selected terms: 6 | page 1 of 1 |
- (syao) "separation, division, or dispersion" |
muvi to move - rasmuvi to move apart |
dai to give - rasdai to distribute, give to several people |
sendi to send - rassendi to send out/round |
lwo to fall - raslwo to fall to pieces |
pon to put - raspon to lay out, place |
goni to drive, chase - rasgoni to drive away, disperse, scatter |
haki to hack - ras-haki to hack to pieces |
pendi to hang - raspendi to hang out |
lansi to throw - raslansi to throw around, scatter
- (kwo) race (breed)
- (kwo) drawing (smth drawn: picture, diagram, etc.) |
rasmi - (zwo) draw (depict with lines) |
rasming - (kwo) drawing (act or instance; the art) |
- (zwo) scrape, rasp, abrade, graze |
raspitul - (kwo) rasp file |
raspitura - (kwo) graze, abrasion
- (kwo) rake (tool) |
rasti - (zwo) rake |
rasting - (kwo) raking
- (kwo) reason (cognitive faculties; reasoning; ability to think - cf. "kausa") |
jen do rasum - man of reason |
rasum-ney - (kwel) reasonable |
norasum-ney - (kwel) unreasonable, unwise; foolish |
norasum-ney akta - an unwise act |
rasum-nem - (komo) reasonably |
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