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1. o (oda)

- (unisi) or |

Kwo yu pri pyu, rasmi o gani? - What do you like more, to draw or to sing? |

oda...oda... - either...or |

Me bu mog dai a yu ambi kamel. Pren un. Oda sey-la, oda toy-la. - I cannot give you both camels. Take one. Either this one or that one.

2. ob

- (gramatika) 1) interrogative particle |

Ob me mog ofni winda? - May I open the window? |

2) whether |

Me kwesti, ob me mog ofni winda. - I ask whether I may open the window.

3. obedi

- (zwo) obey, comply with |

obeda - (kwo) obedience |

desobedi - (zwo) disobey |

desobeda - (kwo) disobedience

4. obese

- (kwel) obese |

obesitaa - (kwo) obesity

5. objeti

- (zwo) object, adduce as an objection |

objeta - (kwo) objection

6. obligi

- (zwo) oblige (put under obligation to do or not to do smth), bind, constrain (by duty, honour, etc.) |

obliga - (kwo) obligation |

obliga-ney (oblige) - (kwel) obligatory

7. oblikue

- (kwel) oblique

8. observi

- (zwo) observe (carefully view; follow) |

observa - (kwo) observation

9. obsesi

- (zwo) obsess |

obsesen bay foba - obsessed with fear |

obsesa - (kwo) obsession

10. obskure

- (kwel) obscure (without sufficient light, dim, somber; not easily understood) |

obskurisi - (zwo) obscure, dim, darken |

obskurifi - (zwo) become obscure |

Syn.: tume |

Ant.: klare

11. obstakla

- (kwo) obstacle |

obstakli, fai obstakla - (zwo) impede, hamper, put obstacles in the way

12. obwol

- (unisi) though, although |

Me shwo a yu, obwol yu bu yao audi me. - I speak to you, although you don't want to hear me. |


13. obyekta

- (kwo) object (thing, item)

14. ochak

- (kwo) hearth, fireplace; (fig.) hotbed, seat, breeding ground, focus, center |

ochak de gwer - seat of war |

ochak de resista - centre of resistance |


15. of

- (komo) off (about a mechanism or connection) |

Radio es of. - The radio is off. |

Plis mah-of radio. - Please put off the radio.

16. ofensi

- (zwo) offend, give offence to |

ofensa - (kwo) offence |

fa-ofensi - (zwo) be offended |

fa-ofensishil - (kwel) touchy, susceptible, quick to take offence |

ofensa-ney (ofense), ofensive - (kwel) offensive |

no-ofensive - (kwel) inoffensive |

ofensi-ney (ofensen) - (kwel) offended, resentful, hurt |

ofensi-nem (ofensem) - (komo) offendedly, resentfully |

ofenser - (kwo) offender

17. ofis

- (kwo) office (place), bureau

18. ofisiale

- (kwel) official (authorized; authoritative) |

ofisiala - (kwo) official, officer, functionary, bureaucrat

19. oflain

- (kwel) offline |

Ant.: onlain

20. ofni

- (zwo) open |

ofna - (kwo) opening |

ofna-ney (ofne) - (kwel) open |

idyen (kelkem) ofni-ney - ajar |

ofner, ofnika - (kwo) opener |

ofnitura - (kwo) aperture, orifice |

ofnelok - (kwo) open place, opening, glade

21. ofri

- (zwo) offer, proffer, tender |

fa-ofri - present itself (about an opportunity) |

ofra - (kwo) offer

22. ofser

- (kwo) officer (military, police, nautical) |

subofser - (kwo) non-commissioned officer

23. ofte

- (kwel) frequent |

oftem - (komo) often

24. ohoo

- (exklami) oho

25. oista

- (kwo) oyster

26. oko

- (kwo) eye |

ofni/klosi okos - open/close one's eyes |

klosi-presi okos - close one's eyes tight |

fai gro-okos - to goggle |

kan koysa bay gro-okos - to gape at smth |

okovati - (zwo) eye |

oko-yama - (kwo) eye socket |


27. okra

- (kwo) ochre

28. oktoba

- (kwo) October (also mes-shi)

29. okula

- (kwo) glasses, spectacles, goggles |


30. okupi

- (zwo) occupy (a place, time, mind) |

se okupi oli may duma - this occupies all my thoughts |

se okupi mucho taim - it takes much time |

okupi-ney (okupen) - (kwel) occupied |

toy tabla es okupen - that table is occupied |

See also: mangi, zun

31. ol

- (inplas-kwel) all, the whole of, throughout the whole of |

ol dey - all day long |

oli - (inplas-kwo, kwel) all, everyone, everybody |

oli jan - everybody knows |

oli may amiga - all my friends |

oli dey - all the days |

oli hi - all to a man, every single one |

Nu oli es hir. - We are all here. |

olo - (inplas-kwo) all, everything |

me jan olo - I know everything

32. olea

- (kwo) oil (liquid fat) |

olei - (zwo) oil

33. oliva

- (kwo) olive |

olivabaum - (kwo) olive tree

34. olosam

- (komo) all the same; anyway |

Kwo unkwe yu shwo, me ve zwo se olosam. - Whatever you say, I'll do it anyway. |

Tu go adar, tu bu go adar, es olosam. - To go there or not, it's all the same. |

Syn.: enikas, malgree olo; es egale, bu muhim

35. oltaim

- (komo) all the time, constantly |

oltaim pyu hao - better and better |

oltaim pyu - more and more |

oltaim pyu mushkile - increasingly difficult

36. om

- (konekti) about, concerning; on (refers to the subject of activity) |

om se - about this |

om to - about that |

om olo - about everything |

Nu zai gun om sey problema. - We are working on this problem. |


37. oma

- (kwo) grandmother |

See also: opa |


38. omlet

- (kwo) omelette |


39. on

-1) (konekti) on (on the surface) |

on tabla - on the table |

2) (komo) on (about a mechanism or connection) |

Radio es on. - The radio is on. |

mah-on TV - turn on the TV

40. onda

- (kwo) wave |

ondi - (zwo) wave, undulate |

onding - (kwo) undulation

41. oni

- (inplas-kwo) one, they (indefinite personal pronoun) |

oni shwo ke... - they say that... |

Lai pyu blisem! Hir oni bu mog audi nul worda. - Come closer! Here one can't hear a word. |


42. onishwoka

- (kwo) rumour, hearsay |

(Origin: oni+shwo+ka)

43. onkla

- (kwo) uncle |

See also: tia

44. onlain

- (kwel) online (connected to a computer; accessible via computer network) |

Ant.: oflain |


45. onpon

- (kwo) put on (clothes, glasses) |

lu onpon-te shapa - he put his hat on |

Origin: on+pon

46. oo

- (exklami) 1) oh |

Oo es ya jamile! - Oh, it's so beautiful! |

Oo ya! - Oh yes! |

2) o (vocative particle) |

Hao fortuna a yu, oo shefa de wulfas! - Good luck go with you, O Chief of the Wolves!

47. opa

- (kwo) grandfather |

praopa - (kwo) great-grandfather |

See also: oma |


48. operati

- (zwo) operate |

operata - (kwo) operation (also "operasion") |

operater - (kwo) operator

49. opini

- (zwo) opine, deem, be of opinion |

opini koysa/koywan kom koysa/koywan - regard/hold smth/smb as smth/smb |

opini ta kom amiga - regard him/her as a friend |

opini koysa kom muhim - believe smth to be important |

me opini se kom may deba - I regard it as my duty |

opina - (kwo) opinion |

segun may opina - in my opinion / view

50. oposi

- (zwo) oppose |

oposa - (kwo) opposition |

oposer - (kwo) oppositionist; opponent

51. opresi

- (zwo) oppress |

opresa - (kwo) oppression

52. optimale

- (kwel) optimal, optimum

53. ora

- (kwo) hour |

afte dwa ora - in two hours |

pa haf-ora afte to - in half an hour after that

54. orak

- (kwo) sickle |


55. oranja

- (kwo) orange (fruit) |

oranja jus - orange juice

56. oranje

- (kwel) orange (colour)

57. orda

- (kwo) order (request) |

defai orda - cancel an order |

ordi - (zwo) order, book

58. orden

- (kwo) order (awarded decoration; organization - cf. "orda", "ordina", "komanda")

59. ordina

- (kwo) order (arrangement; the state of being well arranged) |

ordini - (zwo) put in order; arrange |

desordini - (zwo) disarrange |

ordini swa - (zwo) tidy oneself up, set oneself to rights |

no-ordina - (kwo) disorder |

ordinnik - (kwo) an orderly person |

no-ordinnik - (kwo) sloven

60. organ

- (kwo) organ (part of organism - cf. "orgel")

61. organike

- (kwel) organic (biol., chem.) |

organike kemia - organic chemistry |

Ant.: no-organike

62. organisi

- (zwo) organize |

organising - (kwo) organization (process) |

organisa - (kwo) organization (quality of being organized or way in which smth is organized) |

organisasion - (kwo) organization (group of people)

63. organisma

- (kwo) organism (lit. and fig.)

64. orgel

- (kwo) organ (musical instrument - cf. "organ") |

orgelista - (kwo) organist, organ player |


65. orienti

- (zwo) orient, orientate |

orienti swa - orient oneself |

orienta - (kwo) orientation |

orienting - (kwo) orienteering |

orientika - (kwo) reference point

66. origin

- (kwo) origin |

origini - (kwo) originate, arise, begin

67. originale

- (kwel) 1) original (first, preceding all others in time) |

2) original (fresh, unusual) |

originala - (kwo) original (first form, firsthand work) |

originalnik - (kwo) original (odd or curious person)

68. orla

- (kwo) eagle |


69. ornamenta

- (kwo) ornament, ornamental pattern

70. orni

- (zwo) adorn, embellish, bedeck |

ornika - (kwo) adornment, embellishment

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