selected terms: 12 | page 1 of 1 |
- (kwo) apparatus
- (zwo) appear (come into existence; to become visible - cf. "sembli") |
apara - (kwo) appearance
- (kwel) separate, detached, apart (from others) |
apartem - (komo) apart |
apartem fon otres - apart from the others
- (zwo) appeal (but not "to be attractive") |
apela - (kwo) appeal
- (komo) hardly, scarcely, barely
- (kwo) appetite
- (zwo) apply (put on, upon, or to; put to or adapt for a special use; put into action) |
aplika - (kwo) application |
apliki-ney (apliken) - (kwel) applied |
apliken fisika - applied physics
- (zwo) applaud |
aploda - (kwo) applause, clapping
- (kwo) support, prop, rest |
apogi - (zwo) prop, lean, rest |
apogi on tabla - lean agaist the table
- (kwo) April (also mes-char)
- (zwo) approve, give approbation to |
aproba - (kwo) approbation
- (konekti-komo) apropos; by the way |
Apropoo, me haishi bu he lekti sey kitaba. - By the way, I have not yet read this book. Apropoo sey kitaba, it es ya muy interes-ney. - Apropos of this book, it is really interesting.
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