selected terms: 33 | page 1 of 1 |
- (gramatika) 1) as (in comparisons, references) |
Lu mog gani sam hao kom ela. - He can sing as good as her. |
Gran kom elefanta. - Big as an elefant. |
Kom me yo shwo-te - as I've already said. |
ga kom yu - just like you |
kom regula - as a rule |
2) as, in the capacity of |
Ela gun kom leker. - She works as a doctor. |
shwo kom skusa - say for an excuse
- (kwo) 1) comma |
dwa koma pet (de shifen) - 2,5 |
puntakoma - (kwo) semicolon |
2) coma (med.)
- (zwo) be in command; command, order |
komanda - (kwo) command (order; the right to order) |
sub komanda de koywan - under command of |
komander - (kwo) commander
- (zwo) combine |
kombina - (kwo) combination
- (zwo) comment |
komenta - (kwo) comment
- (zwo) trade, deal |
komersa - (kwo) commerce, trade |
komersa-relatas - commercial relations |
komersanta - (kwo) merchant, businessman, trader
- (kwo) comet
- (kwel) comic, ludicrous, funny, laughable
- (kwo) commitee, board
- (gramatika) how |
Komo yu sta? - How are you? |
Komo yu nami? - What is your name? |
Komo gao es toy baum? - How high is that tree?
- (kwo) chest of drawers
- (kwo) company (business firm; one's companions, companionship)
- (kwo) companion (mate, one who keeps company with another person, one associated with another in an employment)
- (zwo) compare (kun koysa - with smth) |
bukomparibile - (kwel) incomparable; matchless, nonpareil |
kompara - (kwo) comparison |
komparike - (kwel) comparative
- (kwel) compatible |
kompatiblitaa - (kwo) compatibility |
Syn.: huntibile, konkordi-she, kombinibile
- (zwo) compensate (to counterbalance, to make amends for, to make up for) |
kompensa - (kwo) compensation
- (kwo) competent |
kompetensia - (kwo) competence
- (zwo) vie, rival, compete (cf. "konkuri") |
kompeta - (kwo) competition, rivalry |
kompeter - (kwo) rival
- (zwo) compile |
kompila - (kwo) compilation
- (kwo) complement (that which is necessary to add to make a thing complete) |
komplementa-ney (komplemente) - (kwel) complementary |
komplementi - (zwo) complement |
li komplementi mutu - they complement each other
- (kwel) complete |
kompletem - (komo) completely |
kompletisi - (zwo) complete; replenish |
kompleta - (kwo) (complete) set
- (kwo) complex (a whole) |
komplexa-ney (komplexe) - (kwel) complex (of a complex)
- (kwel) complicated, complex (not simple - cf. "komponi-ney") |
komplikisi - (zwo) complicate |
se komplikisi dela - this complicates the matter |
komplikifa - (kwo) complication
- (kwo) conspiracy, plot |
- (kwo) component, ingredient
- (zwo) compound, compose; consist (aus koysa - of smth) |
komponi-ney (komponen) - (kwel) composite, compound, complex (made up of multiple parts) |
kompona - (kwo) composition (general makeup; a mixture or compound)
- (zwo) compose (construct by mental labour) |
komposi musika - compose music |
komposer - (kwo) composer |
komposa - (kwo) composition (act; a work of music, literature or art)
- (kwo) compote, stewed fruit |
Syn.: fruta-piwat |
- (kwo) compromise
- (kwo) computer (also "kompa") |
kompyuterisi - (zwo) computerize
- (kwo) earl, count
- (kwel) common (shared), communal
- (zwo) communicate |
komunika - (kwo) communication
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