selected terms: 56 | page 1 of 1 |
- (kwo) jaw |
- (kwo) sorcery |
fai jadu - do/practice sorcery, conjure |
mah-jadu - (zwo) bewitch, enchant |
jadujen - (kwo) sorcerer/sorceress |
jaduman - (kwo) sorcerer |
jadugina - (kwo) sorceress; witch |
jaduleker - (kwo) witch-doctor, quack doctor |
jadu-shwosa - (kwo) spell, exorcism |
- (zwo) be awake; vigil |
jaging, jaga - (kwo) wakefulness, vigil |
en-jagi, jagifi - (zwo) wake up (intr.) |
jagisi - (zwo) wake up (tr.) |
jagiser - alarm clock |
- (kwo) jacket (a short coat)
- (kwo) jacket (a piece of a person's suit)
- (zwo) be on fire, burn |
ek-jal - (zwo) burn, cauterize |
ek-jal finga - burn one's fingers |
jalsa - (kwo) burning |
jal-she - (kwel) ablaze, burning |
jalka - (kwo) fuel |
mah-jal - (zwo) burn (to cause to be consumed by fire) |
finjal - (zwo) burn down |
- (kwo) jealousy |
jalusi - (zwo) be jealous (of) |
jalusnik - (kwo) jealous man
- (zwo) gather |
jami amigas - gather friends |
jami asembla - gather a meeting |
jami fruta - gather fruits |
jamitura - (kwo) that which has been gathered |
(cf. "kolekti, rekoli") |
- (kwel) beautiful, handsome, pretty |
ela es jamile gina - she is a pretty woman |
jamilitaa - (kwo) beauty (property) |
jamilina - (kwo) beauty (beautiful woman) |
jamilo - (kwo) handsome man |
- (zwo) know |
Me jan to. - I know that. |
Ta bu jan nixa. - He doesn't know anything. |
en-jan - (zwo) get to know, learn |
jansa - (kwo) knowledge |
jan-sha, jannik - (kwo) connoisseur |
(cf. "koni") |
- (kwo) jungle |
- (zwo) be born; give birth to |
ta janmi in yar 1975 - he/shi was born in 1975 |
janma - (kwo) birth |
janmadey - (kwo) birthday |
janmalanda - (kwo) native land, homeland, motherland |
janmalok - (kwo) native place, home |
janmalingwa - (kwo) native language |
janmamarka - (kwo) birthmark, mole |
janming - (kwo) childbirth, delivery |
janmer - (kwo) parent |
- (zwo) know how to, can |
Me janmog gani, yu janmog rasmi, bat nu ambi bu janmog swimi. - I can sing, yu can draw, but we both cannot swim. |
janmogsa - (kwo) ability, skill, know-how |
(Origin: jan+mog)
- (kwo) January (also mes-un)
- (kwo) signboard |
- (kwo) fit (seizure; outburst of emotion); gust |
feng japat - a gust of wind |
japat-ney feng - gusty wind |
- (kwo) dragonfly |
- (kwel) intricate, sophisticated |
- (zwo) answer |
jawaba - (kwo) answer |
jawaba-ney - (kwel) reply, return |
jawaba-ney leta - reply (letter), return mail |
- (exklami) hip, hip, hooray! |
jay-jaysa - (kwo) cheers, hurrahing |
jay-jayka - (kwo) cheer (a shout of congratulation) |
Syn.: huraa |
- (kwo) gel
- (kwo) jelly
- (kwo) jam (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar)
- (kwo) man (human, any man or woman) |
jenley - (kwo) mankind |
jen-ney - (kwel) human |
jenlik - (kwel) human, humane (characteristic of human) |
jenful - (kwel) crowded |
auslandajen - (kwo) foreigner |
lubijen - (kwo) loved one, lover |
samlandajen - (kwo) compatriot |
samtaimjen - (kwo) contemporary (coexistent in time) |
sendijen - (kwo) envoy |
- (kwel) man-made, artificial |
jengun-silka - artificial silk
- (kwo) people (nation) |
jenmin(-ney) - (kwel) people's |
interjenmin-ney - (kwel) international |
- (kwo) folk, (a particular group of) people |
islajenta es hao jenta - islanders are good folk |
urbajenta sempre hasti - townspeople always hurry |
gunjenta - (kwo) workpeople |
yunge jenta - (kwo) youth, young people
- (zwo) gesture, gesticulate |
jesta - (kwo) gesture (motion of the limbs or body) |
jestalingwa - the gesture language, pantomime |
jesting - (kwo) gesticulation
- (kwel) jet, jet-propelled |
jet-avion - jet, a jet-propelled aircraft
- (kwo) curiosity, inquisitiveness |
jigyas-ney - (kwel) curious (eager to learn - cf. "kuriose") |
- (kwo) vein (blood vessel; nervure; lode; a long strip of a different colour - cf. "vena") |
- (kwo) ginger
- (kwo) jeans, denim
- (kwo) giraffe
- (kwo) victory |
jiti - (zwo) win |
- (kwo) life |
jiva-ney (jive) - (kwel) living, alive |
jivaful - (kwel) lively, animated |
jivika - (kwo) living thing/being/creature |
jivi - (zwo) live |
jivishil - (kwel) viable, tenacious of life |
rijivi - (zwo) resuscitate, revive |
Krista rijivi! - Christ has arisen! |
rijivifi - (zwo) return to life |
rijivisi - (zwo) bring back to life |
- (zwo) be glad, be happy, rejoice |
me joi al vidi yu - I am glad to see you |
joisa - (kwo) joy |
joisaful - (kwel) joyful |
joisi - (zwo) gladden, make happy
- (zwo) joke |
joka - (kwo) joke
- (kwo) joint, articulation |
- (kwo) harness |
joti - (zwo) harness |
- (kwo) China |
Jungwo-jen - (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of China |
See also: han
- (kwo) Jupiter
- (zwo) judge |
judike - (kwel) judicial |
juda - (kwo) judgement |
judura - (kwo) judgement of court |
judiguan - (kwo) law-court; tribunal |
judidela - (kwo) court trial, case |
judista - (kwo) judge |
prejuda - (kwo) prejudice
- (zwo) enjoy (feel with pleasure, revel in) |
prejui - (zwo) look forward to, foretaste |
juisa - (kwo) delight, enjoyment
- (kwo) beetle, bug |
meyjuk - (kwo) cockchafer, may-bug |
gubrajuk - (kwo) dung-beetle |
lumijuk - (kwo) firefly, glowworm |
saltijuk - (kwo) grasshopper |
preijuk - (kwo) mantis |
- (zwo) defraud, cheat, swindle |
jula - (kwo) fraud (act) |
julnik - (kwo) fraud (person) |
Syn.: trompi |
- (kwo) clause, sentence (gram.) |
- (kwo) skirt
- (kwo) law (legal system - cf. "kanun") |
internasion-ney jura - international law |
jura-ney - (kwel) juridical, law, legal |
jurista - (kwo) lawyer, jurist
- (kwo) stockings |
jurap-tasma - (kwo) garter |
- (kwo) jury |
- (kwo) magazine (periodical), journal |
jurnalista - (kwo) journalist, newsman
- (kwo) juice; sap |
frutajus - fruit juice |
jus-ney - (kwel) juicy |
jusnesa - (kwo) succulence
- (kwel) just (equitable, fair) |
justitaa - (kwo) justice, fairness |
nojuste - (kwel) unjust, unfair |
nojustitaa - (kwo) injustice, unfairness
- (zwo) justify |
gola justifiki medias - the end justifies the means |
justifika - (kwo) justification
- (kwo) justice (the civil power dealing with law)
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