granular solid) |
- (kwo) syringe |
- (komo) approximately, about, around |
dar he ye sirke dwashi jen - there were about 20 people |
sirke mil dolar - around 1000 dollars
- (kwo) (electric) circuit |
kurte sirkuita - short circuit
- (kwo) circle (also group of persons) |
sirkula-ney (sirkule) - (kwel) circular |
sirkulalinia - (kwo) circumference
- (zwo) circulate |
sirkuling - (kwo) circulation (also "sirkulasion")
- (konekti-komo) around |
sirkum dom - around the house |
kan sirkum - to look around |
sirkumi - (zwo) encircle, surround |
sirkuma - (kwo) encirclement |
sirkumlok, lo sirkum - (kwo) surroundings
- (kwo) circus
- (kwo) syrup
- (kwo) earthquake (also "ardatrema")
- (kwo) sister
- (kwo) nephew (sister's son) |
(Origin: sista+son)
- (kwo) system
- (kwanto) six (6) |
sitshi - sixty |
sitsto - six hundred |
- (kwo) quotation, citation |
sitati - (zwo) cite, quote
- (kwo) Saturday
- (kwo) city (most ancient part of a town; the financial and commercial center; municipality - cf. "urba")
- (kwo) citizen (person that is a legally recognized as a member of a state) |
Syn.: statayuan
- (kwo) situation |
situasion-ney - (kwel) situational
- (kwel) civil (pertaining to a citizen and his rights; not military or ecclesiastical), civic, civilian |
sivila - (kwo) civilian
- (zwo) civilize |
sivilisa - (kwo) civilization
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