selected terms: 9 | page 1 of 1 |
- (kwo) gel
- (kwo) jelly
- (kwo) jam (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar)
- (kwo) man (human, any man or woman) |
jenley - (kwo) mankind |
jen-ney - (kwel) human |
jenlik - (kwel) human, humane (characteristic of human) |
jenful - (kwel) crowded |
auslandajen - (kwo) foreigner |
lubijen - (kwo) loved one, lover |
samlandajen - (kwo) compatriot |
samtaimjen - (kwo) contemporary (coexistent in time) |
sendijen - (kwo) envoy |
- (kwel) man-made, artificial |
jengun-silka - artificial silk
- (kwo) people (nation) |
jenmin(-ney) - (kwel) people's |
interjenmin-ney - (kwel) international |
- (kwo) folk, (a particular group of) people |
islajenta es hao jenta - islanders are good folk |
urbajenta sempre hasti - townspeople always hurry |
gunjenta - (kwo) workpeople |
yunge jenta - (kwo) youth, young people
- (zwo) gesture, gesticulate |
jesta - (kwo) gesture (motion of the limbs or body) |
jestalingwa - the gesture language, pantomime |
jesting - (kwo) gesticulation
- (kwel) jet, jet-propelled |
jet-avion - jet, a jet-propelled aircraft
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