selected terms: 246 | page 3 of 4 |
- (kwo) ensemble
- (zwo) hint |
ansha - (kwo) hint |
- (kwo) antenna
- (kwo) antelope
- (kwo) antonym
- (kwo) gut |
antratot - (kwo) intestine |
- (kwo) experience |
anubav-ney jen - experienced person, man of experience |
anubavi - (zwo) experience (cf. "trajivi") |
- (zwo) announce; give notice of |
anunsa - (kwo) announcement
- (kwo) anus
- (kwo) apparatus
- (zwo) appear (come into existence; to become visible - cf. "sembli") |
apara - (kwo) appearance
- (kwel) separate, detached, apart (from others) |
apartem - (komo) apart |
apartem fon otres - apart from the others
- (zwo) appeal (but not "to be attractive") |
apela - (kwo) appeal
- (komo) hardly, scarcely, barely
- (kwo) appetite
- (zwo) apply (put on, upon, or to; put to or adapt for a special use; put into action) |
aplika - (kwo) application |
apliki-ney (apliken) - (kwel) applied |
apliken fisika - applied physics
- (zwo) applaud |
aploda - (kwo) applause, clapping
- (kwo) support, prop, rest |
apogi - (zwo) prop, lean, rest |
apogi on tabla - lean agaist the table
- (kwo) April (also mes-char)
- (zwo) approve, give approbation to |
aproba - (kwo) approbation
- (konekti-komo) apropos; by the way |
Apropoo, me haishi bu he lekti sey kitaba. - By the way, I have not yet read this book. Apropoo sey kitaba, it es ya muy interes-ney. - Apropos of this book, it is really interesting.
- (kwo) arabesque
- (kwel, kwo) Arab; Arabic; Arabic language
- (zwo) arrange (plan or prerare for; bring about or come to an agreement; settle) |
aranji mita - make an appointment |
aranja - (kwo) arrangement
- (kwo) earth |
ardagloba - (kwo) globe (the planet Earth) |
- (kwo) peanut |
(Origin: arda+nuta)
- (kwo) arena
- (zwo) lease, rent, charter |
arenda - (kwo) lease |
arendaguan - (kwo) rental agency
- (zwo) arrest, make a prisoner |
aresta - (kwo) arrest, custody
- (kwo) silver
- (kwo) argument (statement put forth as proof, reason)
- (kwo) archduke
- (kwo) thanks, thank you |
Syn.: danke, shukran |
- (zwo) arrive (at destination, at a certain place) |
ariva - (kwo) arrival |
Ant.: departi
- (kwo) arc; arch (cf. "raduga")
- (kwel) archaic
- (kwo) architect |
arkitektura - (kwo) architecture
- (kwo) bow (weapon) |
Arkuman - (kwo) Sagittarius
- (kwo) weapon |
stal-arma - cold steel |
agni-arma - fire-arms |
armas - (kwo) arms, armament |
armisi - (zwo) arm |
armisa - (kwo) arming |
arma-dun - (kwo) loophole, embrasure
- (kwo) army |
armeeyuan - (kwo) military man, serviceman
- (kwo) aroma |
aroma-herba - aromatic herbs |
aromaful - (kwel) full of aroma, aromatic, fragrant or sweet-smelling |
aromike - (kwel) aromatic (chem.)
- (zwo) moisten, wet, water (with any liquid) |
aroser - (kwo) watering-pot
- (kwo) harp
- (kwo) arsenal |
- (kwo) art |
artista - (kwo) artist
- (kwel) artificial (man-made; false; unnatural - cf. "jengun-ney")
- (kwo) article (a part of speech in some languages) |
(cf. "makala")
- (kwo) artillery
- (kwo) siege |
asadi - (zwo) siege, besiege |
- (zwo) assemble: collect, bring together (people, materials, etc.) |
asembla - (kwo) assemblage, assembly; meeting, gathering |
generale asembla - general meeting/assembly |
desasembli - (zwo) disassemble, take to pieces |
Syn.: jami
- (zwo) go up, ascend, mount |
asendi sulam - mount a ladder/stairway |
avion oltaim asendi-te - the plane kept ascending |
prais asendi - prices come up |
asenda - (kwo) ascension |
Syn.: go uupar |
Ant.: desendi
- (zwo) assert, aver, claim, state |
aserta - (kwo) assertion, claim, statement
- (kwo) asphalt
- (kwo) asylum, sanctuary |
Syn.: refuja
- (zwo) assimilate (physiol. and fig. - cf. "similisi") |
asimila - (kwo) assimilation
- (kwo) azimuth |
- (kwo) donkey, ass |
- (zwo) look, appear |
aspekti fatigi-ney - look tired |
aspekta - (kwo) aspect, view, sight, look, appearance |
fai aspekta - pretend, affect, feign
- (zwo) aspire, desire eagerly, long for, aim at, seek after |
aspira - (kwo) aspiration, striving
- (kwo) asteroid (astron.)
- (zwo) astonish, amaze |
fa-astoni - (zwo) be amazed, be astonished, marvel, wonder |
astoni-she, astonival - (kwel) astonishing, marvelous |
astoni-shem - (komo) astonishingly |
astoni-shem jamile gela - astonishingly beautiful girl |
astona - (kwo) amazement, astonishment
- (kwo) astronomy |
astronomier - (kwo) astronomer |
astronomike - (kwel) astronomical
- (zwo) attack, assail, assault |
ataka - (kwo) attack, assault |
chu-ataka - (kwo) sally, sortie
- (kwo) move aside, draw aside; step aside |
(Origin: a+taraf+i)
- (zwo) attain, reach, achieve |
ateni e sobrepasi - catch up and overtake |
lopi-ateni - catch up by running |
raki-ateni - catch up by car (or other vehicle) |
atena - (kwo) achievement, attainment, accomplishment
- (kwo) attention |
fai nul atenta om koysa - pay no attention to smth |
atenti - (zwo) be attentive to, heed, mind, pay attention to |
atenta-ney (atente) - (kwel) attentive, alert |
atenta-nem (atentem) - (komo) attentively, closely, carefully. |
(cf. "chauke")
- (kwo) (anat., geog.) atlas |
- (kwo) athletics |
atletike - (kwel) athletic |
- (kwo) soul |
atma-ney - (kwel) of soul |
dusatma-ney - (kwel) bad souled, base |
- (kwo) atmosphere
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