selected terms: 482 | page 5 of 7 |
- (kwo) plum |
slivabaum - (kwo) plum tree |
- (kwo) layer, stratum |
sloy-ney - (kwel) stratified, laminar, flaky |
sloy-ney panpasta - puff pastry |
sloy-nem - (komo) in layers |
fa-sloy - (zwo) stratify |
mah-sloy - (zwo) layer |
- (zwo) listen, strain one's ears to hear; auscultate; eavesdrop |
sluka - (kwo) eavesdropping device |
- (zwo) smile |
smaila - (kwo) smile
- (kwo) emerald |
smaragda-ney - (kwel) emerald |
- (kwo) shift (group of workers or working period) |
- (kwo) smear, anoint, daub, spread (a substance by rubbing)
- (kwo) resin (plant secretion) |
smola-ney - (kwel) resinous |
- (kwo) grass snake |
akwa-smuk - (kwo) water snake |
- (zwo) smoulder (burn slowly without flame) |
smuli-she gual - smouldering coals
- (kwo) snow |
snegi - (zwo) snow |
sneging - (kwo) snowing |
snegalwosa - (kwo) snowfall |
snega-feng - (kwo) snowstorm |
sneginka - (kwo) snowflake |
- (zwo) smell at, snuff, sniff at
- (komo) again, anew |
- (zwo) snuffle, breathe heavily and noisily through the nose
- (kwo) buckwheat |
soba-kasha - (kwo) buckwheat porridge |
- (konekti-komo) above, over |
sobre urba - over the town |
es sobre - it is above |
vidi fon sobre - to see from above |
mil metra sobre marnivel - one thousand meters above sea level |
sobreolo - (komo) especially |
sobre-ney - (kwel) superjacent; superior |
sobrenesa - (kwel) superiority |
sobreyuan - (kwo) superior (a person of higher rank) |
sobreshefa - (kwo) supreme chief
- (zwo) outwit, overreach, circumvent |
(Origin: sobre+durti)
- (zwo) overload, overburden |
sobreloda - (kwo) overload |
(Origin: sobre+lodi)
- (zwo) outrun, outstrip, outdistance, overtake |
ateni e sobrepasi - catch up and overtake
- (zwo) outplay
- (kwo) soda
- (kwo) sock (covering for the foot) |
un para sok - a pair of socks
- (komo) only |
sol manya - only tomorrow |
bu sol... bat yoshi... - not only... but also...
- (kwo) soldier
- (zwo) solder (unite or repair parts with solder) |
soldika - (kwo) solder (fusible alloy)
- (kwel) sole, only; alone, solitary, lonely |
pa sole - alone, on one's own |
solitaa - (kwo) solitude, loneliness |
solem - (komo) alone; solely
- (kwel) solemn
- (kwel) solidary |
solidaritaa - (kwo) solidarity
- (kwel) solid (reliable, upstanding and dependable; substantial - cf. "twerde") |
Syn.: gaurawe
- (kwo) solo |
fai solo - (zwo) solo |
- (kwo) solstice
- (kwo) salt |
solti - (zwo) salt |
solta-ney (solte) - (kwel) saline |
nosolte akwa - sweet water |
solti-ney (solten) - (kwel) salted |
solta-nish - (kwel) saltish |
soltadan - (kwo) saltcellar; salt shaker
- (zwo) dissolve, melt (cf. "resolvi") |
solvi solta in akwa - dissolve salt in water |
solving - (kwo) dissolving, dissolution |
solvitura - (kwo) solution (liquid mixture) |
solver - (kwo) dissolvent, solvent
- (zwo) sleep |
treba go somni - one should go sleep |
somna - (kwo) sleep |
somnaful - (kwel) sleepy |
somnisi - (zwo) put to sleep |
somniser - (kwo) soporific, sleeping draught
- (kwo) son
- (kwo) sonde, probe, sounder |
sondi - (zwo) probe, sonder, sound
- (kwo) sonnet
- (zwo) dream (to see imaginary events in one's mind while sleeping - cf. "drimi") |
Pa sey nocha me he sonji un yarke sonja.- I dreamed a vivid dream this night. |
sonja - (kwo) dream (imaginary events while sleeping) |
dussonja - (kwo) nightmare
- (kwel) sonorous, ringing, resonant
- (kwo) magpie |
- (zwo) sup, sip
- (kwo) sort, kind |
ol-sorta-ney - all kinds of, sundry
- (kwel) social (relating to society)
- (kwo) society
- (kwo) sausage |
sosiskin - (kwo) frankfurter, small sausage |
- (zwo) sigh |
sospira - (kwo) sigh
- (zwo) shove, poke |
- (kwo) sovereign (coin)
- (kwo) soya |
soya saus - (kwo) soy sauce |
soya bona - (kwo) soya bean(s) |
- (kwo) spider |
spaidaweba - (kwo) cobweb, spiderweb
- (kwo) spam |
spami - (zwo) spam
- (zwo) spare (be frugal), save, economize |
nospari - (zwo) squander, dissipate |
sparishil - (kwel) frugal, thrifty, economical |
spara, sparing - (kwo) economy (frugal use), saving |
sparitura - (kwo) savings |
nospara-ney (nospare) - (kwel) unthrifty, improvident
- (kwo) space (also whitespace) |
spas-ney - (kwel) spacial |
spas-taim-ney - (kwel) spatiotemporal, space-time
- (kwo) spelt (a kind of wheat) |
- (zwo) spend, expend |
spenda - (kwo) expenditure, expense |
pa swa-ney spenda - at one's own expense
- (kwo) species (biol.)
- (kwel) special |
spesialem - (komo) specially |
spesialitaa - (kwo) speciality |
spesialista - (kwo) specialist
- (zwo) specify, designate particularly |
spesifa - (kwo) specification |
spesifike - (kwel) specific |
spesifikitaa - (kwo) specificity
- (kwo) thorn, spine, prickle |
spikatel - (kwo) barbed wire |
spikabush - (kwo) thorn bush
- (kwo) pin |
spili - (zwo) pin
- (zwo) spin (make thread) |
spintura - (kwo) yarn |
spintul - (kwo) spinning wheel
- (kwo) spine, backbone
- (kwo) spinach
- (kwo) spy |
spioni - (zwo) spy
- (kwo) spiral
- (zwo) breathe |
spiri gro - pant |
spiri mushkilem - gasp |
ausspiri - (zwo) exhale, breathe out |
inuspiri - (zwo) inhale , breathe in |
spira - (kwo) breath |
rifai spira - catch one's breath |
spira-falta - (kwo) shortness of breath, short wind
- (kwo) spirit (non-material essence) |
spirituale - (kwel) spiritual |
spiritualitaa - (kwo) spirituality
- (kwo) spleen (melancholy, depression - cf. "limpa") |
Syn.: melankolia
- (kwo) splinter |
- (kwo) sponge |
sponja-biskwit - sponge cake |
sponji - (zwo) sponge
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