selected terms: 113 | page 1 of 2 |
- (unisi) and |
Me pri rasmi e gani. - I like to draw and sing. |
Me pri rasmi e lu pri gani. - I like to draw, and he likes to sing. |
See also: i
- (kwo) edict, decree, ukase
- (zwo) publish (a book, a paper), print (cf. "redakti") |
edita - (kwo) edition |
un-ney edita - the first edition
- (zwo) bring up, educate, breed |
hao eduki-ney - well-bred, well-mannered, well brought up |
eduka - (kwo) upbringing
- (kwo) effect |
efektive - (kwel) efficacious, effective |
efektivitaa - (kwo) effectiveness, efficacy, efficaciousness
- (zwo) make/exert effort |
eforta - (kwo) effort
- (kwel) equal |
es egale a me - it's all the same to me, it doesn't matter to me |
egale geim - draw (game) |
egalem - (komo) equally |
egalitaa - (kwo) equality |
egalisi - (zwo) equalize |
egalsenta-ney - (kwel) indifferent, not caring
- (kwo) ego |
egoisma - (kwo) egoism |
egoista - (kwo) egoist |
egoistike - (kwo) egoistic
- (kwo) echo |
- (zwo) eject |
ejekta - (kwo) ejection
- (syao) "one time or suddenly" (single or momentary action) |
tuki "to knock" - ek-tuki "to give a knock" |
salti "to jump" - ek-salti "to jump up"
- (kwo) equinox |
oton-ekinoxa - autumnal equinox |
vesna-ekinoxa - vernal equinox
- (zwo) equip |
ekipa - (kwo) equipment |
ekiping - (kwo) equipping
- (kwo) eclipse
- (zwo) economize |
ekonoming - (kwo) economizing, economization |
ekonoma - (kwo) economy (sparing use or example/result of it) |
ekonoma-ney - (kwel) economical (prudent; intended to save money), economy (economical or inexpensive to buy or use) |
Syn.: spari |
Ant.: disipi
- (kwo) economics; economy (management; system of production) |
ekonomike - (kwel) economic |
ekonomista - (kwo) economist
- (kwo) screen (viewing area) (cf. "shirma") |
- (zwo) excite (arouse, incite, rouse, provoke) |
eksita - (kwo) excitation
- (kwo) equator |
- (kwo) Greece
- (inplas-kwo) she, her |
Ela es jamile. - She is handsome. |
Lu lubi ela. - He loves her. |
Lu doni flor a ela. - He gives flowers to her. |
ela-ney, elay - (inplas-kwel) her |
Lu pri elay smaila. - He likes her smile.
- (zwo) elaborate (work out with care and detail) |
elabora - (kwo) elaboration
- (kwel) elastic |
See also: upruge |
- (kwo) elefant |
elefanto - (kwo) male elefant |
elefantina - (kwo) female elefant |
- (kwel) elegant |
elegansia - (komo) elegance
- (zwo) elect, select by vote |
elekta - (kwo) election
- (kwel) electric, electrical |
May be shortened to el-: |
el-ketla - electric kettle |
elektritaa - (kwo) electricity |
elektrisi - (zwo) electrify |
elektriser - (kwo) electrizer |
elektrifi - (zwo) electrify (intr.), become electric |
elektrisa/elektrifa - (kwo) electrization
- (kwo) electronics |
elektronike - (kwel) electronic
- (kwo) element |
elementare - (kwel) elementary
- (kwel, kwo) Greek (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Greek (person of Greek ethnicity); the Greek language
- (kwo) elite |
elita-ney - (kwel) elite |
- (kwo) elixir |
- (zwo) elude, evade |
eludive - (kwel) elusive |
eluda - (kwo) evasion, elusion |
See also: eviti
- (zwo) embrace, hug |
embrasa - (kwo) embrace, hug
- (kwo) embryo |
- (zwo) emerge (from a liquid); (fig.) rise into view |
emerja - (kwo) emersion, emergence
- (zwo) emphasize, stress, single out as important |
emfasa - (kwo) emphasis |
See also: aksenti
- (kwel) eminent, distinguished, notable
- (zwo) emit |
emisa - (kwo) emission
- (kwo) emotion
- (zwo) employ (give work/job) |
emploier - (kwo) employer |
emploiyuan (or simply yuan) - (kwo) employee |
emploisa - (kwo) employment |
noemploisa - (kwo) unemployment
- (syao) "begin" (beginning of action) |
somni "to sleep" - en-somni "to fall asleep" |
lubi "to love" - en-lubi "to fall in love" |
jan "to know" - en-jan "to get to know, find out" |
(cf. "ek-")
- (kwo) energetics
- (kwo) energy |
energike - (kwel) energetic, energy
- (inplas-kwel) any |
Eni kinda mog zwo se. - Any child can do this. |
in eni kasu (enikas) - in any case |
enikomo - (inplas-komo) in any way, anyhow |
Yu mog zwo se kom yu yao. Yu mog zwo se enikomo. - You may do it as you like. You may do it in any way. |
Yu mus zwo se enikomo. - You must do it anyhow. |
enilok - (inplas-komo) anywhere, at any place |
Me bu remembi a wo me he pon may kalam. It mog bi enilok. - I don't remember where I've put my pencil. It may be anywhere. |
Yu mog pon yur bao a enilok. - You may put your bag wherever you like. |
enisa - (inplas-kwo) anything |
Yu mog kuki enisa ke yu yao. - You can cook whatever you like. |
enitaim - (inplas-komo) anytime |
Yu mog lai enitaim. Me sempre joi al vidi yu. - You may come anytime. I am always glad to see you. |
enives - (taim-komo) ever (at any time) |
Ob yu enives lekti sey kitaba? - Have you ever read this book? |
eniwan - (inplas-kwo) anyone |
Kada jen yao bi felise. Kwesti ba eniwan. - Every person wants to be happy. Ask anyone.
- (zwo) be bored, feel dull, have a tedious time (cf. "tedi") |
enoisa - (kwo) boredom, ennui |
enoisaful - (kwel) boring, dull
- (kwo) encyclopedia |
ensiklopedike - (kwel) encyclopedic
- (zwo) envy |
envi koywan - to envy smb |
enva - (kwo) envy |
envishil - (kwel) envious |
envival - (kwel) enviable
- (kwo) episode |
episodike - (kwel) episodic; occasional |
- (kwo) epoch |
Mide Epoka - Middle Ages |
- (kwo) era
- (unisi) consequently |
See also: also
- (kwo) ermine |
- (zwo) erupt |
erupta - (kwo) eruption |
erupta de vulkan - the eruption of a volcano
- (kwo) Spain |
Espania-jen - (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Spain
- (zwo) is, are, am (the present tense of "bi") |
Ela es jamile. - She is handsome. |
(Se) es kitaba. - This is a book. |
Se es yo zwo-ney. - This is already done.
- (kwo) essence (phys. and metaphys.) |
esensiale - (kwel) essential (showing essence; of high importance; also biochem.)
- (kwo) squadron
- (zwo) escape |
eskapa - (kwo) escape
- (kwo) escort |
eskorti - (zwo) escort
- (kwel, kwo) Spanish (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Spanish (person of Spanish ethnicity); Spanish language
- (kwo) Esperanto |
esperanto(-ney) - (kwel) Esperantist (of, relating to, or characteristic of Esperanto) |
esperantista - (kwo) Esperantist (speaker of/specialist in Esperanto)
- (kwo) east |
esta(-ney) - (kwel) east, eastern; oriental |
esta feng - east wind |
esten - (konekti-komo) to the east, east of |
urba es esten - the town is to the east |
esten urba ye shulin - forest is east of the town
- (zwo) establish (set up, bring into force, settle) |
Syn.: fundi
- (kwo) stirrup |
Syn.: raidi-pedika
- (kwo) storey |
uuparetaja - upper floor |
char-etaja-ney dom - four-storey house |
- (kwo) ether
- (kwel) eternal, everlasting
- (kwo) etiquette |
- (kwo) ethnic group |
etnike - (kwel) ethnic
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