selected terms: 24 | page 1 of 1 |
- (kwo) academy |
akademiayuan - (kwo) academician
- (kwo) the sign "@" |
(Origin: "a"+kauda)
- (kwo) account (a registry of pecuniary transactions; a subscription to a service)
- (zwo) acclaim, praise enthusiastically, cheer |
aklama - (kwo) acclaim, acclamation
- (zwo) accompany |
Ob yu akompani me a dom? - Will you see me home? |
akompana - (kwo) accompaniment
- (kwo) chord (combination of pitches sounded simultaneously)
- (kwel) acrid, caustic, pungent |
- (zwo) accelerate |
akselera - (kwo) acceleration |
Syn.: mah-kway, fa-kway
- (kwo) accent |
aksenti - (zwo) accent, accentuate |
See also: emfasi
- (zwo) accept |
aksepta - (kwo) acceptance |
aksepter - (kwo) acceptor
- (kwo) access |
aksesi - (zwo) access, have access to |
aksesibile - (kwel) accessible
- (kwo) evening |
klok pet de aksham - (at) five o'clock in the evening |
sey aksham - this evening, tonight |
manya aksham - tomorrow evening |
akshamfan - (kwo) evening meal; supper |
- (kwo) share (finance)
- (kwo) accident (in an ill sense), mishap |
aksidenta-ney (aksidente) - (kwel) accident-related
- (zwo) act |
akta - (kwo) act; action (smth done) |
fai akta fo/kontra koysa - take action for/against smth |
akting - (kwo) action (functioning; effect) |
aktive - (kwel) active |
aktivenesa - (kwo) activity (the state or quality of being active) |
aktivitaa - (kwo) activity |
aktivisi - (zwo) activate |
aktivisa - (kwo) activation |
aktivista - (kwo) activist
- (kwo) actor |
aktoro - (kwo) male actor |
aktorina - (kwo) actress
- (kwel) actual (acting at the present moment - cf. "reale") |
aktualisi - (zwo) actualize
- (kwo) act (theater; legal document)
- (zwo) accumulate |
akumula - (kwo) accumulation
- (zwo) accuse, inculpate, charge with, indict |
akusa - (kwo) accusation
- (kwo) water |
akwa(-ney) - (kwel) water; aqueous |
akwish - (kwel) watery
- (kwo) waterfall |
(Origin: akwa+lwo)
- (kwo) aquarium |
- (zwo) acquire |
akwira - (kwo) acquisition
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