selected terms: 87 | page 1 of 2 |
- (kwo) rhea
- (kwo) reaction (chemistry, physics) |
reaksioni - (zwo) react (chemistry, physics)
- (zwo) react (act in response) |
reakta - (kwo) reaction
- (kwel) real |
realem - (komo) really |
realitaa - (kwo) reality |
in realitaa - in reality |
realisi - (zwo) realize (make real) |
realifi - (zwo) come true, be realized |
realisa - (kwo) realization (making real), accomplishment |
realisibile - (kwel) realizable
- (zwo) rebel |
rebela - (kwo) rebellion
- (zwo) edit |
redakter - (kwo) editor |
redakting - (kwo) redaction (process of editing) |
redakta (redaktura) - (kwo) redaction, version |
tri-ney redakta de kitaba - the third version of the book |
redaktitim - (kwo) editorial staff |
redaktiguan - (kwo) editorial office
- (zwo) reduce |
redukta - (kwo) reduction |
redukter - (kwo) reducer
- (zwo) reflect (throw or bend back from a surface, mirror - cf. "mediti") |
reflekta - (kwo) reflection
- (kwo) reflex (physiology, phychology)
- (zwo) reform, amend for the better |
reforma - (kwo) reform
- (kwo) refuge, shelter |
refuji - (zwo) refuge, shelter
- (zwo) refuse, decline |
refusa - (kwo) refusal
- (zwo) refute, confute, disprove |
refuta - (kwo) refutation, disproof
- (kwo) monarch, king/queen |
rego - (kwo) king |
regina - (kwo) queen |
regale - (kwel) royal, regal, kingly |
regi - (zwo) reign |
reging - (kwo) reign |
regilok, regilanda - (kwo) kingdom, realm
- (kwo) reggae
- (kwo) regiment
- (kwo) region (all senses) |
regionale - (kwel) regional
- (kwo) register (computer science, music)
- (zwo) register (record, enter, enroll) |
registra - (kwo) registration
- (kwo) rule, regulation |
kom regula - as a rule |
regulatot - (kwo) regulations |
regulare - (kwel) regular |
regularitaa - (kwo) regularity |
reguli - (zwo) regulate |
reguling - (kwo) regulation (act of regulating) |
regulator - (kwo) regulator
- (kwo) rein
- (zwo) reject |
rejekta - (kwo) rejection
- (kwo) regime, regimen |
- (kwo) director (in a show or film) |
- (komo) right (directly, straight; downright, quite) |
Es rek stupide. - It's downright stupid. |
chi rek bay handas - eat directly by hands |
Syn.: ga; direktem
- (kwo) streak, stroke, line (cf. "treta") |
- (kwo) advertisement; ad, commercial |
reklami - (zwo) advertise |
reklaming - (kwo) advertising
- (kwo) harvest |
rekoli - (zwo) harvest |
rekoling - (kwo) harvesting
- (zwo) recommend |
rekomenda - (kwo) recommendation
- (zwo) recompense, reward, remunerate |
rekompensa - (kwo) requital, recompense
- (zwo) recognize (identify; acknowledge, admit, own) |
rekoni lao amiga - recognize an old friend |
rekoni nodependa - recognize independence |
rekoni pa vos - recognize by voice |
rekona - (kwo) recognition
- (zwo) reconcile |
rekonsila - (kwo) reconciliation
- (kwo) record (unsurpassed measurement) |
- (zwo) record, make an audio/video recording |
rekorda - (kwo) record, recording
- (kwo) recruit, conscript |
rekruti - (zwo) recruit, enroll, enlist
- (kwel) straight (not crooked or bent) |
rekte linia - a straight line |
rektisi - (zwo) straighten |
rektangula - (kwo) rectangle
- (kwo) rail (the metal bar that makes the track for a railroad)
- (konekti) in relation to, relative to |
un relatem otre - one relative to the other |
Lu es neutrale relatem sey kwesta. - He is neutral in relation to this question.
- (zwo) relate (have connection or relationship) |
se bu relati a dela - this doesn't relate to the matter |
relata - (kwo) relation, relationship (connection; condition of being related) |
relative - (kwel) relative |
relativem - (komo) relatively |
relativitaa - (kwo) relativity
- (kwo) religion |
religion-ney - (kwel) religious (of religion) |
religionful - (kwel) religious (having reverence for God)
- (zwo) relocate |
relokifi - (zwo) move (to), migrate, transmigrate, resettle |
reloka - (kwo) relocation
- (kwo) oar |
remi - (zwo) row (propel a boat by use of an oar) |
reming - (kwo) rowing |
ek-reming - a sweep of oars |
remer - (kwo) rower, oarsman
- (zwo) remark (express briefly and casually as a comment) |
remarka - (kwo) remark (comment, a casual or brief expression of opinion)
- (zwo) remember (have in memory; recall from memory) |
rememba - (kwo) recollection, reminiscence |
mah-remembi - (zwo) remind ("to memorize" is "memorisi")
- (zwo) feel remorse |
remorsa - (kwo) remorse
- (kwo) renegade, apostate |
renegat-ney - (kwel) renegade, apostate
- (kwo) ginseng |
- (kwo) rent (payment) |
- (zwo) capsize, overturn; overthrow, subvert |
renversa - (kwo) overthrow
- (kwo) turnip |
- (zwo) repair |
repari-ney (reparen) - (kwel) repaired |
repara - (kwo) repair |
reparaguan - (kwo) repair shop/station
- (zwo) repel (put off, force away) |
olea repeli akwa - oil repels water |
elektre sharja do same signa repeli mutu - electric charges of the same sign repel one another |
repela - (kwo) repelling, repulsion |
repeler - (kwo) repellent
- (kwo) repertoire, repertory |
- (zwo) repeat; rehearse (practice by repetition) |
repeta - (kwo) repetition; rehearsal
- (zwo) replace, displace, supersede |
replasa - (kwo) replacement
- (zwo) cue, retort, rejoin, reply |
replika - (kwo) cue, retort, replication, rejoinder, reply
- (kwo) report, account, reportage |
reporti - (zwo) report, give an account |
reporter - (kwo) reporter
- (zwo) rest, take/have a rest, repose |
reposi-stopa - halt, rest |
reposa - (kwo) rest, repose
- (zwo) represent (stand for; be the representative of; depict) |
representer - (kwo) representative
- (zwo) repress, check, restrain, suppress, subdue |
represi rida - repress a laugh |
represa - (kwo) repression
- (zwo) reproduce |
reprodukta - (kwo) reproduction |
reproduktive - (kwel) reproductive
- (zwo) reproach, upbraid |
reprosha - (kwo) reproach, reproof, rebuke |
sinreprosha-ney (sinreproshe) - (kwel) irreproachable, blameless
- (kwo) reptile
- (kwo) republic |
republikista - (kwo) republican
- (kwo) reputation
- (kwo) recipe
- (zwo) reserve, save, set apart, lay by or up |
reserva - (kwo) reserve, store, stock |
reserva-ney (reserve) - (kwel) reserve, spare, held in or forming a reserve
- (zwo) reside, dwell, abide |
residilok - (kwo) residence, abode
- (zwo) resist |
resisti koysa - withstand smth |
resista - (kwo) resistance
- (zwo) receive |
resiva - (kwo) reception |
resivi-sha - (kwo) recipient, receiver (person), receptionist |
resiviyuan - (kwo) receptionist |
resiver - (kwo) receiver (device) |
resivi-shamba - (kwo) reception, parlour
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