selected terms: 46 | page 1 of 1 |
- (syao-gramatika) 1) "to get, to become" |
tume "dark" - fa-tume "grow/get dark, darken" |
rude "red" - fa-rude "redden" |
gran "big" - fa-gran "get bigger, enlarge" |
fa-nocha - the night is coming |
fa-dey - it dawns |
2) optional marker of intransitivity |
astoni "to astonish" - fa-astoni "to be (become) astonished"
- (kwo) factory, plant, works |
fabriki - (zwo) fabricate, manufacture
- (kwo) fable; fairy-tale |
fabula(-ney) - (kwel) fabulous (of the nature of a fable; unhistorical) |
fabulalik - (kwel) fabulous (incredible)
- (zwo) fade |
fading - (kwo) fading
- (kwo) field of knowledge, province, speciality |
samaji swa-ney fah - understand one's business |
bu es suy fah - that is out of his province, that's not in his line |
lu es master de suy fah - he is an artist/virtuoso |
lernifah - (kwo) subject (course of study) |
forjifah - (kwo) blacksmithing
- (zwo) "to do, to perform action connected with" (only in combination with nouns or adverbs) |
fai interes om koysa - to take an interest in smth |
en-fai interes om koysa - to become interested in smth |
defai interes om koysa - to lose interest in smth |
fai kasam - to make (take) a vow |
fai sukses - to succeed
- (kwo) file (computer) |
faildan - (kwo) folder (computer) |
- (kwel) fine (very small in size, weight, or thickness; refined; subtle) |
faine gusta - a fine taste
- (kwo) fakir
- (kwo) fact |
fakta-ney (fakte) - (kwel) factual, actual |
fakta-nem (faktem) - (komo) in fact, actually |
pa fakta = faktem |
- (zwo) fail, miscarry, not to succeed |
fali-ney - failed, unsuccessful |
fala - (kwo) failure; fiasco |
sin fala - without fail, surely (Syn.: zaruu) |
pistola fai fala - pistol misfired |
nofalibile - certain, definite to happen |
falnik - (kwo) unlucky fellow/person
- (kwo) falcon
- (kwel) false; fake |
falsitaa - (kwo) falseness; falsity
- (zwo) falsify, counterfeit, forge |
falsifika - (kwo) falsification, forgery, counterfeit
- (kwo) lack, shortage |
falti - (zwo) lack |
ta falti kuraja - he/she lacks courage
- (kwo) fame, renown; repute |
fama-ney - (kwel) famous, renowned
- (kwo) family |
familianam - (kwo) family name
- (kwo) food |
akshamfan - (kwo) evening meal; supper |
deyfan - (kwo) midday meal; dinner |
fanshop - (kwo) food store, grocery |
fantabla - (kwo) dinner table |
sabahfan - (kwo) morning meal, breakfast |
- (kwo) fan; fanatic, zealot |
fanatike - (kwel) fanatical |
fanatisma - (kwo) fanatism
- (kwo) fantasy (creative imagination; imagined event, fiction)
- (kwel) fantastic |
fantastika - (kwo) fiction
- (kwo) phantom (ghost, apparition; illusion) |
fantom-ney tunga - phantom pain |
- (kwo) lantern, light |
el-fanus - electric torch |
fanusyuan - (kwo) lamplighter |
- (kwo) headlight |
- (kwo) farad
- (zwo) snort, sniff |
- (kwo) flour
- (kwo) difference |
gro-farka - great or obvious difference, contrast |
farka-ney (farke) - (kwel) different |
farka-nem (farkem) - (komo) differently |
farki - (zwo) differ |
- (kwo) medicine, medicament, drug, pharmaceutical preparation |
farmakguan - (kwo) pharmacy, drugstore |
farmakista, farmakyuan - (kwo) pharmacist |
- (kwo) fern
- (kwo) fur |
farwaklaida - fur clothes |
farwapalto - fur coat |
- (kwo) face
- (kwo) phase |
- (kwo) facade, front |
- (kwo) facet |
- (kwo) 1) sheaf, bundle |
luma-fasia - shaft of light |
ray-fasia - sheaf of rays |
kula-fasia - cone of bullets |
2) fascia (connective tissue)
- (kwel) easy, taking little effort |
bu es mushkile, es ga fasile - it is not difficult, it is quite easy |
fasilem - (komo) easily |
fasilitaa - (kwo) easiness |
mah-fasile - (zwo) facilitate, make easy or easier
- (kwo) haricot (plant or its bean) |
- (kwo) fate, doom (cf. "kisma", one's lot, destiny)
- (kwel) fatal
- (zwo) get tired; make weary |
fatiga - (kwo) tiredness, weariness, fatigue |
fatiga-ney (fatige) - (kwel) weary, tired |
fatigi-ney (fatigen) - (kwel) tired, fatigued |
fatigi-she - (kwel) tiresome |
sinfatiga-ney (sinfatige) - (kwel) tireless, indefatigable
- (kwo) smell, odour |
fauhi - (zwo) smell (to have a smell; to sense a smell) |
fauhing, fauhisens - (kwo) sense of smell |
dusfauha - (kwo) fetor, stench, stink |
dusfauhi - (zwo) stink, reek |
- (kwo) bird |
yunfaula - (kwo) baby bird
- (kwo) favour (an approving attitude, good will; an act performed out of good will, generosity, or mercy) |
pregi koywan om favor - ask someone for a favour |
favori - (zwo) favour (treat or regard with kindness, befriend) |
favori-she - (kwel) favourable
- (kwel) favourite |
favorita - (kwo) favourite |
- (kwo) fax |
faxi (fai fax) - (zwo) fax |
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