selected terms: 171 | page 1 of 3 |
- (zwo) make a reduction in (value or price) |
rabata - (kwo) reduction, diminution, rebate, abatement (in price)
- (kwo) rabies, canine madness |
rabike - (kwel) rabid
- (kwo) wheel |
dentarada - (kwo) gear wheel, cog-wheel
- (kwo) radiation |
radiati - (zwo) radiate
- (kwo) radical (linguistics, chemistry) |
radikal-ney - (kwel) radical (linguistics, chemistry)
- (kwel) radical (favouring fundamental change) |
radikala - (kwo) radical (a person with radical opinions)
- (kwo) radio |
radioyuan - (kwo) radio/wireless operator |
fai radio - (zwo) wireless, radio, wire
- (kwo) radish
- (kwo) rainbow |
raduga-ney (raduge) - (kwel) iridescent, rainbow |
radugisi - (zwo) rainbow |
- (kwo) radium |
- (zwo) jut out, protrude, stick up, stick out |
ragi-she - (kwel) prominent, protruding |
- (kwel) merciful; charitable |
rahimtaa - (kwo) mercy, charity, grace |
rahimem - (komo) mercifully |
norahimem - (komo) unmercifully, cruelly |
rahimi - (zwo) spare (treat mercifully) |
- (zwo) ride (on a horse), straddle |
raidi-shem (raidem) - (komo) astride, astraddle |
raider - (kwo) rider
- (kwo) right (a legal or moral entitlement) |
jen raitas - human rights |
voti-raita - the right to vote, suffrage
- (kwo) raja
- (kwo) 1) rocket; missile |
ala-raketa - cruise missile |
2) racquet
- (zwo) ride (to transport oneself by means of smth), drive, go by smth (tr./intr.) |
raki kaval - ride a horse |
raki bus - go by bus |
raki tren - go by train |
raker - (kwo) rider; passenger |
raking - (kwo) ride, riding; drive, driving |
rakibile - (kwel) passable, able to be ridden along (road) |
- (zwo) narrate, tell, give an account, recount |
rakonta - (kwo) tale, narrative, story, account
- (kwo) racoon
- (kwo) sand |
ramlinka - (kwo) grain of sand |
ramlakloka - (kwo) hourglass |
- (kwo) plane (tool) |
Tajik, Hindi
- (kwel) early |
ranem - (komo) early |
Ant.: tarde |
- (kwo) rap music |
rapi - (zwo) rap
- (kwel) rare, infrequent |
rarem - (komo) seldom, rarely, infrequently |
raritaa - (kwo) rarity (rareness) |
rarika - (kwo) rarity (a rare object)
- (syao) "separation, division, or dispersion" |
muvi to move - rasmuvi to move apart |
dai to give - rasdai to distribute, give to several people |
sendi to send - rassendi to send out/round |
lwo to fall - raslwo to fall to pieces |
pon to put - raspon to lay out, place |
goni to drive, chase - rasgoni to drive away, disperse, scatter |
haki to hack - ras-haki to hack to pieces |
pendi to hang - raspendi to hang out |
lansi to throw - raslansi to throw around, scatter
- (kwo) race (breed)
- (kwo) drawing (smth drawn: picture, diagram, etc.) |
rasmi - (zwo) draw (depict with lines) |
rasming - (kwo) drawing (act or instance; the art) |
- (zwo) scrape, rasp, abrade, graze |
raspitul - (kwo) rasp file |
raspitura - (kwo) graze, abrasion
- (kwo) rake (tool) |
rasti - (zwo) rake |
rasting - (kwo) raking
- (kwo) reason (cognitive faculties; reasoning; ability to think - cf. "kausa") |
jen do rasum - man of reason |
rasum-ney - (kwel) reasonable |
norasum-ney - (kwel) unreasonable, unwise; foolish |
norasum-ney akta - an unwise act |
rasum-nem - (komo) reasonably |
- (kwo) rat
- (zwo) rob, maraud, plunder, loot |
rauba - (kwo) robbery, brigandage, pillage |
rauber - (kwo) robber, brigand
- (zwo) wheeze; speak hoarsely, croak; be hoarse |
rauka - (kwo) wheeze, hoarse sound |
rauka-ney (rauke) - (kwel) hoarse, raucous, husky
- (kwo) round (a unit of play)
- (kwo) amble (of a horse) |
ravaner, ravan-kaval - (kwo) ambler |
Tukish, Bulgarian
- (kwo) ray, beam |
surya ray - sun's rays
- (zwo) shave |
razi swa - shave oneself |
raza, razing - (kwo) shave, shaving |
razer - (kwo) razor
- (kwo) rhea
- (kwo) reaction (chemistry, physics) |
reaksioni - (zwo) react (chemistry, physics)
- (zwo) react (act in response) |
reakta - (kwo) reaction
- (kwel) real |
realem - (komo) really |
realitaa - (kwo) reality |
in realitaa - in reality |
realisi - (zwo) realize (make real) |
realifi - (zwo) come true, be realized |
realisa - (kwo) realization (making real), accomplishment |
realisibile - (kwel) realizable
- (zwo) rebel |
rebela - (kwo) rebellion
- (zwo) edit |
redakter - (kwo) editor |
redakting - (kwo) redaction (process of editing) |
redakta (redaktura) - (kwo) redaction, version |
tri-ney redakta de kitaba - the third version of the book |
redaktitim - (kwo) editorial staff |
redaktiguan - (kwo) editorial office
- (zwo) reduce |
redukta - (kwo) reduction |
redukter - (kwo) reducer
- (zwo) reflect (throw or bend back from a surface, mirror - cf. "mediti") |
reflekta - (kwo) reflection
- (kwo) reflex (physiology, phychology)
- (zwo) reform, amend for the better |
reforma - (kwo) reform
- (kwo) refuge, shelter |
refuji - (zwo) refuge, shelter
- (zwo) refuse, decline |
refusa - (kwo) refusal
- (zwo) refute, confute, disprove |
refuta - (kwo) refutation, disproof
- (kwo) monarch, king/queen |
rego - (kwo) king |
regina - (kwo) queen |
regale - (kwel) royal, regal, kingly |
regi - (zwo) reign |
reging - (kwo) reign |
regilok, regilanda - (kwo) kingdom, realm
- (kwo) reggae
- (kwo) regiment
- (kwo) region (all senses) |
regionale - (kwel) regional
- (kwo) register (computer science, music)
- (zwo) register (record, enter, enroll) |
registra - (kwo) registration
- (kwo) rule, regulation |
kom regula - as a rule |
regulatot - (kwo) regulations |
regulare - (kwel) regular |
regularitaa - (kwo) regularity |
reguli - (zwo) regulate |
reguling - (kwo) regulation (act of regulating) |
regulator - (kwo) regulator
- (kwo) rein
- (zwo) reject |
rejekta - (kwo) rejection
- (kwo) regime, regimen |
- (kwo) director (in a show or film) |
- (komo) right (directly, straight; downright, quite) |
Es rek stupide. - It's downright stupid. |
chi rek bay handas - eat directly by hands |
Syn.: ga; direktem
- (kwo) streak, stroke, line (cf. "treta") |
- (kwo) advertisement; ad, commercial |
reklami - (zwo) advertise |
reklaming - (kwo) advertising
- (kwo) harvest |
rekoli - (zwo) harvest |
rekoling - (kwo) harvesting
- (zwo) recommend |
rekomenda - (kwo) recommendation
- (zwo) recompense, reward, remunerate |
rekompensa - (kwo) requital, recompense
- (zwo) recognize (identify; acknowledge, admit, own) |
rekoni lao amiga - recognize an old friend |
rekoni nodependa - recognize independence |
rekoni pa vos - recognize by voice |
rekona - (kwo) recognition
- (zwo) reconcile |
rekonsila - (kwo) reconciliation
- (kwo) record (unsurpassed measurement) |
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