selected terms: 210 | page 2 of 3 |
- (kwo) depot, store, storehouse |
depo-shamba - (kwo) storeroom; pantry |
- (zwo) take off, lay off, put off |
Depon ba palto! - Take off the coat! |
(Origin: de(s)+pon)
- (konekti) since, starting from |
depos toy dey - since that day |
me es hir depos klok shi - I have been here since ten o'clock |
depos dan - since then |
depos nau - from now on, henceforth |
depos longtaim - long since |
Syn.: fon
- (zwo) delay; linger |
deri spira - hold one's breath |
dera - (kwo) delay |
- (zwo) derive |
deriva - (kwo) derivation |
derivi-ney - (kwel) derivative, derived |
derivitura - (kwo) derivative
- (kwo) skin, hide |
tumderma-ney - (kwel) swarthy, dark-skinned |
dedermisi - (zwo) skin, flay, excoriate |
- (zwo) disappear, vanish |
desapara - (kwo) disappearance |
(Origin: de(s)+apari)
- (kwo) December (also mes-shi-dwa)
- (zwo) descend, go down |
desendi sulam - go downstairs |
kamina desendi a riva - the road descends to the river |
desenda - (kwo) descent |
Syn.: go nich |
Ant.: asendi
- (kwo) dessert |
- (zwo) desert (abandon, withdraw) |
deserter - (kwo) deserter
- (zwo) decide |
desida - (kwo) decision
- (zwo) discover |
deskovra - (kwo) discovery
- (zwo) describe |
deskriba - (kwo) description
- (kwel) right (not left) |
desna - (kwo) right, right side |
a desna - (loko-komo) (to the) right |
Kan a desna! - Look right! |
Hir treba turni a desna. - Here one should turn right. |
desnen - (konekti-komo) at the right (of) |
May dom es desnen. - My house is at the right. |
Desnen dom ye garden. - There is a garden to the right of the house. |
- (kwo) despot |
- (zwo) destine |
destina - (kwo) destination (ultimate purpose for which smth is created or intended - cf. "safara-gola")
- (zwo) destroy |
destrukta - (kwo) destruction |
destruktive - (kwel) destructive, disruptive |
Syn.: nihilisi
- (kwo) detail |
detal-ney - (kwel) detailed |
detal-nem - (komo) in detail |
detalisi - (zwo) detail |
detalisa - (kwo) detailing
- (zwo) detect |
detekta - (kwo) detection |
detekter - (kwo) detector
- (kwo) detective |
- (zwo) determine (establish or ascertain definitely, give direction to, fix the limits of) |
determina - (kwo) determination (but not resolution - cf. "resolutitaa")
- (zwo) develop |
developa - (kwo) development
- (kwo) motto
- (zwo) devour
- (zwo) devote |
devoti swa a koysa/koywan - to devote oneself to smth/smb |
devoti-ney - (kwel) devoted |
devota - (kwo) devotion (act of devoting or the state of being devoted)
- (kwo) day (in all meanings) |
deyfan - (kwo) midday meal; dinner |
lumadey - (kwo) daylight, daytime |
bugundey - (kwo) day free from work, day off, rest-day |
festadey - (kwo) holiday, day of celebration |
gundey - (kwo) working day, workday |
janmadey - (kwo) birthday |
hao dey! - good day! |
fa-dey - it is dawning, day is breaking |
fa-deysa - (kwo) dawn, daybreak
- (kwo) devil, fiend (Satan or demon) |
Pa diabla! - What the devil! |
See also: bes, satan
- (kwo) diagnosis |
diagnosi - (zwo) diagnose
- (kwel) diagonal |
diagonala - (kwo) diagonal
- (kwo) diagram
- (kwo) dialect
- (kwo) dialogue |
- (kwo) diamond
- (kwo) diarrhoea
- (kwo) bottom (the lowest part - cf. "popa") |
mar diba - sea bottom |
- (zwo) diffuse |
difusa - (kwo) diffusion (but not prolixity)
- (zwo) digest (physiol.) |
digesta - (kwo) digestion
- (kwel) dignified, stately |
dignitaa - (kwo) dignity |
- (zwo) show, display |
diki lisan a leker - show one's tongue to the doctor |
diki suy joisa - show one's joy |
dikifinga - (kwo) index finger |
dika - (kwo) showing, demonstration |
diker - (kwo) pointer, indicator |
oradiker - hour hand |
minutadiker - minute hand |
- (kwo) shop window
- (kwo) diktat, dictate (command) |
diktati - (zwo) dictate (impose, order) |
diktater - (kwo) dictator |
diktatura - (kwo) dictatorship
- (zwo) dictate (say or read aloud) |
dikter - (kwo) announcer
- (kwo) slice, clove |
luna-dilim - (kwo) crescent |
- (kwo) dimension
- (kwo) dynamics |
dinamike - (kwel) dynamic
- (kwel) thin (about size - cf. "nodense") |
Ant.: grose
- (kwo) diploma |
- (kwo) diplomacy |
diplomatike - (kwel) diplomatic |
- (kwo) direction (path, course - cf. "diriging")
- (kwel) direct (not indirect - cf. "rekte") |
direkte kontakta - direct contact |
direktem - (komo) directly; straightforwardly
- (kwo) director (person chosen to control or govern the affairs of an institution or corporation) |
direktor de skola - director of a school
- (zwo) direct (aim at; manage, control) |
fa-dirigi - (zwo) make one's way (to), direct one's steps, head |
diriging - (kwo) directing; direction (guidance; the skill of directing a film, play etc.)
- (kwo) design (shape, appearance, plan for the structure and functions) |
disaini - (zwo) design, lay out, make a design |
disainer - (kwo) designer
- (kwo) disaster, calamity, catastrophe (cf. "beda")
- (kwo) dissertation
- (kwo) dish (the vessel or its contents) |
Syn.: pyata
- (zwo) dissipate, squander, waste |
disipa - (kwo) dissipation, squander, waste |
Ant.: spari, ekonomi
- (kwo) disciple |
Ant.: guru, talimer
- (kwo) discipline (behaviour control)
- (kwo) disk
- (kwel) discrete, discontinuous
- (zwo) discuss |
diskusa - (kwo) discussion
- (zwo) dispose (arrange; have at one's disposal) |
disposa - (kwo) disposition, disposal (positioning; control)
- (zwo) argue, spar, bicker |
disputa - (kwo) dispute, controversy |
disputibile - (kwel) disputable, arguable |
disputnik - (kwo) debater, squabbler |
prais-disputnik - haggler
- (kwo) distance (cf. "dalitaa")
- (zwo) distil |
distila - (kwo) distillation |
distiler - (kwo) distiller
- (zwo) distinguish |
fa-distinti in batala - distinguish oneself in action |
distinta - (kwo) distinction |
fai distinta inter koysa e koysa - make difference between smth and smth |
distinta-ney (distinte) - (kwel) distinct |
distintive - (kwel) distinctive
- (zwo) distract, divert |
distrata - (kwo) distraction, diversion; (fig.) absence of mind |
distrati-ney (distraten), distratishil - (kwel) absent-minded
- (zwo) distribute |
distribusa - (kwo) distribution
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