selected terms: 210 | page 1 of 3 |
- (unisi) in order to, in order that, so that |
Me shwo a yu dabe yu mog samaji me. - I speak to you in order that you can understand me. |
- (kwo) dacha, summer house |
- (kwo) bet, wager |
fai dadu - (zwo) bet, wager |
fai dadu kun koywan- bet with smb |
fai dadu om koysa - make a bet about smth |
fai dadu pa shi dolar - make a bet of 10 dollars |
- (zwo) inter, bury |
dafna - (kwo) interment, burial, funeral |
- (kwo) exercise book, notebook |
- (zwo) give |
daisa - (kwo) giving |
dai bak - (zwo) give back |
- (kwo) threshold |
- (kwel) far, distant, remote |
dalem - (komo) afar |
fon dalem - from afar |
dalitaa - (kwo) distance (a considerable amount of space), expanse, remoteness |
fa-dale (dalifi) - (zwo) become more remote |
mah-dale (dalisi) - (zwo) distance, move away from |
- (kwo) chisel |
- (kwo) bucket, pail |
- (kwo) dam, dike
- (kwo) married or widowed woman; dame; lady; (in cards, chess, checkers) a queen
- (kwo) damage |
damaji - (zwo) damage
- (kwo) barley |
- (zwo) damn (cf. "shatami") |
damna - (kwo) damnation
- (taim-komo) 1) then (at that time) |
Dan me bin haishi yunge. - I was still young then. |
depos dan - since then |
2) then (in that case) |
si...dan... - if...then... |
See also: poy
- (syao) suffix for container |
chaydan - (kwo) teapot |
nayudan - (kwo) butterdish |
milkadan - (kwo) milk can |
flordan - (kwo) flowerpot |
kalamdan - (kwo) pencil-box |
kahwa-dan - (kwo) coffee-pot |
manidan - (kwo) wallet |
- (kwo) dandy, fop |
dandivati - (zwo) behave foppishly
- (kwo) danger, peril |
danja-ney, danjaful - (kwel) dangerous, perilous
- (konekti) thanks to, owing to |
dank a lu - thanks to him |
dank a to ke yu he zwo - thanks to what you have done
- (exklami) thank you, thanks |
Danke! - Es nixa. Bi hao! - Thank you! - Don't mention it. You are welcome! |
Danke gro! - Thank you very much! |
danki - (zwo) thank |
me danki yu por helpi - I thank you for your help |
danka - (kwo) gratitude |
dankaful - (kwel) thankful, grateful
- (kwo) dance |
dansi - (zwo) dance |
danser - (kwo) dancer |
dansilok - (kwo) dance floor, dance hall
- (kwo) way (path; method) |
sirkum-dao - roundabout way |
pa sey dao - by this way |
pa nul dao - in no way, by no means |
Milkadao - Milky way |
daojen - (kwo) wayfarer, traveller; wanderer |
daokin - (kwo) path (trail), pathway |
daokrosa - (kwo) crossroads, crossing |
- (loko-komo) there |
May sista es dar. - My sister is there. |
Dar ye may sista. - There is my sister there. |
Dar es garme. - It's hot there. |
Bu go dar! - Don't go there! |
See also: adar, hir
- (zwo) strike (hit) |
darba - (kwo) blow, stroke |
- (sta) have permission, be allowed, (one) may |
Lu darfi gun kom leker. - He is allowed to work as a doctor. |
Me darfi zin ku? - May I come in? |
bu darfi - is not allowed |
hir bu darfi fumi - smoking is not allowed here
- (kwo) horror, terror |
dashatfilma - thriller, horror film |
dashat-ney - (kwel) awful, frightful, dreadful (Syn.: terible) |
dashati - (zwo) dread, be terrified/horrified |
dashatisi - (zwo) terrify, horrify |
- (kwo) ambassador |
dashiguan - (kwo) embassy |
- (kwo) virtue (moral excellence, an example or kind of it - cf. "merita") |
dasin-ney - (kwel) virtuous |
- (kwo) detachment, party |
avan-dasta - advanced detachment, vanguard |
- (kwo) data
- (kwo) datsan (Buddhist monastery)
- (kwo) date (day, month and year)
- (kwel) bygone, distant in time, ancient, old |
davem - (komo) long ago |
yo fon davem - long since, for a long time |
nodave - (kwel) recent |
nodavem - (komo) recently, not long ago, lately |
- (konekti) 1) of (genitive) |
kitaba de toy boy - the book of that boy |
jamilitaa de munda - beauty of the world |
lingwa de planeta - language of the planet |
raita de elekti e gei elekti - the right to elect and be elected |
2) of (partialness - optional) |
un pes (de) sukra - a piece of sugar |
tasa (de) chay - a cup of tea
(s) - (syao) "opposite action" ("des" if before a vowel) |
desharji - discharge |
delodi - unload |
desorganisi - disorganize
- (kwo) debt, duty (obligation) |
zwo swa-ney deba - do one's duty |
debi - (zwo) owe, be obliged to |
Ta debi a me dwashi dolar. - He owes me $20. |
Me debi a ta may jiva. - I owe my life to him.
- (zwo) debate |
debata - (kwo) debate |
See also: diskusi
- (zwo) debut |
debuta - (kwo) debut
- (zwo) dedicate (address or inscribe to another - cf. "devoti") |
dedika - (kwo) dedication
- (kwo) defect, flaw, impairment |
defekta-ney (defekte) - (kwel) flawed, imperfect, defective
- (zwo) defend |
defensa - (kwo) defence |
defensa-ney (defense) - (kwel) defensive
- (zwo) define, give the definition of |
defina - (kwo) definition
- (zwo) flow away, rush from |
defluisa - (kwo) ebb, reflux |
afluisa e defluisa - flow and ebb |
(Origin: de(s)+flui)
- (zwo) deform, put out of shape |
pa deformi-ney inglish - in broken English |
deforma, deformitura - (kwo) deformation; deformity
- (zwo) divorce |
degama - (kwo) divorce |
(Origin: de(s)+gami)
- (zwo) degrade, debase |
degrada - (kwo) degradation
- (kwo) deck (ship's)
- (zwo) be decadent, be in state of decay, decline (physically or morally) |
dekada - (kwo) decadence, decline
- (zwo) decapitate |
dekapisa - (kwo) decapitation |
(Origin: de(s)+kapa+isi)
- (zwo) declaim |
deklama - (kwo) declamation
- (zwo) declare |
deklara - (kwo) declaration
- (zwo) decline (gram., fis., astr.) |
deklina - (kwo) declination
- (zwo) decorate, make decor |
dekora - (kwo) decoration; decor |
Syn.: orni
- (kwo) affair, business, case, issue, matter |
bu es may dela - that is none of my business |
dela go hao - the affair goes well |
prave dela - just/righteous cause |
fai dela kun - deal with, have to do with |
- (kwo) dolphin |
- (kwel) delicate, fine
- (kwo) delirium, ravings |
deliri - (zwo) be delirious, rave |
delir-ney - (kwel) delirious |
- (zwo) demand (claim, request or ask forcefully) |
demanda - (kwo) demand (claim; desire to purchase goods; request for some product)
- (kwo) resignation, retirement |
demisioni - (zwo) resign, retire
- (kwo) democracy |
demokratike - (kwel) democratic |
demokratisi - (zwo) democratize |
demokratisa - (kwo) democratization |
demokratier (demokrat) - (kwo) democrat
- (kwo) demon (evil spirit)
- (zwo) demonstrate |
demonstra - (kwo) demonstration |
demonstra-ney (demonstre) - (kwo) demonstrative |
demonstrasion - (kwo) demonstration (public display of group opinion)
- (gramatika) optional accusative particle |
Den se me he zwo yo. - This I have done already.
- (zwo) despair |
denada - (kwo) despair |
(Origin: de(s)+nadi)
- (kwel) dense |
dense shulin - dense forest |
dense tuman - dense fog |
fa-dense (densifi) - (zwo) become dense |
mah-dense (densisi) - (zwo) make dense, condense |
densitaa - (kwo) density |
densika - (kwo) thicket |
nodense - (kwel) thin, sparse, rarefied |
nodensifa - (kwo) rarefaction
- (kwo) tooth; prong |
diki denta - show/bare one's teeth |
shwo tra denta - say between one's teeth |
dentista - (kwo) dentist |
dentagron - (kwo) tusk
- (zwo) depart, leave (a koysa - for smth) |
me departi a Rusia - I am leaving for Russia |
departa - (kwo) departure |
Ant.: arivi
- (kwo) department |
- (zwo) depend (fon koysa/koywan - on smth/smb) |
Fon hu se dependi? - On whom does it depend? |
dependa - (kwo) dependence |
nodependa - (kwo) independence |
rekoni nodependa - to recognize the independence |
nodependa-ney (nodepende) - (kwel) independent
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