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Lidepla lexikon
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211. kodexa

- (kwo) code (a systematic collection of laws or regulations - cf. "koda")

212. kogniti

- (zwo) cognize, come to know |

kognita - (kwo) cognition |

kognitive - (kwel) cognitive

213. koinsidi

- (zwo) coincide |

koinsida - (kwo) coincidence

214. koiti

- (zwo) perform the sexual act |

koita - (kwo) coitus, coition

215. kojansa

- (kwo) conscience

216. kok

- (kwo) chicken, hen / cock |

gin-kok (kokina) - (kwo) hen |

man-kok (koko) - (kwo) cock |

yunkok - (kwo) chick |

kokmasu - (kwo) chicken (meat)

217. koka

- (kwo) coca

218. kokete

- (kwel) coquettish |

koketa - (kwo) coquette |

koketi - (zwo) coquet, flirt

219. kokori

- (zwo) squat |


220. kokosa

- (kwo) coconut (palm or fruit) |

kokosa-palma - (kwo) coconut palm |

kokosa-nuta - (kwo) coconut (fruit)

221. koktel

- (kwo) cocktail

222. kol

- (kwo) cabbage |


223. kolar

- (kwo) collar (of shirt or garment - cf. "galsatasma")

224. kolekti

- (zwo) collect (mostly in the sense "to accumulate similar items") |

kolekti kitabas - collect books |

kolekta - (kwo) collection |

kolekting - (kwo) collecting |

kolektura - (kwo) collection (smth. collected) |

(cf. "jami")

225. kolektiva

- (kwo) collective (group, body) |

kolektiva-ney - (kwel) collective, joint |

kolektiva-nem - (komo) collectively

226. kolina

- (kwo) hill |

nichen kolina - at the foot of the hill |

go nich kolina - go down the hill

227. kolona

- (kwo) column

228. kolonel

- (kwo) colonel |

subkolonel - (kwo) lieutenant colonel

229. kolonia

- (kwo) colony

230. kolor

- (kwo) colour |

kolor(-ney) - (kwel) coloured, colour |

kolorkalam - colour pencil |

kolori - (zwo) colour (cf. "pinti") |

kolora - (kwo) coloration |

koloranta - (kwo) colorant |

dekolori - (zwo) discolour

231. kom

- (gramatika) 1) as (in comparisons, references) |

Lu mog gani sam hao kom ela. - He can sing as good as her. |

Gran kom elefanta. - Big as an elefant. |

Kom me yo shwo-te - as I've already said. |

ga kom yu - just like you |

kom regula - as a rule |

2) as, in the capacity of |

Ela gun kom leker. - She works as a doctor. |

shwo kom skusa - say for an excuse

232. koma

- (kwo) 1) comma |

dwa koma pet (de shifen) - 2,5 |

puntakoma - (kwo) semicolon |

2) coma (med.)

233. komandi

- (zwo) be in command; command, order |

komanda - (kwo) command (order; the right to order) |

sub komanda de koywan - under command of |

komander - (kwo) commander

234. kombini

- (zwo) combine |

kombina - (kwo) combination

235. komenti

- (zwo) comment |

komenta - (kwo) comment

236. komersi

- (zwo) trade, deal |

komersa - (kwo) commerce, trade |

komersa-relatas - commercial relations |

komersanta - (kwo) merchant, businessman, trader

237. kometa

- (kwo) comet

238. komike

- (kwel) comic, ludicrous, funny, laughable

239. komitee

- (kwo) commitee, board

240. komo

- (gramatika) how |

Komo yu sta? - How are you? |

Komo yu nami? - What is your name? |

Komo gao es toy baum? - How high is that tree?

241. komoda

- (kwo) chest of drawers

242. kompania

- (kwo) company (business firm; one's companions, companionship)

243. kompanion

- (kwo) companion (mate, one who keeps company with another person, one associated with another in an employment)

244. kompari

- (zwo) compare (kun koysa - with smth) |

bukomparibile - (kwel) incomparable; matchless, nonpareil |

kompara - (kwo) comparison |

komparike - (kwel) comparative

245. kompatible

- (kwel) compatible |

kompatiblitaa - (kwo) compatibility |

Syn.: huntibile, konkordi-she, kombinibile

246. kompensi

- (zwo) compensate (to counterbalance, to make amends for, to make up for) |

kompensa - (kwo) compensation

247. kompetente

- (kwo) competent |

kompetensia - (kwo) competence

248. kompeti

- (zwo) vie, rival, compete (cf. "konkuri") |

kompeta - (kwo) competition, rivalry |

kompeter - (kwo) rival

249. kompili

- (zwo) compile |

kompila - (kwo) compilation

250. komplementa

- (kwo) complement (that which is necessary to add to make a thing complete) |

komplementa-ney (komplemente) - (kwel) complementary |

komplementi - (zwo) complement |

li komplementi mutu - they complement each other

251. komplete

- (kwel) complete |

kompletem - (komo) completely |

kompletisi - (zwo) complete; replenish |

kompleta - (kwo) (complete) set

252. komplexa

- (kwo) complex (a whole) |

komplexa-ney (komplexe) - (kwel) complex (of a complex)

253. komplike

- (kwel) complicated, complex (not simple - cf. "komponi-ney") |

komplikisi - (zwo) complicate |

se komplikisi dela - this complicates the matter |

komplikifa - (kwo) complication

254. komplot

- (kwo) conspiracy, plot |


255. komponenta

- (kwo) component, ingredient

256. komponi

- (zwo) compound, compose; consist (aus koysa - of smth) |

komponi-ney (komponen) - (kwel) composite, compound, complex (made up of multiple parts) |

kompona - (kwo) composition (general makeup; a mixture or compound)

257. komposi

- (zwo) compose (construct by mental labour) |

komposi musika - compose music |

komposer - (kwo) composer |

komposa - (kwo) composition (act; a work of music, literature or art)

258. kompot

- (kwo) compote, stewed fruit |

Syn.: fruta-piwat |


259. kompromis

- (kwo) compromise

260. kompyuter

- (kwo) computer (also "kompa") |

kompyuterisi - (zwo) computerize

261. komta

- (kwo) earl, count

262. komune

- (kwel) common (shared), communal

263. komuniki

- (zwo) communicate |

komunika - (kwo) communication

264. kondamni

- (zwo) condemn, sentence, doom (cf. "blami") |

kondamni koywan a morta - condemn smb to death |

kondamna - (kwo) sentence; condemnation

265. kondision

- (kwo) condition (requirement, term or requisite - cf. "stasa") |

kondision-ney - (kwel) conditional

266. kondoli

- (zwo) condole with (express or feel sympathetic sorrow) |

kondola - (kwo) condolence

267. kondom

- (kwo) condom

268. kondukti

- (zwo) conduct (transmit, as heat, light, electricity - cf. "dukti") |

kondukter - (kwo) conductor (as of heat, electricity, etc.) |

kondukta - (kwo) conduction, conductivity

269. konekti

- (zwo) connect |

konekta - (kwo) connection |

konektihisto - (kwo) connective tissue

270. konferensa

- (kwo) conference

271. konfesi

- (zwo) confess |

konfesa - (kwo) confession

272. konfidi

- (zwo) confide (to), entrust

273. konfirmi

- (zwo) affirm, confirm, corroborate |

konfirma - (kwo) confirmation, corroboration

274. konforme

- (kwel) conforming, conformable, complying, compliant |

konformitaa - (kwo) conformity |

konformisi - (zwo) conform (tr.) |

konformifi - (zwo) conform (intr.)

275. konfusi

- (zwo) confuse |

konfusa - (kwo) confusion

276. kongres

- (kwo) congress (gathering) |


277. koni

- (zwo) be acquainted, know |

Me bu koni toy jen. - I don't know that person. |

Li bu koni mutu. - They are not acquainted with each other. |

en-koni - (zwo) become acquainted |

koni-ney - (kwel) familiar, known |

koninesa - (kwo) acquaintance (state of being acquainted) |

mah-koni - (zwo) acquaint |

koniwan - (kwo) acquaintance (person) |

bukoniwan - (kwo) stranger

278. konkesti

- (zwo) conquer, subdue, subjugate |

konkesta - (kwo) conquest, subjugation, subdual

279. konklusi

- (zwo) conclude (arrive at a logical conclusion; bring/come to an end) |

konklusa - (kwo) conclusion |

pa konklusa - in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up

280. konkordi

- (zwo) agree, concord, accord |

Se bu konkordi kun to ke yu shwo-te yeri. - It doesn't accord with what you said yesterday. |

konkorda - (kwo) agreement, harmony |

konkordisi - (zwo) bring into accord / agreement

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