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71. adulte

- (kwel) adult |

adulta - (kwo) adult |

adulto - (kwo) adult male |

adultina - (kwo) adult female

72. adyoo

- (exklami) Goodbye! Adieu! |

shwo adyoo, fai adyoo - to say goodbye |

al fai adyoo - at parting |

(kwo) farewell

73. adyutanta

- (kwo) aide de camp, adjutant

74. aflui

- (zwo) flow towards, rush towards, stream towards |

afluisa - (kwo) flow, flood (of tide), rising tide; influx, inflow |

afluisa e defluisa - flow and ebb |

(Origin: a+flui)

75. afsos

- (kwo) regret, pity |

pa afsos - regrettably, sadly, unfortunately |

afsosi - (zwo) regret, be sorry about |

afsos! - (exklami) alas! it is a pity! |

afsos-ney, afsosival - (kwel) regrettable, sad, unfortunate |


76. afte

- (konekti) after; in (at the end of) |

afte yu - after you |

afte to - after that |

un afte otre - one after another |

afte vidi - having seen |

afte tri dey - in three days |

afte un ora - in one hour |

aften - (taim-komo) afterwards, later on, subsequently |

Nu nadi ke aften ve ye meno gwer in munda. - We hope that afterwards (in future) there will be fewer wars in the world. |

Nu he diskusi se olo aften. - We have discussed this all later on.

77. aftechi

- (zwo) eat with, eat smth after drinking |

Ta pi un glasakin vodka e aftechi bay marinaden gurka. - He had a glass of vodka with pickled cucumber. |

(Origin: afte+chi)

78. agenda

- (kwo) agenda |


79. agiti

- (zwo) agitate (also to stir up public interest in a cause) |

agiti-ney (agiten) - (kwel) agitated, excited |

agita - (kwo) agitation (for the meaning "stirring up of public interest" one can use also "agitasion")

80. agni

- (kwo) fire |

agnibeda - fire (occurrence of fire in a certain place) |

agnibrigada - fire-brigade |

agninka - (kwo) spark |

fai agninka - (zwo) spark |

agni-ney - (kwel) aflame; fiery |

agnisi - (zwo) burn up, fire up; sear |

agni-luma - (kwo) blaze, glow |

agni-ston - (kwo) flint; gunflint |


81. agra

- (kwo) (ploughed) field, tillage |

agralanda - (kwo) countryside |

agrajen - (kwo) peasant (also "kisan") |

agrare - (kwel) agrarian

82. agravi

- (zwo) aggravate (cf. "vexi") |

agrava - (kwo) aggravation

83. agresi

- (zwo) aggress; feel aggression |

agresa - (kwo) aggression |

agresive - (kwel) aggressive |

agreser - (kwo) aggressor |


84. agude

- (kwel) sharp, acute |

agudisi - (zwo) sharpen

85. ah

- (exklami) ah (expresses strong emotions) |

fai ah - (zwo) gasp with surprise

86. ahaa

- (exklami) aha

87. ahak

- (kwo) lime |


88. ahfi

- (zwo) hide, conceal |

ahfi swa - hide oneself |

ahfi-geim - hide-and-seek |

ahfilok - (kwo) hiding-place |

ahfi-shem (ahfem) - (komo) hidingly, in a hiding way |

ahfishil - (kwel) reserved, reticent, secretive |

buahfi-ney (buahfen) - (kwel) unconcealed, undisguised |

ahfi-go - (zwo) slink, sneak, steal |

ahfi-kan - (zwo) peep, watch furtively |


89. ahir

- (loko-komo) hither, here, this way |

Lai ahir. - Come here. |

(Origin: a+hir) |

Syn.: hir

90. ahmak

- (kwo) fool |

Syn.: stupida |


91. ahuki

- (zwo) hitch, hook, couple, link, catch |

May palto ahuki a naga e tori. - My coat caught on a nail and tore.

92. aida

- (exklami) let's go, come along (invitation to go somewhere) |

Aida a riva! - Let's go to the river! |

Aida fo yabla! - Let's go to get some apples! |

Turkish, Slavic

93. aika

- (modus-komo) quite, rather |

aika hao - quite well |


94. aira

- (kwo) air |

aira kastela - castles in the air |

airaportu - (kwo) airport

95. ais

- (kwo) ice |

ais-lenge - ice-cold |

ais-ney - (kwel) ice, icy, |

aiskrem - (kwo) ice cream |

aisifa - (kwo) icing up

96. aivi

- (kwo) ivy |


97. ajibe

- (kwel) queer, weird, odd |

Syn.: strane, astoni-she, nopinchan |


98. ajile

- (kwel) agile, alert, brisk |

do peda ajile - swift-footed, light-footed |

do menta ajile - with agile mind, quick-witted |

ajilitaa - (kwo) agility, alertness, swiftness, legerity |

ajilisi - (zwo) brisk up

99. ajorni

- (zwo) adjourn, put off, defer (cf. "deri") |

ajorna - (kwo) adjournment, postponement, reprieve

100. ajusti

- (zwo) adjust, regulate, set |

ajusti kloka, ajusti radio - adjust the clock/watch, adjust the radio

101. akademia

- (kwo) academy |

akademiayuan - (kwo) academician

102. akauda

- (kwo) the sign "@" |

(Origin: "a"+kauda)

103. akaunta

- (kwo) account (a registry of pecuniary transactions; a subscription to a service)

104. aklami

- (zwo) acclaim, praise enthusiastically, cheer |

aklama - (kwo) acclaim, acclamation

105. akompani

- (zwo) accompany |

Ob yu akompani me a dom? - Will you see me home? |

akompana - (kwo) accompaniment

106. akorda

- (kwo) chord (combination of pitches sounded simultaneously)

107. akre

- (kwel) acrid, caustic, pungent |


108. akseleri

- (zwo) accelerate |

akselera - (kwo) acceleration |

Syn.: mah-kway, fa-kway

109. aksenta

- (kwo) accent |

aksenti - (zwo) accent, accentuate |

See also: emfasi

110. aksepti

- (zwo) accept |

aksepta - (kwo) acceptance |

aksepter - (kwo) acceptor

111. akses

- (kwo) access |

aksesi - (zwo) access, have access to |

aksesibile - (kwel) accessible

112. aksham

- (kwo) evening |

klok pet de aksham - (at) five o'clock in the evening |

sey aksham - this evening, tonight |

manya aksham - tomorrow evening |

akshamfan - (kwo) evening meal; supper |


113. aksia

- (kwo) share (finance)

114. aksidenta

- (kwo) accident (in an ill sense), mishap |

aksidenta-ney (aksidente) - (kwel) accident-related

115. akti

- (zwo) act |

akta - (kwo) act; action (smth done) |

fai akta fo/kontra koysa - take action for/against smth |

akting - (kwo) action (functioning; effect) |

aktive - (kwel) active |

aktivenesa - (kwo) activity (the state or quality of being active) |

aktivitaa - (kwo) activity |

aktivisi - (zwo) activate |

aktivisa - (kwo) activation |

aktivista - (kwo) activist

116. aktor

- (kwo) actor |

aktoro - (kwo) male actor |

aktorina - (kwo) actress

117. aktuale

- (kwel) actual (acting at the present moment - cf. "reale") |

aktualisi - (zwo) actualize

118. aktum

- (kwo) act (theater; legal document)

119. akumuli

- (zwo) accumulate |

akumula - (kwo) accumulation

120. akusi

- (zwo) accuse, inculpate, charge with, indict |

akusa - (kwo) accusation

121. akwa

- (kwo) water |

akwa(-ney) - (kwel) water; aqueous |

akwish - (kwel) watery

122. akwalwo

- (kwo) waterfall |

(Origin: akwa+lwo)

123. akwarium

- (kwo) aquarium |


124. akwiri

- (zwo) acquire |

akwira - (kwo) acquisition

125. al

- (konekti) when doing smth, while, at, under (simultaneity, circumstances) |

al suryachu - at dawn |

al ke me kuki - while I'm cooking |

al bakdao - on the way back |

al klosi-ney dwar - behind closed doors, with doors closed |

al sey halat - under these circumstances |

al un-ney kansa - at first sight |

al shwo om se - when speaking about it |

"Hao", ela shwo al smaili. - "OK", she said smiling. |

al nau - currently, at the present moment

126. ala

- (kwo) wing

127. alarma

- (kwo) alarm |

aira-alarma - air-raid warning |

alarmi - (zwo) alarm |

alarmifi - (zwo) get alarmed, uneasy |

alarmi-ney - (kwel) alarmed

128. alauda

- (kwo) lark, skylark |


129. albatros

- (kwo) albatross (sea bird) |


130. album

- (kwo) album

131. alee

- (kwo) lane, walk, path (in a garden, park, etc., generally between rows of trees)

132. alegre

- (kwel) merry; cheerful; lighthearted; lively |

alegritaa - (kwo) merriment; mirth; gaiety; liveliness

133. alfabet

- (kwo) alphabet |

segun alfabet - alphabetically

134. alga

- (kwo) alga(e): see-weed, kelp, dulse, etc.

135. algebra

- (kwo) algebra

136. algoritma

- (kwo) algorithm |


137. aliansa

- (kwo) alliance |

politike aliansa - political alliance |

alianser - (kwo) ally

138. alibi

- (kwo) alibi

139. alif

- (kwel) tame |


140. aligi

- (kwo) attach, append |

aligi fail a leta - attach a file to the letter |

(Origin: a+ligi)

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