1. This is a Lidepla-English dictionary of the Edition 1.2.
2. Word etymologies are given sparingly, usually only one source language is indicated. However one should bear in mind that roots widely spread across languages are basically taken. E.g. the word "kitaba" is originally from Arabic, but the root is present also in Turkish, Hindi, and a lot of other languages. Moreover, the etymology indicated is often not the earliest one. Thus, you'll see "Turkish" under the words "banka" and "dolar" not because they are originally Turkish words but because in Turkish they have the same form as in Lidepla.
3. There is significance to whether several English equivalents are separated by a comma or a semicolon. If there is a comma, only a related/common meaning is implied; if there is a semicolon, meanings should be regarded independently. E.g.
fila kwo row, line; queue, file
"Row" and "line" are separated by a comma, which makes it clear that in this case "row" does not mean either "quarrel" or "travel in a rowboat". Similarly "queue" and "file" specify each other mutually, implying the meaning "a line of waiting people or vehicles".
exklami exklami-partikla (≈interjection)
gramatika gramatika-partikla (grammatical particle)
gramatika-komo gramatika-partikla (grammatical particle) or komo-worda (adverb)
inplas-komo inplas-komo-worda (the word that substitutes an adverb)
inplas-kwanto inplas-kwanto-worda (the word that substitutes a numeral)
inplas-kwel inplas-kwel-worda (the word that substitutes an adjective)
inplas-kwo inplas-kwo-worda (the word that substitutes an noun)
komo komo-worda (adverb)
konekti konekti-partikla (preposition)
konekti-komo konekti-partikla (preposition) or komo-worda (adverb)
konekti-syao konekti-partikla (preposition) or syao-worda (affix)
kwanto kwanto-worda (numeral)
kwel kwel-worda (adjective)
kwesti kwesti-worda (question word)
kwo kwo-worda (noun)
loko-komo loko-komo-worda (adverb of place)
modus-komo modus-komo-worda (adverb of manner)
sta sta-worda (words describing state, e.g., modal verbs)
syao syao-worda (affix)
syao-gramatika syao-worda (affix) or gramatika-partikla (grammatical particle)
syao-komo syao-worda (affix) or komo-worda (adverb)
taim-komo taim-komo-worda (adverb of time)
uniti uniti-partikla (conjunction)
zwo zwo-worda (verb)
a (konekti) 1) to (aim,
go a shop go to the shop
lai a dom come home
returni a janmalanda return
to one's native land
a oli taraf in/to all directions
2) to (dative
a yu to you
a may amiga to my friend
shwo a swa say to oneself
me ve rakonti a yu om to I'll tell you about that
(cf. "versu")
aa (exklami) ah, oh (an exclamation of understanding,
Aa, es yu! Ah, it's you!
Aa, me samaji. Oh, I see.
Written with two letters
for distinction from the conjunction "a" (but pronounced the same
See also: ah
abat (kwo) abbot
abisma (kwo) abyss
abnegi (zwo) abnegate,
deny oneself; renounce
lu abnegi-te fuming he gave up smoking
abnega (kwo) abnegation, self-denial
aboli (zwo) abolish
abola (kwo) abolishment
abrevi (zwo) abbreviate
abridge (a book), curtail (a narrative)
abreva (kwo) abbreviation
abrevi-ney (kwel) abbreviated,
abrevi-nem (abrevem) (komo) in
abbreviated form
abrevitura (kwo) acronym
abrupte (kwel) precipitous, abrupt; brusque; sudden, abrupt
absente (kwel) absent,
not present
absensia (kwo) absence
abses (kwo) abscess
absolute (kwel) absolute
absolutem (komo) absolutely
absoluta (kwo) (the)
absorbi (zwo) absorb
Gunsa absorbi ta. His work absorbed him.
absorba (kwo) absorption
abstrakti (zwo) abstract
abstrakta (kwo) abstraction
abstrakta-ney (abstrakte) (kwel) abstract
absurde (kwel) absurd
absurda (kwo) absurd
absurditaa (kwo) absurdity
abundante (kwel) abundant
abundantem (komo) abundantly, amply,
abundansia (kwo) abundance
abyas (kwo)
habit, custom
pa abyas through habit
hev abyas to be accustomed, to be wont, to be in the
habit of
abyas-ney (kwel) habitual
abyas-nem (komo) habitually (see also "pinchan")
abyasi (zwo) get accustomed/used (a koysa to smth), get
into the habit of
mah koywan abyasi a koysa to accustom smb to smth
abyasi-ney (abyasen) (kwel) accustomed, used (a koysa to smth)
abyasen a mushkila accustomed to difficulties
acha (kwo) axe
adapti (zwo) adapt, adapt oneself
adapta (kwo) adaptation
adapter (kwo) adapter
adaptibile (kwel) adaptable
adaptibilitaa (kwo) adaptability
adar (loko-komo) thither, there, that way
bu go adar dont go there
(Origin: a+dar)
Syn.: dar
(zwo) add
ada (kwo) addition
adiwat (kwo) additive, addition (smth added)
adike (kwel) additional
(cf. aditi)
aditi (zwo)
add (math.), add up, tot up
adita (kwo) addition (math.)
administri (zwo) administer
(manage, conduct)
administra (kwo) administration
administrasion (kwo) administration
admiral (kwo) admiral
admiri (zwo)
admira (kwo) admiration
admirival (kwel) admirable
admirer, admiri-sha (kwo) admirer
admiti (zwo)
admit (grant entrance, whether into a place or into the mind)
admita (kwo) admission, admittance
noadmitibile (kwel) inadmissible
adopti (zwo)
adopta (kwo) adoption
adres (kwo) address (location
or its description)
adresi (zwo) address, accost
adresing (kwo) addressing, address (act)
adulte (kwel) adult
adulta (kwo) adult
adulto (kwo) adult male
adultina (kwo) adult female
adyoo (exklami) Goodbye! Adieu!
shwo adyoo, fai adyoo to say goodbye
al fai adyoo at parting
(kwo) farewell
adyutanta (kwo) aide de camp, adjutant
aflui (zwo) flow towards, rush towards, stream towards
afluisa (kwo) flow, flood (of tide), rising tide; influx,
afluisa e defluisa flow and ebb
(Origin: a+flui)
afsos (kwo) regret, pity
pa afsos regrettably, sadly, unfortunately
afsosi (zwo) regret, be sorry about
afsos! (exklami) alas! it is a pity!
afsos-ney, afsosival (kwel) regrettable, sad, unfortunate
(konekti) after; in (at the end of)
afte yu after you
afte to after that
un afte otre one after another
afte vidi having seen
afte tri dey in three days
afte un ora in one hour
aften (taim-komo) afterwards, later on, subsequently
Nu nadi ke aften ve ye meno gwer in munda. We hope that afterwards (in future) there will be fewer wars in
the world.
Nu he diskusi se olo aften. We have
discussed this all later on.
aftechi (zwo) eat with, eat smth after drinking
Ta pi un glasakin vodka e aftechi bay marinaden gurka.
He had a glass of vodka with pickled cucumber.
(Origin: afte+chi)
agenda (kwo) agenda
agiti (zwo)
agitate (also to stir up public interest in a cause)
agiti-ney (agiten) (kwel) agitated, excited
agita (kwo) agitation (for the
meaning stirring up of public interest one can use also agitasion)
agni (kwo) fire
agnibeda fire (occurrence of fire in a certain place)
agnibrigada fire-brigade
agninka (kwo) spark
fai agninka (zwo) spark
agni-ney (kwel) aflame; fiery
agnisi (zwo) burn up, fire up; sear
agni-luma (kwo) blaze, glow
agni-ston (kwo) flint; gunflint
agra (kwo) (ploughed) field, tillage
agralanda (kwo) countryside
agrajen (kwo) peasant (also
agrare (kwel) agrarian
agravi (zwo) aggravate (cf.
agrava (kwo) aggravation
agresi (zwo) aggress; feel aggression
agresa (kwo) aggression
agresive (kwel) aggressive
agreser (kwo) aggressor
agude (kwel)
sharp, acute
agudisi (zwo) sharpen
ah (exklami) ah (expresses strong emotions)
fai ah (zwo) gasp with surprise
ahaa (exklami) aha
ahak (kwo)
ahfi (zwo) hide, conceal
ahfi swa hide oneself
ahfi-geim hide-and-seek
ahfilok (kwo) hiding-place
ahfi-shem (ahfem) (komo) hidingly,
in a hiding way
ahfishil (kwel) reserved, reticent, secretive
buahfi-ney (buahfen) (kwel) unconcealed, undisguised
ahfi-go (zwo) slink, sneak, steal
ahfi-kan (zwo) peep, watch furtively
ahir (loko-komo)
hither, here, this way
Lai ahir. Come here.
(Origin: a+hir)
Syn.: hir
ahmak (kwo) fool
Syn.: stupida
ahuki (zwo) hitch, hook, couple, link, catch
May palto ahuki a naga e tori. My coat caught on a
nail and tore.
aida (exklami) let's go, come along (invitation to go somewhere)
Aida a riva! Lets go to the river!
Aida fo yabla! Lets go to get some apples!
Turkish, Slavic
aika (modus-komo)
quite, rather
aika hao quite well
aira (kwo) air
aira kastela castles in the air
airaportu (kwo) airport
ais (kwo) ice
ais-lenge ice-cold
ais-ney (kwel) ice, icy,
aiskrem (kwo) ice cream
aisifa (kwo) icing up
aivi (kwo) ivy
ajibe (kwel) queer, weird, odd
Syn.: strane, astoni-she,
ajile (kwel) agile, alert, brisk
do peda ajile swift-footed, light-footed
do menta ajile with agile mind, quick-witted
ajilitaa (kwo) agility, alertness, swiftness, legerity
ajilisi (zwo) brisk up
ajorni (zwo) adjourn, put off, defer (cf. "deri")
ajorna (kwo) adjournment, postponement, reprieve
ajusti (zwo) adjust, regulate, set
ajusti kloka, ajusti radio adjust the clock/watch,
adjust the radio
akademia (kwo) academy
akademiayuan (kwo) academician
akauda (kwo) the sign "@"
(Origin: "a"+kauda)
akaunta (kwo) account (a registry of pecuniary transactions; a subscription to a service)
aklami (zwo) acclaim,
praise enthusiastically, cheer
aklama (kwo) acclaim,
akompani (zwo) accompany
Ob yu akompani me a dom? Will
you see me home?
akompana (kwo) accompaniment
akorda (kwo) chord (combination of pitches sounded simultaneously)
akre (kwel) acrid, caustic, pungent
akseleri (zwo) accelerate
akselera (kwo) acceleration
Syn.: mah-kway, fa-kway
aksenta (kwo) accent
aksenti (zwo) accent, accentuate
See also: emfasi
aksepti (zwo) accept
aksepta (kwo) acceptance
aksepter (kwo) acceptor
akses (kwo) access
aksesi (zwo) access, have access to
aksesibile (kwel) accessible
aksham (kwo) evening
klok pet de aksham (at) five oclock in the evening
sey aksham this evening, tonight
manya aksham tomorrow evening
akshamfan (kwo) evening meal; supper
aksia (kwo) share (finance)
aksidenta (kwo) accident (in an
ill sense), mishap
aksidenta-ney (aksidente) (kwel) accident-related
akti (zwo) act
akta (kwo) act; action (smth
fai akta fo/kontra koysa take action for/against smth
akting (kwo) action (functioning; effect)
aktive (kwel) active
aktivenesa (kwo) activity (the
state or quality of being active)
aktivitaa (kwo) activity
aktivisi (zwo) activate
aktivisa (kwo) activation
aktivista (kwo) activist
aktor (kwo)
aktoro (kwo) male actor
aktorina (kwo) actress
aktuale (kwel) actual (acting at
the present moment cf. reale)
aktualisi (zwo) actualize
aktum (kwo) act (theater; legal document)
akumuli (zwo) accumulate
akumula (kwo) accumulation
akusi (zwo) accuse, inculpate, charge with, indict
akusa (kwo) accusation
akwa (kwo) water
akwa(-ney) (kwel) water; aqueous
akwish (kwel) watery
akwalwo (kwo) waterfall
(Origin: akwa+lwo)
akwarium (kwo) aquarium
akwiri (zwo) acquire
akwira (kwo) acquisition
(konekti) when doing smth,
while, at, under (simultaneity, circumstances)
al suryachu at dawn
al ke me kuki while Im cooking
al bakdao on the way back
al klosi-ney dwar behind closed doors, with doors closed
al sey halat under these circumstances
al un-ney kansa at first sight
al shwo om se when speaking about it
«Hao», ela shwo al smaili. «OK», she said smiling.
al nau currently, at the present moment
ala (kwo) wing
alarma (kwo) alarm
aira-alarma air-raid warning
alarmi (zwo) alarm
alarmifi (zwo) get alarmed, uneasy
alarmi-ney (kwel) alarmed
alauda (kwo) lark, skylark
albatros (kwo) albatross (sea bird)
album (kwo) album
alee (kwo) lane, walk, path (in a garden, park, etc., generally between rows of trees)
alegre (kwel) merry; cheerful; lighthearted; lively
alegritaa (kwo) merriment; mirth; gaiety; liveliness
alfabet (kwo) alphabet
segun alfabet alphabetically
alga (kwo) alga(e): see-weed, kelp, dulse, etc.
algebra (kwo) algebra
algoritma (kwo) algorithm
aliansa (kwo) alliance
politike aliansa political alliance
alianser (kwo) ally
alibi (kwo) alibi
alif (kwel) tame
aligi (kwo) attach, append
aligi fail a leta attach a file to the letter
(Origin: a+ligi)
alkali (kwo) alkali
alkali-ney (kwel) alkaline
alkohol (kwo) alcohol
almu (kwo) alms
along (konekti)
go along gata go along the street
along riva along the river
also (unisi) therefore,
so, then; accordingly; consequently
altaimi (zwo)
(Origin: al+taim+i)
alternative (kwel) alternative
alternativa (kwo) alternative
alterni (zwo) alternate, take turns
alterna (kwo) alternation
amasi (zwo) knead
amator (kwo) amateur
amator-ney (kwel) amateur
amaxi (modus-komo) at most, not more than
to ve duri amaxi un ora that will last one hour at
amba (kwo) amber
ambi (inplas-kwo,
kwel) both
Nu ambi pri sey kitaba. We both like this book.
Ambi sista pri plei kun doga. Both sisters like to play with the dog.
ambigue (kwel) ambiguous, equivocal
ambiguitaa (kwo) ambiguity
ambision (kwo) ambition
ambisionful (kwel)
ambitious, full of
ambrela (kwo) umbrella
Tok Pisin
ambulansia (kwo) ambulance
ambush (kwo) ambush
fai ambush make/lay an ambush
amen (exklami) amen
Amerika (kwo)America (continent)
Amerika-ney (kwel)
American (of or pertaining to the Americas)
Amerika-jen (kwo) American (an
inhabitant of the Americas; cf. USA-jen)
Norda Amerika North America
amerikan (kwel,
kwo) American (of or pertaining to the USA or the American culture; American man)
fama-ney amerikan poeta famous American poet
amiga (kwo) friend
amigo (kwo) male friend
amigina (kwo) female friend
amiga-ney (amige), amigalik (kwel) amiable, affable, friendly
amigitaa (kwo) friendship, amity
amini (modus-komo) at least
to ve duri amini un ora that will last one hour at
amper (kwo) ampere
sto amper 100 amperes
shi mikroamper 10 microamperes
amplituda (kwo) amplitude
amusi (zwo) amuse, entertain
amusi swa amuse oneself
amusa (kwo) amusement
amusi-she (kwel) amusing
an (konekti) indicates
object of action
fai gola an koysa take aim at smth
darba an tabla a strike on the table
wuli an luna howl at the moon
kansa an dwar a glance at the door
lopi kun sikin an koywan to run at someone with a knife
analis (kwo) analysis
analisi (zwo) analize
analoge (kwel) analogous
analogem (komo) analogously
analoga (kwo) analogue
analogitaa (kwo) analogy, analogousness
ananas (kwo) pineapple
anar (kwo) pomegranate (fruit)
anarbaum (kwo) pomegranate (tree)
anarkia (kwo) anarchy
anarkike (kwo) anarchic
anarkista (kwo) anarchist
anchun (kwel)
safe, secure
anchuntaa (kwo) safety, security
anekdot (kwo) anecdote, joke, funny story
anglosaxon (kwo, kwel) Anglo-Saxon
angula (kwo) angle; corner
agude angula acute angle
tupe angula obtuse angle
rekte angula right angle
triangula triangle
rektangula rectangle
turni angula turn (round) the corner
animal (kwo) animal
animi (zwo) animate, endow with life; enliven, give
animation to
animi-ney (kwel) animated
anima (kwo) animation
shwo kun anima speak with animation
animasion (kwo) animation ((making) cartoon)
anis (kwo) anise
anjel (kwo) angel
anjellik (kwel) angel-like, angelic
anka (kwo) anchor
fai anka (zwo) anchor
mah-lwo anka cast/drop anchor
ankur (kwo) sprout, shoot
ankuri (zwo) sprout, spring up
anonime (kwel) anonymous
ansambla (kwo) ensemble
anshi (zwo) hint
ansha (kwo) hint
antena (kwo) antenna
antilopa (kwo) antelope
antonim (kwo) antonym
antra (kwo) gut
antratot (kwo) intestine
anubav (kwo) experience
anubav-ney jen experienced person, man of
anubavi (zwo) experience (cf. "trajivi")
anunsi (zwo) announce; give notice of
anunsa (kwo) announcement
anus (kwo) anus
aparat (kwo) apparatus
apari (zwo) appear (come into
existence; to become visible cf. sembli)
apara (kwo) appearance
aparte (kwel) separate, detached, apart (from others)
apartem (komo) apart
apartem fon otres apart from the others
apeli (zwo) appeal (but not
to be attractive)
apela (kwo) appeal
apena (komo) hardly, scarcely, barely
apetit (kwo) appetite
apliki (zwo) apply (put on,
upon, or to; put to or adapt for a special use; put into action)
aplika (kwo) application
apliki-ney (apliken) (kwel) applied
apliken fisika applied
aplodi (zwo) applaud
aploda (kwo) applause,
apoga (kwo) support, prop, rest
apogi (zwo) prop, lean, rest
apogi on tabla lean agaist the table
april (kwo) April (also mes-char)
aprobi (zwo) approve, give approbation to
aproba (kwo) approbation
apropoo (konekti-komo)
apropos; by the way
Apropoo, me haishi bu he lekti sey kitaba. By the way, I have not yet read
this book. Apropoo sey kitaba, it es ya muy
interes-ney. Apropos of this book, it is really interesting.
arabeska (kwo) arabesque
arabi (kwel, kwo) Arab; Arabic; Arabic language
aranji (zwo) arrange (plan or
prerare for; bring about or come to an agreement; settle)
aranji mita make an appointment
aranja (kwo) arrangement
arda (kwo) earth
ardagloba (kwo) globe (the planet Earth)
ardanuta (kwo) peanut
(Origin: arda+nuta)
arena (kwo) arena
arendi (zwo) lease, rent, charter
arenda (kwo) lease
arendaguan (kwo) rental agency
aresti (zwo) arrest, make a prisoner
aresta (kwo) arrest, custody
argenta (kwo) silver
argumenta (kwo) argument (statement put forth as proof, reason)
arhiduka (kwo) archduke
arigatoo (kwo) thanks, thank you
Syn.: danke, shukran
arivi (zwo) arrive (at
destination, at a certain place)
ariva (kwo) arrival
Ant.: departi
arka (kwo) arc; arch (cf. raduga)
arkaike (kwel) archaic
arkitekter (kwo) architect
arkitektura (kwo) architecture
arku (kwo) bow (weapon)
Arkuman (kwo) Sagittarius
arma (kwo) weapon
stal-arma cold steel
agni-arma fire-arms
armas (kwo) arms, armament
armisi (zwo) arm
armisa (kwo) arming
arma-dun (kwo) loophole, embrasure
armee (kwo) army
armeeyuan (kwo) military man, serviceman
aroma (kwo) aroma
aroma-herba aromatic herbs
aromaful (kwel) full of aroma, aromatic, fragrant or sweet-smelling
aromike (kwel) aromatic (chem.)
arosi (zwo) moisten, wet, water (with any liquid)
aroser (kwo) watering-pot
arpa (kwo) harp
arsenal (kwo) arsenal
arta (kwo) art
artista (kwo) artist
artifisiale (kwel) artificial (man-made; false; unnatural cf. jengun-ney)
artikla (kwo) article (a part of
speech in some languages)
(cf. makala)
artileria (kwo) artillery
asada (kwo) siege
asadi (zwo) siege, besiege
asembli (zwo) assemble: collect, bring together (people, materials, etc.)
asembla (kwo) assemblage, assembly; meeting, gathering
generale asembla general meeting/assembly
desasembli (zwo) disassemble, take to pieces
Syn.: jami
asendi (zwo) go up, ascend, mount
asendi sulam mount a ladder/stairway
avion oltaim asendi-te the plane kept ascending
prais asendi prices come up
asenda (kwo) ascension
Syn.: go uupar
Ant.: desendi
aserti (zwo) assert, aver, claim, state
aserta (kwo) assertion, claim, statement
asfalta (kwo) asphalt
asilum (kwo) asylum, sanctuary
Syn.: refuja
asimili (zwo) assimilate (physiol. and fig.
cf. "similisi")
asimila (kwo) assimilation
asimut (kwo) azimuth
asla (kwo) donkey, ass
aspekti (zwo) look, appear
aspekti fatigi-ney look tired
aspekta (kwo) aspect, view, sight, look, appearance
fai aspekta pretend, affect, feign
aspiri (zwo) aspire, desire eagerly, long for, aim at,
seek after
aspira (kwo) aspiration, striving
asteroida (kwo) asteroid (astron.)
astoni (zwo)
astonish, amaze
fa-astoni (zwo) be amazed, be astonished, marvel, wonder
astoni-she, astonival (kwel) astonishing, marvelous
astoni-shem (komo) astonishingly
astoni-shem jamile gela astonishingly beautiful girl
astona (kwo) amazement, astonishment
astronomia (kwo) astronomy
astronomier (kwo) astronomer
astronomike (kwel) astronomical
ataki (zwo) attack, assail, assault
ataka (kwo) attack, assault
chu-ataka (kwo) sally, sortie
atarafi (kwo) move aside, draw aside; step aside
(Origin: a+taraf+i)
ateni (zwo) attain, reach, achieve
ateni e sobrepasi catch up and overtake
lopi-ateni catch up by running
raki-ateni catch up by car (or other vehicle)
atena (kwo) achievement, attainment, accomplishment
atenta (kwo) attention
fai nul atenta om koysa pay no attention to smth
atenti (zwo) be attentive to, heed, mind, pay attention to
atenta-ney (atente) (kwel)
attentive, alert
atenta-nem (atentem) (komo) attentively, closely, carefully.
(cf. chauke)
atlas (kwo) (anat., geog.) atlas
atletika (kwo) athletics
atletike (kwel) athletic
atma (kwo) soul
atma-ney (kwel) of soul
dusatma-ney (kwel)
bad souled, base
atmosfera (kwo) atmosphere
atom (kwo) atom
atom-ney (kwel) atomic
atrakti (zwo) attract
atrakta (kwo) attraction
atraktive (kwel) attractive
audi (zwo) hear; listen
Me bu audi nixa. I dont hear anything.
Audi ba! Listen!
hao-audi-ke musika a music that is good to hear
bu-gwo-audi-ke unheard-of
auda (kwo) hearing (auditory faculty)
auding (kwo) listening; audition
audibile (kwel) audible
audike (kwel) auditory
audibilitaa (kwo) audibility
audisens (kwo) sense of hearing
audimogsa (kwo) hearing ability
fa-audi (zwo) be heard, be audible
finaudi (zwo) listen to the end
auder (kwo) (telephone) receiver
See also: slu
audio (kwo,
kwel) audio
rekordi audio record audio
augusto (kwo) August (also mes-ot)
in augusto in August
aur (kwo) ear
aurganda (kwo) cerumen
aus (konekti-komo) 1) out (of) (outward
pren kalam aus posh take a pencil out of the pocket
Lai aus! Come out!
2) (made) of (material), out
botela aus glas bottle made of glass, glass bottle
Me he zwo palas aus shamba. I made a palace out of the room.
ausen (konekti-komo) outside of, on the outside, beyond the
limits of
ausen dom outside the house
Me jivi ausen urba. I live out of town.
Sedey ye frosta ausen. It freezes outdoors.
Sey dwar bu ofni fon ausen, sol fon inen. This door does not open from
outside, only from within.
ausen-ney (kwel) outer, external
ausenklaida (kwo) overclothes
ausen-taraf (kwo) the outside
ausen-munda (kwo) the outer world
ausjivi (zwo) survive, remain alive
ausjiving (kwo) survival, surviving
auskati (zwo) cut out, carve out
auskavi (zwo) dig out, dig up
auskupi (zwo) redeem; ransom
auskupa (kwo) redemption, redeeming; ransom
auslanda (kwo) foreign countries
in auslanda abroad
auslanda-ney (kwel) foreign, of foreign countries
auslandajen, auslander (kwo) foreigner, a person from a foreign country (cf.
ausmorti (zwo) die out, become extinct
(Origin: aus+morti)
auspren (zwo)
take out, pull out,
(Origin: aus+pren)
ausspiri (zwo) exhale, breathe out
ausspira (kwo) exhalation, outward breath
Ant.: inuspiri
ausyusi (zwo) wear out
ausyusa (kwo) wear and tear
(Origin: aus+yusi)
autentike (kwel) authentic (genuine, real)
autentikitaa (kwo) authenticity
auto (kwo) automobile, car, motor-car
automat (kwo) automatic machine, automaton, automat
automatike (kwel) automatic
automatikem (komo) automatically
automatisi (zwo) automatize
automatisa (kwo) automatization
autor (kwo) author
autoritaa (kwo) authority (power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience cf. "mahta")
autostop (kwo) hitch-hiking
fai autostop hitch-hike
avan (komo)
forward, ahead (in space or time)
Avan, sempre avan! Forward, always forward!
Kan avan, bu kan bak. Look forward, don't look back.
Go avan, bu turni. Go ahead, don't turn.
Treba mah kloka un ora avan. One should set the clock
one hour ahead.
avanen (konekti-komo) ahead (of) (at what
avanen oli ahead of everybody
avanen kolona ahead of the column
Lu es yo dalem avanen. He is already far ahead.
May kloka es pet minuta avanen. My watch is 5 minutes fast.
avane (kwel) front, fore
avanpatas forelegs
avana (kwo) front,
facing side (also avantaraf)
avanpasi (zwo) pass ahead of, outstrip
avansi (zwo) advance, go forward; further, promote
avansa (kwo) advance, advancement
avantaja (kwo) advantage
avare (kwel) avaricious, miserly, greedy
avaritaa (kwo) avarice, greed
avarnik (kwo) miser, niggard
aventura (kwo) adventure
avenu (kwo) avenue (broad street)
avide (kwel) greedy, avid
aviditaa (kwo) greed, avidity
avida (avido, avidina) (kwo) greedy person
avion (kwo) airplane
avos (komo) hopefully, maybe, perhaps, with luck we
pa avos on the off-chance, at random, in a
hit-or-miss fashion
axa (kwo) axis, axle
axike (kwel) axial
ay (exklami) ouch
azure (kwel) azure
ba gramatika marks imperative
Nu go ba! Let us go!
Manya yu hev skola. Tayari ba
yur leson! Tomorrow you have classes. Prepare your lesson!
Ta lai ba! Let him come!
(cf. "hay")
badal (kwo) cloud
gro-badal big cloud
swate badal black cloud
badal-ney dey cloudy day
bade (kwel) bad; evil (cf.
bu bade not bad
baditaa (kwo) evil
lucha de haotaa e baditaa struggle
of the good and the evil
badifi (fa-bade) (zwo) become worse, deteriorate
bagaja (kwo) luggage
Crimean Tatar
bagula (kwo) heron
bahana (kwo) pretext, excuse
bahani (zwo) pretext
bahani-yen ke under the pretext of
bahmal (kwo) velvet
bait (kwo) byte
baji (zwo) ring, resound; play (a musical instrument); strike (about the clock)
baji pa dwar ring at the door
Hu-ney fon zai baji? Whose phone is ringing?
baji piano play piano
baji gana pa gitara play a song on the guitar
baja (kwo) ring, ringing
Me audi-te baja pa dwar. I heard a ring at the door.
bajika (kwo) doorbell, buzzer
bak (komo)
1) back (in space or time), backwards
Go avan, bu go bak. Go ahead, don't go back.
Mata wud yao ke suy kindas lai bak a ela. The mother
would like her children to come back to her.
Gai pon bak olo ke yu pren. You should put back everything that you take.
al bakdao on the way back
bakmuvi move back
dai bak give back
Treba mah kloka un ora bak. One should set the clock one
hour back.
2) ago
dwa yar bak two years ago
Gro-longtaim bak ye rega. Once upon a time (long ago) there lived a king.
baken (konekti-komo) behind (at what place?)
baken dom behind the house
Me bu vidi surya nau: it es baken badal. Now I don't see the sun: it is
behind the cloud.
Wen me lai a shulin, me bu dumi om problema. Me lyu li oli baken in urba.
When coming to the forest, I do not think about problems. I leave them all
behind in the town.
May kloka es pet minuta baken. My watch is 5 minutes slow.
fon baken dom from behind the house
bakak (kwo) frog
bake (kwel) rear, back, hind
bakpatas hind legs
baka (kwo) the
back (back side, reverse side, or area behind) (also baktaraf)
bakra (kwo) goat
gin-bakra (bakrina) female goat
man-bakra (bakro) male goat
bakshish (kwo) baksheesh
bakteria (kwo) bacterium
bal (kwo) ball (dance)
balada (kwo) ballad
balansa (kwo) balance, equilibrium (cf. "vaka")
balansi (zwo) balance, maintain equilibrium; counterpoise,
balansing (kwo) equilibration, balancing
balansi-ney (balansen) (kwel) balanced
balbati (zwo) gurgle
ruchey balbati brook gurgles
baldakin (kwo) baldaquin
balena (kwo) whale
balet (kwo) ballet
balja (kwo) bulge
balji (zwo) bulge
balka (kwo) log, beam; rafter, balk
balka-dom loghouse
balkon (kwo) balcony
balon (kwo) balloon
balsam (kwo) balsam, balm
bambu (kwo) bamboo
banana (kwo) banana
bananaplanta (kwo) banana-plant
banda (kwo) 1) band (strip; a
part of spectrum); ribbon;
2) band (group)
banda de frekwensa frequency band
bandaja (kwo) bandage
bandaji (zwo) bandage
bandana (kwo) bandana
bandita (kwo) bandit
banduk (kwo)
bangi (zwo) burst
bani (zwo) bathe
bani swa bathe oneself
baning (kwo) bath (bathing)
banidom (baniguan) (kwo) bath-house, baths
banishamba (kwo) bathroom
banipen bathtub
banka (kwo) bank (financial
banker (kwo) banker
bankayuan (kwo) bank clerk
banket (kwo) banquet (ceremonial dinner)
bao (kwo) bag
beybao (kwo) rucksack
handabao (kwo) handbag
baobaba (kwo) baobab
bar (kwo) bar (pub, tavern)
barak (kwo) barrack
barana (kwo) fence
barba (kwo) beard
barba-ney man bearded man
barbare (kwel) barbarian, barbarous
barbara (kwo) barbarian
barbaritaa (kwo) barbarism; barbarity
barela (kwo) barrel
barelakin (kwo) keg, small barrel / cask
bari (zwo) bar, block, obstruct
daobarika (kwo) road barrier
barilok (kwo) enclosured place
bariera (kwo) barrier
barometra (kwo) barometer
baron (kwo) baron / baroness
barono (kwo) baron
baronina (kwo) baroness
barsuk (kwo) badger
bartan (kwo) household vessel; tableware
woshi bartan wash the dishes
bartanlemar (kwo) dresser (cupboard or set of shelves for dishes
or kitchen utensils)
barut (kwo) gunpowder
barut-depo powder magazine
basa (kwo) base
basi (zwo) base
basike (kwel) basic
basikem (komo) basically
sinbasa-ney (kwel) groundless, unfounded
basar (kwo) market, marketplace, bazaar; fair
basar-ekonomia market economy
basar-teatra a fair theatre
bashan (kwo) speech (oration)
bashani (zwo) orate, give a speech
basina (kwo) basin (geog., geol.)
basketa (kwo) basket
basketabol (kwo) basketball
basta (komo) enough
nu hev basta pan we have enough bread
sauna bu es haishi basta garme it is not yet hot enough in the sauna
(exklami) that will do! enough!
Basta! Me bu yao audi nixa om to. Enough of that! I
do not want to hear anything about it.
See also: sufi-shem
baston (kwo) staff, stick; crosier
basu (kwo) bass (low sound)
shwo pa basu speak/say in low voice
basu-ney (kwel) bass
basu-ney vos bass voice
bat (unisi)
Me hev kitaba bat me bu yao lekti. I have the
book but I don't want to read.
batali (zwo) fight, battle
batala (kwo) fight, battle
handa-batala hand-to-hand fighting
batalakin (kwo) skirmish
batalion (kwo) battalion
bataria (kwo) battery
batata (kwo) sweet potato
bati (zwo) beat (hit or
strike repeatedly)
bater (kwo) bat (club); beater
(cf. darbi)
baum (kwo) tree
bavul (kwo) suitcase
bay (konekti) 1) by, with, by
means of (a means or tool)
skribi bay kalam write with a pencil
lai bay avion come by airplane
bay forsa by force
bay to ke yu zwo by what you do
ofensi bay bu shwo danke to offend by not thanking
2) by (doer or author)
se es zwo-ney bay me this is done by me
kitaba bay Mark Twen book by Mark Twain
baya (kwo) bay (nautical)
bayonet (kwo) bayonet
bebi (kwo) baby
bebi gari perambulator, baby carriage
beda (kwo) misfortune, distress, trouble, disaster (cf. "disasta")
bedlam (kwo) bedlam
beduin (kwo) bedouin
begin (zwo) begin, commence
Nu begin ba! Lets begin!
beginsa (kwo) beginning
in beginsa at the beginning
ribegin (zwo) recommence
Syn.: starti
beje (kwel) beige
bekon (kwo) bacon
belka (kwo) squirrel
belta (kwo) belt (band)
piga belta leather belt
bencha (kwo) bench; pew
bensin (kwo) benzine, petrol, gasoline
bereta (kwo) beret
beri (kwo) berry
berna (kwo) bear
bes (kwo) devil (as a
half-animal creature, not Satan, not the chief one)
See also: diabla
besbol (kwo) baseball
bestia (kwo) beast
bestialik (kwel) bestial, brutish
Syn.: animal
beton (kwo) concrete (building
bey (kwo) back (the rear of
body); backrest
stula bey back of chair
stan al bey versu koywan stand with one's back to smb
beybao (kwo) rucksack
Bharat India (also "India")
bi (zwo)
(is es, was bin, will be ve bi)
Gai bi honeste. One should be honest.
Bi hao! 1) You are welcome! (a reply to thanking); 2) Bless you! (after
smb's sneezing); 3) Good luck! (when parting)
bia (kwo) being
bichi (zwo) despise, disdain, disparage, scorn
bicha (kwo) contempt, scorn, disdain
bifoo (konekti) before (in space or time)
bifoo dom before the house
bifoo festa before the holiday
bifoo ke lu en-somni before he fell asleep
bifoo olo first of all
Woshi handas bifoo chifan! Wash
your hands before eating!
En-stan ba bifoo me. Stand up before me!
bifoo-ney (kwel) former, previous, one-time
pa bifoo-ney taim once, in former times
bifooen (taim-komo) formerly, previously, before
Laojen oftem shwo ke bifooen olo bin pyu hao kem nau. Old people often say
that formerly everything was better than now.
Bifooen nu jivi in otre urba. Previously we lived in another town.
pa bifooen in advance, beforehand
biftek (kwo) beefsteak
bigari (zwo) spoil
bigara (kwo) spoiling, spoilage
bigudi (kwo) hair-roller
bik (kwo) beak
biki (zwo) peck
bika (kwo) peck
biking (kwo) pecking
bikam (zwo) become
Ob yu yao bikam leker? Do you want to become a
Lu bikam-te fama-ney kway. He quickly became famous.
Sun ela bikam mata. She will become a mother soon.
bikini (kwo) bikini
bikos (unisi) because
bil (kwo) bill, invoice
bildi (zwo) build
bildi dom build a house
bilda, bilding (kwo) building (act)
bildura (kwo) building (structure)
bildilok (kwo) building site
bileta (kwo) ticket
biliar (kwo) billiards
bilion (kwo) billion, a million millions, 1012
bin was, were (past tense
from "bi")
Me bin dar pluri ves. I have been there several times.
biologia (kwo) biology
biologike (kwel) biological
biologier (kwo) biologist
bira (kwo) beer
biraguan (kwo) beerhouse
birka (kwo) birch
bisikla (kwo) bicycle (also "baik")
(kwo) biscuit, cookie
(kwo) business (commercial activity)
bit (kwo) bit (computing)
bitum (kwo) bitumen
blada (kwo) blade (of a knife, sword; of an oar, propeller)
blage (kwel) blessed, connected with God's grace;
blagitaa (kwo) grace (religion); beneficence
blami (zwo) blame, condemn, censure
blama (kwo) blame, censure
(cf. "shatami")
blan (kwel) white
blantaa whiteness
blesi (zwo) bless
blesa (kwo) blessing, benediction
bli (konekti-komo) near, nearby,
beside, close to
bli may dom near my house
bli klok char around 4 o'clock
Ela zai sidi-te bli. She was sitting beside.
bli-ney (kwel) near, nearby, neighbouring
See also: sirke
blik (kwo) catchlight, flare (reflection
of light)
blin (kwo) pancake
blinde (kwel) blind
blinditaa (kwo) blindness
blinda (kwo) a blind person
blindisi (zwo) blind; dazzle
blindisi-she (kwel) blinding
blise (kwel) close, near, nearby
blisem (komo) closely
blisitaa (kwo) closeness, nearness, proximity; affinity
blisejen (kwo) ones near and dear
blislok hereabouts
blisifi (fa-blise) (zwo) approach, come closer
blisifi a koysa approach smth, come close to smth
blisisi (mah-blise) (zwo) draw/bring nearer
blisi (zwo) approach/bring nearer
bliza (kwo) lightning
blog (kwo) blog
blok (kwo) block; unit (a part of a mechanism)
bloki (zwo) block, blockade
fa-bloki (zwo) become blocked; get stuck
debloki (zwo) unblock, deblock
blu (kwel) blue
blutaa (kwo) blue
klarblu (kwel) light blue, sky blue
blusa (kwo) blouse
boa (kwo) boa
bobina (kwo) bobbin, spool, reel
bobra (kwo) beaver
boh (kwo) god
bohina (kwo) goddess
boh-ney, bohlik (kwel) divine
bohmata (kwo) mother of god
boh-blama (kwo) blasphemy
fai boh-blama commit blasphemy
bol (kwo) ball
snegabol (kwo) snowball
bolkalam (kwo) ballpoint pen
bolta (kwo) bolt (metal
(kwo) bomb
bombi (zwo) bomb, bombard
bombing (kwo) bombardment, bombing
bombiavion, bomber (kwo) bomber (aircraft)
bombi-sha (kwo) bomber (person)
bona (kwo) bean
bonbon (kwo) bonbon, candy, sweet
borda (kwo) border (outer edge; frontier), brink;
edge; board (of ship)
pa borda de abisma at the brink of the abyss
bay pamaborda with edge of ones hand
lingwa borda inter jenmin language borders between peoples
stata borda the state border
fule til borda full to the brim
bordi (zwo) border (on), adjoin
bordi-she (zwo) adjoining, next, adjacent
bori (zwo) bore, drill
boring (kwo) boring
borer, boritul (kwo) borer (tool)
trabori (zwo) drill through, perforate
(kwo) bristle, stubble
borsti (zwo) bristle
borya (kwo) woven mat
bota (kwo) boat
botajen (kwo) boatman
botela (kwo) bottle
boxa (kwo) box (container)
boxi (zwo) box (strike with
boxing (kwo) boxing
boxer (kwo) boxer
boy (kwo) boy
boyar (kwo) boyar(d)
boyarina (kwo) boyarynia, boyars wife
bracha (kwo) arm
brai (zwo) roar, bellow
braisa (kwo) roar, bellow
brancha (kwo) branch
brandi (kwo) brandy
brash (kwo) brush (tool)
brashi (zwo) brush
brashing (kwo) brushing
brata (kwo) brother
bratalik (kwel) brotherly
May ko-bratas do kalam. My co-brethren of the quill.
bratason (kwo) nephew (brother's son)
(Origin: brata+son)
brave (kwel) brave, gallant, stalwart, dashing
bravnik (kwo) bold fellow, daring fellow, dare-devil
bravo (exklami) bravo
Bravo gro! Bravissimo!
brecha (kwo) breach (opening, gap, tear, rupture)
brein (kwo) brain
brek (kwo) brake
breki (zwo) brake, apply a brake
breking (kwo) braking
breve (kwel) brief, concise
brevem (komo) briefly, in a few words
brida (kwo) bridle
bridi (zwo) bridle
nobridi-ney (kwel) unbridled, unruly
nobridibile (kwel) indomitable
brig (kwo) brig
brigada (kwo) brigade
agnibrigada fire-brigade
brij (kwo) bridge (card game)
brik (kwo) brick
brili (zwo) shine, glitter, glow
brili-she (kwel) brilliant, shining, shiny
brila (kwo) shining, glitter, brilliance
brilika (kwo) spangle
debrilifi (zwo) lose its lustre, grow dim
briliante (kwel) brilliant (glorious,
superb, wonderful)
Syn.: gro-hao, magnifike
bringi (zwo) bring
go bringi koysa go to fetch smth
lopi bringi koysa run for smth, run to fetch smth
brisa (kwo) breeze (of wind)
brova (kwo) eye-brow, brow
bru (zwo) brew (prepare
bruing (kwo) brewing
brum (kwo) broom
brumi (zwo) sweep (with a
bruming (kwo) sweeping
brun (kwel) brown
brutale (kwel) brutal
brutalitaa (kwo) brutality
Syn.: kruele (cruel),
ferose (fierce, ferocious)
bu (syao-gramatika)
not (negation)
Me bu yao go adar. I don't want to go there.
Tak, bu kontra-nem. So, not otherwise.
Se es buevitibile. This is inevitable.
Bu go adar! Don't go there!
See also: non, bye
Buda (kwo) Buddha
budisma (kwo) Buddhism
bufal (kwo) buffalo
bufeta (kwo) buffet (a counter or sideboard from which food and drink are served or may be bought)
bugundey (kwo) day free from work, day off, rest-day
(Origin: bu+gun+dey)
buhao (kwel,
komo) not good, bad; badly
sta buhao feel unwell
(Origin: bu+hao)
bujeta (kwo) budget
buketa (kwo) bouquet (bunch of flowers; specific scent)
bulba (kwo) bulb
bulbul (kwo) nightingale
bulevar (kwo) boulevard
buli (zwo) boil
buli-she akwa boiling water
buli-ney milka boiled milk
buling (kwo) boiling
bulyon (kwo) broth, bouillon
bumbar (kwo) bumblebee
bunte (kwel) variegated, many-coloured, motley
bure (kwel) gray-brown
burjua (kwo) bourgeois
burjua-ney (kwel) bourgeois
burnus (kwo) burnous
burokratia (kwo) bureaucracy
burokratike (kwel) bureaucratic
buroo (kwo) bureau
bursa (kwo) exchange (a place
for trading, such as a stock exchange)
bus (kwo) bus (coach)
bus-stopika (kwo) bus stop
busyuan (kwo) ticket collector (in bus)
bush (kwo) bush, shrub
bushel (kwo) bushel (unit of volume)
busta (kwo) bust (head and shoulders of body; woman's bosom)
buta (kwo) boot
tasmi (fai) butas lace up ones boots
gaobuta (kwo) high boot
rolibutas (kwo) roller skates/blades
buton (kwo) button (fastener;
device meant to be pressed; bud)
florbuton flower bud
presi buton press the button
buton de jaketa button of jacket
mausbuton a mouse button
butoni (zwo) button
butondun (kwo) buttonhole
buy (kwo) buoy
bye (gramatika)
negative imperative particle
Bye go adar! Don't go there!
Boh bye lasi! God forbid!
Syn.: bu, bu...ba
byen (kwel) convenient; comfortable; handy, easy-to
use; opportune
es muy byen it's very opportune, it comes in handy
nobyen-taim-ney ill-timed
byentaa (kwo) convenience; ease, handiness
flat do oli byentaa apartment with all conveniences
chabi (zwo) chew
chabing (kwo) chewing, mastication
chabiguma, chabika (kwo) chewing gum
chapa (kwo) hoe, mattock
chapta (kwo) chapter (section in a book)
char (kwanto)
four (4)
un (de) charfen one forth
tri (de) charfen three fourths
charfen(ka) (kwo) quarter
charple (kwel) quadruple
charshi forty
charsto four hundred
char-ney the fourth
char-nem fourthly
chardi (kwo) Thursday
charma (kwo)
charm (appeal, attraction cf. "jadu",
charmi (zwo) charm (seduce,
charmaful (kwel) charming
chati (zwo)
chat, babble, chatter
chata (kwo) chat, babble, chatter
chauki (zwo) beware (of), be on ones guard against,
take care
chauki doga! beware of dogs!
chauka (kwo) caution, wariness, vigilance
chauka-stepa precautionary measures
chauka-ney (chauke)
(kwel) cautious, watchful, wary, vigilant
chauka-nem (chaukem) (komo) cautiously, warily, vigilantly
buchauke (kwel) incautious, imprudent
nochauke (kwel) foolhardy, reckless, desperate
chaure (kwel) wide, broad
chaurem (komo) broadly, widely, wide
chauritaa (kwo) breadth, width
chaurifi (fa-chaure) (zwo) widen (become wide
or wider), broaden
chaurisi (mah-chaure) (zwo) widen (make wide or wider),
chauri (zwo) widen (tr./intr.)
chay (kwo) tea
chayguan (kwo) tea room, tea house
chayvati (zwo) tea
chayvati koywan to take smb to tea
chek (kwo)
cheque, (bank-) check,
receipt (written acknowledgement)
cheki (zwo) check (verify;
cheka (kwo) check (inspection;
cherpi (zwo) draw liquids, scoop (out); (fig.) to
take, borrow
cherpika (kwo) scoop
chi (zwo) eat
chi masu eat meat
hao-chi-ke fan a tasty food
chi sabahfan have breakfast
chi deyfan have a midday meal
chi akshamfan have evening meal/supper
chibile (kwel) edible
chia (kwo) eating
syao chia snack
chiwat (kwo) eats, food
chifan (zwo) meal, have a meal
chifanshamba dining room
chifansa (kwo) meal
mah-chi (zwo) feed
jen-chier (kwo) cannibal,
chitul (kwo) eating tool (e.g. fork, spoon, knife, chopsticks)
chibuk (kwo) chin
chihi (zwo) sneeze
chiha (kwo) sneeze
laute ek-chiha a violent sneeze
chihing (kwo) sneezing; catarrh
mah-chihi-she (kwel) sternutatory
chinara (kwo) plane (tree of the
genus Platanus)
chipe (kwel) cheap
chipenesa (kwo) cheapness, low prices
Ant.: guy
chiriki (zwo) twitter, chirp
chiriking (kwo) twitter, chirp, chirping
chitan (kwo) pond
chiza (kwo) spoon
chaychiza (kwo) teaspoon
chokolat (kwo) chocolate
chori (zwo) steal, thieve
bechori koywan to rob smb
chora (kwo) theft
chori-sha, chorer (kwo) thief
chorishil (kwel) thievish
Chosen (kwo) North Korea
chou (kwel)
stinking, foul, fetid
chu (zwo) go out, leave, exit; issue (from); ooze
out; come out, be issued
lu chu shamba he left the room
sudor chu on luy fas the sweat stood out on his face
chu dwar go out of the door
chusa (kwo) going out, leaving, withdrawal; exit, way
out; outlet
chudao (kwo) way out
otre chudao yok there is no other way out
chudwar (kwo) exit door
chuwat (kwo) issue (smth issued)
mah-chu (zwo) issue (smth);
ta mah-chu un strane suon she uttered a strange sound
chuf (kwo)
tuft (cluster of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass)
chukanda (kwo)
beet, beetroot
chukandasup (kwo) beet soup, borscht
chunauta (kwo) challenge, defiance
chunauta-ney (chunaute) (kwo) defiant
chunauta-nem (chunautem) (kwo) defiantly
chuyshu (zwo) boast, brag
chuyshu-ke, chuyshushil (kwel) boastful, vainglorious
chyen (kwel)
chyenlok (kwo) ford, wade; shoal, sandbank
dabe (unisi)
in order to, in order
that, so that
Me shwo a yu dabe yu mog samaji me. I speak to you in order that you can understand
dacha (kwo)
dacha, summer house
dadu (kwo) bet, wager
fai dadu (zwo) bet, wager
fai dadu kun koywan bet with smb
fai dadu om koysa make a bet about smth
fai dadu pa shi dolar make a bet of 10 dollars
dafni (zwo) inter, bury
dafna (kwo) interment, burial, funeral
dafta (kwo) exercise book, notebook
dai (zwo) give
daisa (kwo) giving
dai bak (zwo) give back
daklis (kwo) threshold
dale (kwel) far, distant, remote
dalem (komo) afar
fon dalem from afar
dalitaa (kwo) distance (a
considerable amount of space),
expanse, remoteness
fa-dale (dalifi) (zwo) become more remote
mah-dale (dalisi) (zwo) distance, move
away from
dalta (kwo) chisel
dalwa (kwo) bucket, pail
dam (kwo) dam, dike
dama (kwo) married or widowed woman; dame; lady; (in cards, chess, checkers) a queen
damaja (kwo) damage
damaji (zwo) damage
damay (kwo) barley
damni (zwo) damn (cf.
damna (kwo) damnation
(taim-komo) 1) then (at that time)
Dan me bin haishi yunge. I was still young then.
depos dan since then
2) then (in that case)
si...dan... if...then...
See also: poy
dan2 (syao) suffix for container
chaydan (kwo) teapot
nayudan (kwo) butterdish
milkadan (kwo) milk can
flordan (kwo) flowerpot
kalamdan (kwo) pencil-box
kahwa-dan (kwo) coffee-pot
manidan (kwo) wallet
dandi (kwo) dandy, fop
dandivati (zwo) behave foppishly
danja (kwo) danger, peril
danja-ney, danjaful (kwel) dangerous, perilous
dank a (konekti)
thanks to, owing to
dank a lu thanks to him
dank a to ke yu he zwo thanks to what you have done
danke (exklami)
thank you, thanks
Danke! - Es nixa. Bi hao! Thank you! - Don't mention it. You are welcome!
Danke gro! Thank you very much!
danki (zwo) thank
me danki yu por helpi I thank you for your help
danka (kwo) gratitude
dankaful (kwel) thankful, grateful
dansa (kwo) dance
dansi (zwo) dance
danser (kwo) dancer
dansilok (kwo) dance floor, dance hall
dao (kwo) way (path; method)
sirkum-dao roundabout way
pa sey dao by this way
pa nul dao in no way, by no means
Milkadao Milky way
daojen (kwo) wayfarer, traveller; wanderer
daokin (kwo) path (trail), pathway
daokrosa (kwo) crossroads, crossing
dar (loko-komo) there
May sista es dar. My sister
is there.
Dar ye may sista. There is my sister there.
Dar es garme. It's hot
Bu go dar! Don't go there!
See also: adar, hir
darbi (zwo) strike (hit)
darba (kwo) blow, stroke
darfi (sta)
have permission, be
allowed, (one) may
Lu darfi gun kom leker. He is allowed to work as a
Me darfi zin ku? May I come in?
bu darfi is not allowed
hir bu darfi fumi smoking is not allowed here
dashat (kwo) horror, terror
dashatfilma thriller, horror film
dashat-ney (kwel) awful, frightful, dreadful (Syn.: terible)
dashati (zwo) dread, be terrified/horrified
dashatisi (zwo) terrify, horrify
dashi (kwo) ambassador
dashiguan (kwo) embassy
dasin (kwo) virtue (moral
excellence, an example or kind of it cf. "merita")
dasin-ney (kwel) virtuous
dasta (kwo) detachment, party
avan-dasta advanced detachment, vanguard
data (kwo) data
datsan (kwo) datsan (Buddhist monastery)
datum (kwo) date (day, month and year)
dave (kwel) bygone,
distant in time, ancient, old
davem (komo) long ago
yo fon davem long since, for a long time
nodave (kwel) recent
nodavem (komo) recently, not long ago, lately
de (konekti) 1) of (genitive)
kitaba de toy boy the book of that boy
jamilitaa de munda beauty of the
lingwa de planeta language of the
raita de elekti e gei elekti the right to elect and
be elected
2) of (partialness
un pes (de) sukra a piece of sugar
tasa (de) chay a cup of tea
de(s) (syao) "opposite
action" ("des" if before a vowel)
desharji discharge
delodi unload
desorganisi disorganize
deba (kwo) debt, duty (obligation)
zwo swa-ney deba do one's duty
debi (zwo) owe, be obliged to
Ta debi a me dwashi dolar. He owes me $20.
Me debi a ta may jiva. I owe my life to him.
debati (zwo) debate
debata (kwo) debate
See also: diskusi
debuti (zwo) debut
debuta (kwo) debut, début
dediki (zwo) dedicate (address or inscribe
to another cf. devoti)
dedika (kwo) dedication
defekta (kwo) defect, flaw, impairment
defekta-ney (defekte) (kwel) flawed, imperfect,
defensi (zwo) defend
defensa (kwo) defence
defensa-ney (defense) (kwel) defensive
defini (zwo) define, give the definition of
defina (kwo) definition
deflui (zwo) flow away, rush from
defluisa (kwo) ebb, reflux
afluisa e defluisa flow and ebb
(Origin: de(s)+flui)
deformi (zwo) deform, put out of shape
pa deformi-ney inglish in broken English
deforma, deformitura (kwo) deformation; deformity
degami (zwo) divorce
degama (kwo) divorce
(Origin: de(s)+gami)
degradi (zwo) degrade, debase
degrada (kwo) degradation
dek (kwo) deck (ships)
dekadi (zwo) be decadent, be in state of decay, decline (physically or morally)
dekada (kwo) decadence, decline
dekapisi (zwo) decapitate
dekapisa (kwo) decapitation
(Origin: de(s)+kapa+isi)
deklami (zwo) declaim
deklama (kwo) declamation
deklari (zwo) declare
deklara (kwo) declaration
deklini (zwo) decline (gram., fis., astr.)
deklina (kwo) declination
dekori (zwo) decorate, make decor
dekora (kwo) decoration; decor
Syn.: orni
dela (kwo) affair, business, case, issue, matter
bu es may dela that is none of my business
dela go hao the affair goes well
prave dela just/righteous cause
fai dela kun deal with, have to do with
delfin (kwo) dolphin
delikate (kwel) delicate, fine
delir (kwo) delirium, ravings
deliri (zwo) be delirious, rave
delir-ney (kwel) delirious
demandi (zwo) demand (claim,
request or ask forcefully)
demanda (kwo) demand (claim; desire to purchase goods;
request for some product)
demision (kwo) resignation, retirement
demisioni (zwo) resign, retire
demokratia (kwo) democracy
demokratike (kwel) democratic
demokratisi (zwo) democratize
demokratisa (kwo) democratization
demokratier (demokrat) (kwo) democrat
demon (kwo) demon (evil spirit)
demonstri (zwo) demonstrate
demonstra (kwo) demonstration
demonstra-ney (demonstre) (kwo) demonstrative
demonstrasion (kwo) demonstration (public
display of group opinion)
den (gramatika)
optional accusative particle
Den se me he zwo yo. This
I have done already.
denadi (zwo) despair
denada (kwo) despair
(Origin: de(s)+nadi)
dense (kwel) dense
dense shulin dense forest
dense tuman dense fog
fa-dense (densifi) (zwo) become dense
mah-dense (densisi) (zwo) make dense, condense
densitaa (kwo) density
densika (kwo) thicket
nodense (kwel) thin, sparse, rarefied
nodensifa (kwo) rarefaction
denta (kwo) tooth; prong
diki denta show/bare one's teeth
shwo tra denta say between one's teeth
dentista (kwo) dentist
dentagron (kwo) tusk
departi (zwo) depart, leave (a
koysa for smth)
me departi a Rusia I am leaving for Russia
departa (kwo) departure
Ant.: arivi
depatmen (kwo)
dependi (zwo) depend (fon
koysa/koywan on smth/smb)
Fon hu se dependi? On whom does it depend?
dependa (kwo) dependence
nodependa (kwo) independence
rekoni nodependa to recognize the independence
nodependa-ney (nodepende) (kwel) independent
depo (kwo) depot, store, storehouse
depo-shamba (kwo) storeroom; pantry
depon (zwo)
take off, lay off, put off
Depon ba palto! Take off the coat!
(Origin: de(s)+pon)
depos (konekti) since, starting from
depos toy dey since that day
me es hir depos klok shi I have been here since ten o'clock
depos dan since then
depos nau from now on, henceforth
depos longtaim long since
Syn.: fon
deri (zwo)
delay; linger
deri spira hold one's breath
dera (kwo) delay
derivi (zwo)
deriva (kwo) derivation
derivi-ney (kwel) derivative, derived
derivitura (kwo) derivative
derma (kwo) skin, hide
tumderma-ney (kwel)
swarthy, dark-skinned
dedermisi (zwo) skin, flay, excoriate
desapari (zwo) disappear, vanish
desapara (kwo) disappearance
(Origin: de(s)+apari)
desemba (kwo) December (also mes-shi-dwa)
desendi (zwo) descend, go down
desendi sulam go downstairs
kamina desendi a riva the road descends to the river
desenda (kwo) descent
Syn.: go nich
Ant.: asendi
deser (kwo) dessert
deserti (zwo) desert (abandon, withdraw)
deserter (kwo) deserter
desidi (zwo) decide
desida (kwo) decision
deskovri (zwo) discover
deskovra (kwo) discovery
deskribi (zwo) describe
deskriba (kwo) description
desne (kwel) right (not left)
desna (kwo) right, right side
a desna (loko-komo) (to the) right
Kan a desna! Look right!
Hir treba turni a desna. Here one
should turn right.
desnen (konekti-komo) at the right (of)
May dom es desnen. My house is at the right.
Desnen dom ye garden. There is a garden to the right of the house.
despota (kwo) despot
destini (zwo) destine
destina (kwo) destination
(ultimate purpose for which smth is created or intended cf. safara-gola)
destrukti (zwo) destroy
destrukta (kwo) destruction
destruktive (kwel) destructive, disruptive
Syn.: nihilisi
detal (kwo) detail
detal-ney (kwel) detailed
detal-nem (komo) in detail
detalisi (zwo) detail
detalisa (kwo) detailing
detekti (zwo) detect
detekta (kwo) detection
detekter (kwo) detector
detektif (kwo) detective
determini (zwo) determine (establish
or ascertain definitely, give direction to, fix the limits of)
determina (kwo) determination (but
not resolution cf. resolutitaa)
developi (zwo) develop
developa (kwo) development
devisa (kwo) motto
devori (zwo) devour
devoti (zwo) devote
devoti swa a koysa/koywan to devote oneself to
devoti-ney (kwel) devoted
devota (kwo) devotion (act of
devoting or the state of being devoted)
dey (kwo) day (in all
deyfan (kwo) midday meal; dinner
lumadey (kwo) daylight, daytime
bugundey (kwo) day free from work, day off, rest-day
festadey (kwo) holiday, day of celebration
gundey (kwo) working day, workday
janmadey (kwo) birthday
hao dey! good day!
fa-dey it is dawning, day is breaking
fa-deysa (kwo) dawn, daybreak
diabla (kwo) devil, fiend (Satan
or demon)
Pa diabla! What the devil!
See also: bes, satan
diagnos (kwo) diagnosis
diagnosi (zwo) diagnose
diagonale (kwel) diagonal
diagonala (kwo) diagonal
diagrama (kwo) diagram
dialekta (kwo) dialect
dialoga (kwo) dialogue
diamanta (kwo) diamond
diarea (kwo) diarrhoea
diba (kwo) bottom (the lowest
part cf. "popa")
mar diba sea bottom
difusi (zwo) diffuse
difusa (kwo) diffusion (but not
digesti (zwo) digest (physiol.)
digesta (kwo) digestion
digne (kwel) dignified, stately
dignitaa (kwo) dignity
diki (zwo) show, display
diki lisan a leker show one's tongue
to the doctor
diki suy joisa show one's joy
dikifinga (kwo) index finger
dika (kwo) showing, demonstration
diker (kwo) pointer, indicator
oradiker hour hand
minutadiker minute hand
diki-winda (kwo) shop window
diktat (kwo) diktat, dictate (command)
diktati (zwo) dictate (impose,
diktater (kwo) dictator
diktatura (kwo) dictatorship
dikti (zwo) dictate (say or read aloud)
dikter (kwo) announcer
dilim (kwo) slice, clove
luna-dilim (kwo) crescent
dimension (kwo) dimension
dinamika (kwo) dynamics
dinamike (kwel) dynamic
dine (kwel) thin (about
size cf. nodense)
Ant.: grose
diploma (kwo) diploma
diplomatia (kwo) diplomacy
diplomatike (kwel) diplomatic
direksion (kwo) direction (path, course cf. "diriging")
direkte (kwel) direct (not
indirect cf. "rekte")
direkte kontakta direct contact
direktem (komo) directly; straightforwardly
direktor (kwo) director (person
chosen to control or govern the affairs of an institution or corporation)
direktor de skola director of a school
dirigi (zwo) direct (aim at;
manage, control)
fa-dirigi (zwo) make ones way (to), direct ones steps,
diriging (kwo) directing; direction (guidance; the skill of directing a film, play etc.)
disain (kwo) design (shape,
appearance, plan for the structure and functions)
disaini (zwo) design, lay out, make a design
disainer (kwo) designer
disasta (kwo) disaster, calamity, catastrophe (cf. "beda")
disertasion (kwo) dissertation
dish (kwo) dish (the vessel or
its contents)
Syn.: pyata
disipi (zwo) dissipate, squander, waste
disipa (kwo) dissipation, squander, waste
Ant.: spari, ekonomi
disipla (kwo) disciple
Ant.: guru, talimer
disiplina (kwo) discipline (behaviour control)
diska (kwo) disk
diskrete (kwel) discrete, discontinuous
diskusi (zwo) discuss
diskusa (kwo) discussion
disposi (zwo) dispose (arrange; have
at ones disposal)
disposa (kwo) disposition, disposal (positioning; control)
disputi (zwo) argue, spar, bicker
disputa (kwo) dispute, controversy
disputibile (kwel) disputable, arguable
disputnik (kwo) debater, squabbler
prais-disputnik haggler
distansia (kwo) distance (cf. "dalitaa")
distili (zwo) distil
distila (kwo) distillation
distiler (kwo) distiller
distinti (zwo) distinguish
fa-distinti in batala distinguish oneself in action
distinta (kwo) distinction
fai distinta inter koysa e koysa make difference
between smth and smth
distinta-ney (distinte) (kwel) distinct
distintive (kwel) distinctive
distrati (zwo) distract, divert
distrata (kwo) distraction, diversion; (fig.) absence
of mind
distrati-ney (distraten), distratishil (kwel) absent-minded
distribu (zwo) distribute
distribusa (kwo) distribution
disturbi (zwo) disturb, trouble, bother, unsettle, put out of order
disturba (kwo) disturbance
diva (kwo) miracle, marvel, wonder
diva yok no wonder
diva-ney (kwel) marvellous, wonderful
divi (zwo) wonder, marvel, look with amazement
divan (kwo) divan (sofa)
diverse (kwel) diverse, sundry, several, various
diversitaa (kwo) diversity, variety, multiplicity
dividi (zwo) divide
shi-dwa dividi bay char es tri twelve divided by four
is three
divida (kwo) dividing, division (act)
division (kwo) division (military
(cf. "divida")
do (konekti) precedes a specific characteristic, distinctive feature, or
destination of object
gela do grin okos green-eyed
jen do lignagamba a man with a wooden leg
sikin do kalam penknife
okula do surya sun spectacles
bota do parus sailing boat
auto do mil dolar a car for 1000 dollars
es kosa do ridi this is ridiculous
docha (kwo) daughter
doga (kwo) dog
man-doga (dogo) (kwo) male dog
gin-doga (dogina) (kwo) bitch, female dog
yundoga (kwo) pup, puppy
doh (exklami) (in response to a negative
question or statement) yes; oh yes; on the contrary, quite the contrary
Also yu bu lai? - Doh! So you won't come? - Oh, yes,
I will!
Syn.: kontrem
doiche (kwel, kwo) German (relating to ethnicity, language or country); German (person of German ethnicity); German language
Doichland (kwo) Germany
Doichland-jen (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Germany
do-janma-ney (kwel) innate, inborn, inherent, native
dok (kwo) dock (in port)
doker (kwo) docker
doki (kwo) dock
doktor (kwo) doctor (holder of
a doctorate; physician)
See also: leker
doktrina (kwo) doctrine
dokumenta (kwo) document
dokumenti (zwo) document
dokumentale (kwel) documental
dol (kwo) dale, vale
dolar (kwo) dollar
auto do mil dolar a car for 1000 dollars
dolche (kwel) sweet
dolchevos-ney having a sweet voice
dolchitaa (kwo) sweetness, sweet (basic taste sensation)
dolcha, dolchika (kwo) sweet (smth sweet)
dom (kwo) house; home
me es pa dom I am at home
chu dom to leave home
treba go a dom we should go home
domlik (kwel) home, cozy
domyuan (kwo) member of household
dom-masta (kwo) householder
banidom (kwo) bath-house
forjidom (kwo) smithy, forge
grendom (kwo) granary, barn
melidom (kwo) mill
mifendom (kwo) hive
furmidom (kwo) anthill
domen (kwo) domain, sphere; domain (computing)
domini (zwo) dominate
domini-she (kwel) dominant, dominating
domina (kwo) domination
domino (kwo) domino
domisi (zwo) domesticate
doni (zwo) give as a gift; donate; make a present (cf. dai)
dona (kwo) gift, present; donation
dona de shwosa gift of speech
donakin (kwo) sop; tip
donishil (kwel) generous, unstinting
donishiltaa (kwo) generosity
dosa (kwo) dose
dosh (kwo) vice, defect, flaw
Ant.: merita
dosile (kwel) docile
doti (zwo) endow; furnish a dowry
dota (kwo) dowry, endowment; gift, talent, endowment
dotika (kwo) dowry (payment or
sindotnik (kwo) person without talent
dragon (kwo) dragon (cf. «lung»)
draka (kwo) scuffle, tussle, fight
drama (kwo) drama
dranga (kwo) pressure, stress, force, push, dash; urge,
por dranga de halat through force of circumstances
dranga fo libritaa drive for freedom
drangi (zwo) urge, hustle, press, force
fa-drangi (zwo) jostle, hustle, crowd
fa-drangi tra jenmenga thrust ones way through the
dranging (kwo) crush, jam, squash
drastike (kwel) drastic
drastike shanja drastic alterations
drastike meja drastic measures
dreni (zwo) drain, draw off liquid
dreni-tuba drain, drain pipe
drena, drenaja (kwo) drainage
drimi (zwo) dream (hope, wish,
drima (kwo) dream (hope, wish,
cherished desire), daydream
drimnik (kwo) (day)dreamer
drima-ney (drime) (komo) dreamy, pensive
drima-nem (drimem) (komo) dreamily, musingly
(cf. "sonja")
drir (kwel) uncompromising, steadfast, firm,
unflinching, inflexible, unbending
drole (kwel) funny, amusing
droni (zwo) drown; sink
droni-ney jen, dronijen drowned man
mah-droni (zwo) drown (deprive of life)
mah swa droni drown oneself
dros (kwo) thrush (bird)
gana-dros (kwo) song-thrush
duan (kwo) segment,
section, piece
laste daoduan last section/length of road
taimduan space of time
dubi (zwo) doubt, question
duba (kwo) doubt
dubival (kwel) doubtful, dubious, questionable
sin duba, duba yok undoubtedly, no doubt
dubli (zwo) dub (a film)
duda (kwo) pipe (music
cf. pipa)
dudi (zwo) play the pipe
duel (kwo) duel
dueli (zwo) duel
duhi (zwo) anguish
duha (kwo) anguish, misery, distress
duhaful (kwel) agonizing, distressing, trying
duka (kwo) duke / duchess
(kwo) duke
(kwo) duchess
dukan boutique, shop
dukti (zwo) lead (guide or
conduct), conduct (manage, carry on cf. "kondukti")
dukti kinda bay handa lead a child
by the hand
dukti auto drive/steer a car
baum-alee dukti a dom alley of trees leads to the house
se mog dukti a bade sekwitura this may lead to bad consequences
dukti leson conduct a lesson
dukti elekti-kampania conduct an election campaign
dulari (zwo) coddle, pamper, fondle
dule (kwel) tender (affectionate)
dulitaa (kwo) tenderness
dulha (kwo) fiancée/bride or
dulho (kwo) fiancé/bridegroom
dulhina (kwo) fiancée/bride
Syn.: gamer
dumi (zwo) think
me dumi ke
I think that...
en-dumi (zwo) begin to think
duma (kwo) thought, idea
dumishil (kwel) thoughtful
duming (kwo) thinking
dumi-shem (komo) thoughtfully, meditatively
dun (kwo) hole (opening;
baum dun tree hollow
dun-ney (kwel) having a hole; full of holes
duni (zwo) hole
duner (kwo) puncher; holer
butondun (kwo) buttonhole
nosdun (kwo) nostril
dunbartan (kwo) colander
dunmuh (kwo) mouth of hole
duna (kwo) dune
duran (konekti) during
duran laste dwa yar in the course of the last two years
duran leksia during the lecture
duran to, duranem (taim-komo) meanwhile
duran ke (konekti) while
duri (zwo) last (continue,
dura (kwo) duration
durte (kwel) sly, cunning, wily
durtitaa (kwo) cunning; slyness
nodurte (kwel) artless, simple-hearted, ingenuous; naive
durta (durto, durtina) (kwo) cunning
person (man, woman)
dus (syao)
"bad, mal-,
fauha smell dusfauha fetor, stench
trati to treat dustrati to maltreat
dusfama-ney ill-famed
dustaim bad times
dussigna-ney (dussigne) ill-omened, sinister
pa dusfortuna by ill luck
dusha (kwo) shower (bath)
fai dusha take a shower
dushman (kwo) enemy
dushman-ney, dushmanlik (kwel) hostile,
dushmantaa (kwo) enmity, hostility
dushte (kwel) malicious, spiteful
dushtitaa (kwo) malice, spite
dusproba (kwo) trial, ordeal
subi dusproba undergo an ordeal
(Origin: dus+proba)
duyfu (zwo) cope with, manage,
overcome, deal effectively
duyfu gunsa cope with work
nu ve duyfu se we'll cope with that
duyfu sin koysa do without smth, manage without smth
duza (kwo) belly, abdomen
dwa (kwanto)
two (2)
li dwa jen the two of them, they both
nu toki ba pa dwa jen let the two of us have a talk
mah-dwa (zwo) bisect, divide into two
fa-dwa (zwo) become double; bifurcate
un (de) dwafen one half
dwaple (kwel) double, dual; twofold
dwaplem (komo) doubly
dwaplem santush doubly glad
dwapla (kwo) double (twice the number, amount, etc.)
dwashi twenty
dwasto two hundred
dwa-ney second
dwa-nem secondly
dwanik (kwo) (smb's) double
dwaka (kwo) two
Skribi dwaka. Write the figure two.
dwadi (kwo) Tuesday
dwapunta (kwo) colon (punctuation mark)
dwar (kwo) door
klefi dwar lock the door
bakdwar (kwo) back door
dwaryuan (kwo) doorkeeper, doorman
e (unisi)
Me pri rasmi e gani. I like to draw and sing.
Me pri rasmi e lu pri gani. I
like to draw, and he likes to sing.
See also: i
edikta (kwo) edict, decree, ukase
editi (zwo) publish (a book, a paper), print (cf.
edita (kwo) edition
un-ney edita the first edition
eduki (zwo) bring up, educate, breed
hao eduki-ney well-bred, well-mannered, well brought
eduka (kwo) upbringing
efekta (kwo) effect
efektive (kwel) efficacious, effective
efektivitaa (kwo) effectiveness, efficacy, efficaciousness
eforti (zwo) make/exert effort
eforta (kwo) effort
egale (kwel) equal
es egale a me it's all the same
to me, it doesn't matter to me
egale geim draw (game)
egalem (komo) equally
egalitaa (kwo) equality
egalisi (zwo) equalize
egalsenta-ney (kwel) indifferent, not caring
ego (kwo)
egoisma (kwo) egoism
egoista (kwo) egoist
egoistike (kwo) egoistic
eho (kwo)
ejekti (zwo) eject
ejekta (kwo) ejection
ek- (syao) "one time or suddenly" (single or momentary action)
tuki "to knock" ek-tuki "to give a knock"
salti "to jump" ek-salti "to jump up"
ekinoxa (kwo) equinox
oton-ekinoxa autumnal equinox
vesna-ekinoxa vernal equinox
ekipi (zwo) equip
ekipa (kwo) equipment
ekiping (kwo) equipping
eklipsa (kwo) eclipse
ekonomi (zwo)
ekonoming (kwo) economizing, economization
ekonoma (kwo) economy (sparing
use or example/result of it)
ekonoma-ney (kwel) economical (prudent; intended to save money), economy (economical
or inexpensive to buy or use)
Syn.: spari
Ant.: disipi
ekonomia (kwo)
economics; economy (management; system of production)
ekonomike (kwel) economic
ekonomista (kwo) economist
ekran (kwo) screen (viewing
area) (cf. "shirma")
eksiti (zwo) excite (arouse,
incite, rouse, provoke)
eksita (kwo) excitation
ekwator (kwo)
ela (inplas-kwo) she, her
Ela es jamile. She is handsome.
Lu lubi ela. He loves her.
Lu doni flor a ela. He gives flowers to her.
ela-ney, elay (inplas-kwel) her
Lu pri elay smaila. He
likes her smile.
elabori (zwo)
elaborate (work out with care and detail)
elabora (kwo) elaboration
Elada (kwo) Greece
elastike (kwel) elastic
See also: upruge
elefanta (kwo)
elefanto (kwo) male elefant
elefantina (kwo) female elefant
elegante (kwel) elegant
elegansia (komo) elegance
elekti (zwo)
elect, select by vote
elekta (kwo) election
elektre (kwel) electric, electrical
May be shortened to el-:
el-ketla electric kettle
elektritaa (kwo) electricity
elektrisi (zwo) electrify
elektriser (kwo) electrizer
elektrifi (zwo) electrify (intr.), become electric
elektrisa/elektrifa (kwo) electrization
elektronika (kwo) electronics
elektronike (kwel) electronic
elementa (kwo) element
elementare (kwel) elementary
elin (kwel, kwo) Greek (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Greek (person of Greek ethnicity); the Greek language
elita (kwo) elite
elita-ney (kwel) elite
elixir (kwo) elixir
eludi (zwo)
elude, evade
eludive (kwel) elusive
eluda (kwo) evasion, elusion
See also: eviti
embrasi (zwo)
embrace, hug
embrasa (kwo) embrace, hug
embrio (kwo) embryo
emerji (zwo) emerge (from a
liquid); (fig.) rise into view
emerja (kwo) emersion, emergence
emfasi (zwo) emphasize, stress, single out as important
emfasa (kwo) emphasis
See also: aksenti
eminente (kwel) eminent, distinguished, notable
emisi (zwo)
emisa (kwo) emission
emosion (kwo) emotion
emploi (zwo)
employ (give work/job)
emploier (kwo) employer
emploiyuan (or
simply yuan) (kwo) employee
emploisa (kwo) employment
noemploisa (kwo) unemployment
en- (syao)
"begin" (beginning of action)
somni "to sleep" en-somni "to fall asleep"
lubi "to love" en-lubi "to fall in love"
jan "to know" en-jan "to get to know, find out"
(cf. "ek-")
energetika (kwo) energetics
energia (kwo) energy
energike (kwel) energetic, energy
eni (inplas-kwel) any
Eni kinda mog zwo se. Any child can do this.
in eni kasu (enikas) in any case
enikomo (inplas-komo) in any way, anyhow
Yu mog zwo se kom yu yao. Yu mog zwo se enikomo. You may do it as you like. You may do it in any way.
Yu mus zwo se enikomo. You must do it anyhow.
enilok (inplas-komo) anywhere,
at any place
Me bu remembi a wo me he pon may kalam. It mog bi enilok.
I don't remember where I've put my pencil. It may be anywhere.
Yu mog pon yur bao a enilok. You may put your bag
wherever you like.
enisa (inplas-kwo) anything
Yu mog kuki enisa ke yu yao. You can cook whatever you like.
enitaim (inplas-komo) anytime
Yu mog lai enitaim. Me sempre joi al vidi yu. You may come anytime. I am always glad to see you.
enives (taim-komo) ever (at any time)
Ob yu enives lekti sey kitaba? Have you ever read this book?
eniwan (inplas-kwo) anyone
Kada jen yao bi felise. Kwesti ba eniwan. Every person
wants to be happy. Ask anyone.
enoi (zwo) be bored, feel dull, have a tedious time (cf. tedi)
enoisa (kwo) boredom, ennui
enoisaful (kwel) boring, dull
ensiklopedia (kwo) encyclopedia
ensiklopedike (kwel) encyclopedic
envi (zwo) envy
envi koywan to envy smb
enva (kwo) envy
envishil (kwel) envious
envival (kwel) enviable
episoda (kwo) episode
episodike (kwel) episodic; occasional
epoka (kwo) epoch
Mide Epoka Middle Ages
era (kwo) era
ergo (unisi)
See also: also
ermina (kwo) ermine
erupti (zwo) erupt
erupta (kwo) eruption
erupta de vulkan the eruption of a volcano
es (zwo) is, are, am (the present tense of "bi")
Ela es jamile. She is handsome.
(Se) es kitaba. This is a book.
Se es yo zwo-ney. This is
already done.
esensia (kwo) essence (phys.
and metaphys.)
esensiale (kwel) essential (showing
essence; of high importance; also biochem.)
eskadra (kwo) squadron
eskapi (zwo) escape
eskapa (kwo) escape
eskorta (kwo) escort
(zwo) escort
Espania (kwo) Spain
Espania-jen (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Spain
espaniol (kwel, kwo) Spanish (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Spanish (person of Spanish ethnicity); Spanish language
esperanto (kwo) Esperanto
esperanto(-ney) (kwel) Esperantist (of,
relating to, or characteristic of Esperanto)
esperantista (kwo) Esperantist (speaker
of/specialist in Esperanto)
esta (kwo) east
esta(-ney) (kwel) east, eastern; oriental
esta feng east wind
esten (konekti-komo) to the east, east of
urba es esten the town is to the east
esten urba ye shulin forest is east of the town
establi (zwo) establish (set up,
bring into force, settle)
Syn.: fundi
estriba (kwo) stirrup
Syn.: raidi-pedika
etaja (kwo) storey
uuparetaja upper floor
char-etaja-ney dom four-storey house
eter (kwo) ether
eterne (kwel) eternal, everlasting
etiket (kwo) etiquette
etna (kwo) ethnic group
etnike (kwel) ethnic
eureka (exklami) eureka
euro (kwo) euro
tri euro petshi sentu three euros fifty cents
Europa (kwo) Europe
Europa(-ney) (kwel) European
europajen (kwo) European (person
living or originating from Europe)
evalu (zwo) evaluate, estimate
evalusa (kwo) evaluation, estimate
eventi (zwo) happen, occur, take place
Kwo eventi? What's happened?
Kwo eventi-te a lu? What has happened to him?
eventa (kwo) event, occurrence
eversi (zwo) evert, turn inside out
eversa (kwo) evertion
evidente (kwel) evident, obvious
evidentem (komo) evidently
evidentisi (zwo) show with obviousness, be eloquent of
eviti (zwo) avoid
evita (kwo) avoiding, avoidance
evitival (kwel) which is better to avoid
buevitibile (kwel) unavoidable, inevitable
buevitibilitaa (kwo) inevitability
evolusion (kwo) evolution
evolusioni (zwo) evolve
ewalaa (unisi)
conjunction introducing new, often little expected circumstances)
Ta en-chi ewalaa tro mucho pepa ye. As he began to eat, he felt that there is
too much pepper added.
Me zin shop ewalaa may amiga zai kupi pan. When I entered the shop, I saw
that my friend was buying bread.
Pa un dey saja zai prei, ewalaa orla pasi, mah-lwo maus inu saja-ney handas.
Saja ofni okos, ewalaa ye maus in handas. One day
when the sage was praying, an eagle happened to pass by and the eagle dropped a
mouse in the hands of the sage. The sage opened his eyes, and there was a mouse
in his hands.
(Origin: e+walaa)
ex- (syao)
ex-mursha ex-husband
ex-molya ex-wife
ex-presidenta ex-president
exakte (kwel) exact, precise
exaktem (komo) exactly, precisely
exaktitaa (kwo) exactness, precision, accuracy
examen (kwo) exam, examination (test)
fai examen take/have an examination
exameni (zwo) examine (determine the qualifications by means
of questions or exercises)
examener (kwo) examiner
examini (zwo) examine (inspect, scrutinize,
study, check the condition or health of)
examina (kwo) examination (cf.
exampla (kwo) example
fo exampla for example
exepte (konekti) except
oli exepte me everyone except me
exepti (zwo) except (specify as being an exception)
exepta (kwo) exeption
fai exepta = exepti
exes (kwo) excess
pa exes to excess
exes-ney (kwel) excess
exili (zwo) exile, banish
exila (kwo) exile, banishment
existi (zwo) exist
exista (kwo) existence
en-existi (zwo) arise, start to exist, spring up
en-exista (kwo) coming into existence
exklami (zwo) exclaim
exklama (kwo) exclamation
exklami-signa (kwo) exclamation mark
exklusi (zwo) exclude
exklusa (kwo) exclusion
exklusive (kwel) exclusive
exosti (zwo) exhaust
exosta (kwo) exhaustion
Ant.: restori
exotika (kwo) exotics, exotica
exotike (kwel) exotic
expansi (zwo) expand (to develop
in volume or surface, spread, widen, also fig.)
Al fa-warme, aira expansi e fa-leve. When air warms it expands and becomes
Nuy komersa kun Jungwo expansi stay. Our trade with China is steadily expanding.
expansa (kwo) expansion
expansive (kwel) expansive
Ant.: simti
expekti (zwo) expect
me bu he expekti vidi yu I did not expect to see you
expekta (kwo) expectation
sobre expekta beyond expectation
experimenta (kwo) experiment
experimentale (kwel) experimental
experimenti (zwo) experiment
experta (kwo) expert
experta-ney (experte) (kwel) expert
expiri (zwo) expire (to come to
an end (of time), terminate)
expira (kwo) expiration (coming
to a close, termination)
expliki (zwo) explain, explicate
explika (kwo) explanation, explication
explori (zwo) explore; reconnoiter, scout
explora (kwo) exploration; reconnaissance
explorer (kwo) explorer; scout
explosi (zwo) explode, detonate
explosa (kwo) esplosion
explosive (kwel) explosive
explosika (kwo) explosives
exploti (zwo) exploit (to get
the value out of; to employ to the greatest possible advantage; to make use of selfishly
or unethically)
explota (kwo) exploitation
exponenta (kwo) exponent (math.)
exporti (zwo) export
exporta (kwo) export, exportation
Ant.: importi
exposi (zwo) expose (to subject
or allow to be subjected; to set in public view, introduce to, exhibit)
exposi a riska expose to risk
exposa (kwo) exposition (act or
example of exposing; a public exhibition or show, as of artistic or industrial
expres (kwo) express (smth
quick, e.g. a means of transport, such as a train, that travels rapidly)
expres-kursa an express course
expresi (zwo) express (convey
expresa (kwo) expression
extas (kwo) ecstasy, rapture
extendi (zwo) extend, spread, stretch (cf. stiri)
lu extendi-te gambas he stretched out his legs
extendi nayu on pan spread bread with butter
extendi tel inter dwa stolba stretch the wire between two posts
extenda (kwo) extension, spread
externe (kwel) external
Syn.: ausen-ney
Ant.: interne
extirpi (zwo) extirpate, uproot; destroy wholly, eradicate, weed out
extrakti (zwo) extract, draw from/out
extrakta (kwo) extract
extreme (kwel) extreme, extremal
extremem (komo) extremely
fa (syao-gramatika)
1) "to get, to become"
tume "dark" fa-tume "grow/get dark, darken"
rude "red" fa-rude "redden"
gran "big" fa-gran "get
bigger, enlarge"
fa-nocha the night is
fa-dey it dawns
2) optional marker of intransitivity
astoni "to astonish"
fa-astoni "to be (become) astonished"
fabrika (kwo) factory, plant, works
fabriki (zwo) fabricate, manufacture
fabula (kwo) fable; fairy-tale
fabula(-ney) (kwel) fabulous (of the
nature of a fable; unhistorical)
fabulalik (kwel) fabulous
fadi (zwo) fade
fading (kwo) fading
fah (kwo) field of knowledge, province, speciality
samaji swa-ney fah understand one's business
bu es suy fah that is out of his province, that's not in his line
lu es master de suy fah he is an artist/virtuoso
lernifah (kwo) subject (course of study)
forjifah (kwo) blacksmithing
fai (zwo) "to do,
to perform action connected with" (only in
combination with nouns or adverbs)
fai interes om koysa to take an interest in smth
en-fai interes om koysa to become interested in smth
defai interes om koysa to lose interest in smth
fai kasam to make (take) a vow
fai sukses to succeed
fail (kwo) file (computer)
faildan (kwo) folder (computer)
faine (kwel) fine (very small
in size, weight, or thickness; refined; subtle)
faine gusta a fine taste
fakir (kwo) fakir
fakta (kwo) fact
fakta-ney (fakte) (kwel) factual, actual
fakta-nem (faktem) (komo)
in fact, actually
pa fakta = faktem
fali (zwo) fail, miscarry, not to succeed
fali-ney failed, unsuccessful
fala (kwo) failure; fiasco
sin fala without fail, surely (syn.: zaruu)
pistola fai fala pistol misfired
nofalibile certain, definite to happen
falnik (kwo) unlucky fellow/person
falkon (kwo) falcon
false (kwel) false; fake
falsitaa (kwo) falseness; falsity
falsifiki (zwo) falsify, counterfeit, forge
falsifika (kwo) falsification, forgery, counterfeit
falta (kwo) lack, shortage
falti (zwo) lack
ta falti kuraja he/she lacks courage
fama (kwo) fame, renown; repute
fama-ney (kwel) famous, renowned
familia (kwo) family
familianam (kwo) family name
fan (kwo) food
akshamfan (kwo) evening meal; supper
deyfan (kwo) midday meal; dinner
fanshop (kwo) food store, grocery
fantabla (kwo) dinner table
sabahfan (kwo) morning meal, breakfast
fanata (kwo) fan; fanatic, zealot
fanatike (kwel) fanatical
fanatisma (kwo) fanatism
fantasia (kwo) fantasy (creative imagination; imagined event, fiction)
fantastike (kwel) fantastic
fantastika (kwo) fiction
fantom (kwo) phantom (ghost,
apparition; illusion)
fantom-ney tunga phantom pain
fanus (kwo) lantern, light
el-fanus electric torch
fanusyuan (kwo) lamplighter
fara (kwo) headlight
farad (kwo) farad
farfari (zwo) snort, sniff
farina (kwo) flour
farka (kwo) difference
gro-farka great or
obvious difference, contrast
farka-ney (farke) (kwel) different
farka-nem (farkem) (komo) differently
farki (zwo) differ
farmak (kwo) medicine, medicament, drug, pharmaceutical
farmakguan (kwo) pharmacy,
farmakista, farmakyuan (kwo) pharmacist
farna (kwo) fern
farwa (kwo) fur
farwaklaida fur clothes
farwapalto fur coat
fas (kwo) face
fasa (kwo) phase
fasada (kwo) facade, front
faseta (kwo) facet
fasia (kwo) 1) sheaf, bundle
luma-fasia shaft of light
ray-fasia sheaf of rays
kula-fasia cone of bullets
2) fascia (connective tissue)
fasile (kwel) easy, taking little effort
bu es mushkile, es ga fasile it is not difficult, it
is quite easy
fasilem (komo) easily
fasilitaa (kwo) easiness
mah-fasile (zwo) facilitate, make easy or easier
fasol (kwo) haricot (plant or
its bean)
fata (kwo) fate, doom (cf. kisma, ones lot, destiny)
fatale (kwel) fatal
fatigi (zwo) get tired; make weary
fatiga (kwo) tiredness, weariness, fatigue
fatiga-ney (fatige) (kwel) weary, tired
fatigi-ney (fatigen) (kwel) tired, fatigued
fatigi-she (kwel) tiresome
sinfatiga-ney (sinfatige) (kwel) tireless, indefatigable
fauha (kwo) smell, odour
fauhi (zwo) smell (to have a smell;
to sense a smell)
fauhing, fauhisens
(kwo) sense of smell
dusfauha (kwo) fetor, stench, stink
dusfauhi (zwo) stink, reek
faula (kwo) bird
yunfaula (kwo) baby bird
favor (kwo) favour (an
approving attitude, good will; an act performed out of good will, generosity,
or mercy)
pregi koywan om favor ask someone for a favour
favori (zwo) favour (treat or
regard with kindness, befriend)
favori-she (kwel) favourable
favorite (kwel) favourite
favorita (kwo) favourite
fax (kwo) fax
faxi (fai fax) (zwo) fax
feble (kwel) weak, feeble
feblem (komo) weakly
mah-feble (feblisi) (zwo) weaken, enfeeble, make weaker
fa-feble (feblifi) (zwo) weaken, become weaker
febli (zwo) weaken (tr./intr.)
feblitaa (kwo) weakness
febra (kwo) fever
febra-ney (kwel) feverish, febrile
februar (kwo) February (also mes-dwa)
fek (kwo) feces, excrement
fekale (kwel) fecal
feki (zwo) defecate
feking (kwo) defecation
Syn.: kaka
felda (kwo) field
felda de akting field of action
magnetfelda magnetic field
feldakin glade, clearing
(cf. "agra")
felise (kwel) happy
mah-felise (zwo) make happy
felisitaa (kwo) happiness
felta (kwo) felt
femina (kwo) female
femina-ney (femine) (kwel) female
feminasexu (kwo) female sex
feminum (kwo) feminine gender (gramm.)
feminisma (kwo) feminism
feminista (kwo) feminist
fen (gramatika) forms fractions
un (de) trifen one third
sem shifen seven tenths
tri stofen three hundredths
pet otfen five eighths
charfen(ka) quarter
charfen (de) ora a quarter of an hour
fendi (zwo) split (lengthwise), slit, cleave
feng (kwo) wind
gro-feng (kwo) strong wind, gale
fengi (zwo) blow (about wind)
sedey fengi gro there is a strong wind today
fenging (kwo) air current, draught
fenomen (kwo) phenomenon
fenomenale (kwel) phenomenal
fenshan (kwo) customs, manners, morals
fenshu (kwo)
mark, grade (assessment)
fer (kwo) iron
ferka (kwo) an iron thing; piece of iron
ferdao (kwo) railway
(cf. yunda)
ferma (kwo) farm
fermenta (kwo) ferment (as yeast,
fermenti (zwo) ferment
fermenting (kwo) fermentation
ferose (kwel) fierce, ferocious
festa (kwo) holiday, celebration, festivities
festi (zwo) celebrate
festike (kwel) celebratory
festing (kwo) celebration
festachia (kwo) feast
festival (kwo) festival
fet (kwo) fat; grease
fet-ney (kwel) fat; fatty; greasy
swina-fet (kwo) lard
fet-baka (kwo) fat(ty) tail (of
certain breeds of sheep)
feti (zwo) fatten
feya (kwo) fairy
fiasko (kwo) fiasco, complete failure
fai fiasko have a fiasco
Syn.: fala
fibra (kwo) fibre, fiber
fidele (kwel) faithful, staunch, loyal
fidelitaa (kwo) fidelity, loyalty, staunchness
fidi (zwo) trust, confide in, have faith in; rely on
fidi sol a swa selfa rely only on oneself
fida (kwo) confidence, trust, faith
nofida (kwo) distrust
nofida-nem (nofidem) (komo) with distrust, distrustfully,
fidival (kwel) trustworthy, reliable, dependable
fidishil (kwel) trusting, trustful
figa (kwo) fig (bot.)
figabaum (kwo) fig-tree
figura (kwo) figure (outside
form, shape of a body; appearance, representation; also geom.)
figuri (zwo) figure (to be pertinent or involved, appear cf. kalkuli, konti)
fiktia (kwo) fiction (imaginative
creation, fabrication, invention)
fiktike (kwel) fictitious; fake, sham
fila (kwo) row, line; queue, file (a line of persons or things)
fai fila stand in line (in a queue)
filma (kwo) film (medium used
to capture images; motion picture)
filmi (zwo) film, shoot (record)
filming (kwo) shooting
See also: kino
filosofia (kwo) philosophy
fai filosofia philosophize
filosofike (kwel) philosophical
filosofier (kwo) philosopher
filu (kwo) thread
fin 1) (kwo) end
al fin at the end
pa fin finally, in the end
til fin up to the end
ob es fin? is that all?
fin-ney (kwel) final; finite
fin-nem (komo) finally
nofin-ney (kwel) endless, infinite
nofintaa (kwo) infinity, endlessness
fini (zwo) end, be over; finish
olo kel fini hao es hao all is well that ends well
finika (kwo) ending (gram.)
2) (syao) "to the end"
lekti "read" finlekti "read to the end"
chi "eat" finchi "eat to the end"
zwo "do" finzwo "finish doing, complete"
final (kwo) final (last contest), finale
finansa (kwo) finance, finances
finansa-ney (kwel) financial
finansi (zwo) finance
finansing (kwo) financing
findi (zwo) find
findi swa (zwo) find oneself
ta he findi swa sole he found himself alone
finda (kwo) find
finga (kwo) finger; toe; digit
bay finga nok by fingertips
granfinga (kwo) thumb
dikifinga (kwo) forefinger
midfinga (kwo) middle finger
halkafinga (kwo) ring-finger
syaofinga (kwo) little finger
pedafinga (kwo) toe
on pedafinga on tiptoe
fingadan (kwo) thimble
firma (kwo) firm (business or company)
fish (kwo) fish
fish-sup fish soup
fishi (zwo) fish
fisher (kwo) fisherman
fishing (kwo) fishing
fishistik (kwo) fishing rod
fishika (kwo) fishing tackle
fishala (kwo) fin
fisika (kwo) physics
fisike (kwel) physical
fisiker (kwo) physicist
fiti (zwo) fit, be of the right size; suit (to accord with see also "godi")
palto fiti hao the coat fits
mah-fiti (zwo) make fit, adjust
fitil (kwo) wick, fuse
fixi (zwo) fix, fasten
fixing (kwo) fixation
fixika (kwo) fastener
fixi-ney (kwel) fixed, fastened
fixi-nem (fixem) (komo) fixedly, steadfastly
kan fixem stare
flaga (kwo) flag
lifti (fai uupar) flaga hoist/raise a flag
flagastanga (kwo) flagstaff
flagakin (kwo) small flag, pennon, pennant, bannerette
flai (zwo) fly
flaisa (kwo) flight
al flaisa in flight, in the air, on the wing
en-flai (zwo) fly up, take off
en-flaisa (kwo) take-off
flama (kwo) flame, blaze
flama-lisan tongues of flame
flama-ney (kwel) fiery
flami (zwo) flame, blaze
flami-she (kwel) flaming
flaming (kwo) flaming, blazing
flamisi (mah-flami) (zwo) kindle, ignite, blaze up, produce flame
flamifi (fa-flami) (zwo) ignite,
catch fire, burst into flames, take fire, blaze up
flamiser (kwo) igniter
flani (zwo) hang around; loaf, loiter about
flaner (kwo) loafer
flanke (kwel) side, flank, lateral
flanka (kwo) flank, side
montaflanka mountainside
a flanka sideways
flanken (konekti-komo) at the flank or side (of)
es flanken it's at the flank
es flanken dom it's at the side of the house
flasha (kwo) flash (blaze)
foto-flasha photo flash
bliza-flasha a flash of lightning
flashi (zwo) flash, flare
flat (kwo) flat, apartment
flecha (kwo) arrow
arku e flechas bow and arrows
indikiflecha pointer index
flechadan (kwo) quiver (container for arrows)
flesh (kwo) flesh (the soft parts of the body; the physical being)
flexi (zwo) bend, curve, flex
flexa (kwo) bending; bend; flexion
flexitura (kwo) bend, curve (result
of bending)
flexibile (kwel) flexible
fliti (zwo) whisk, flit, dart, slip (expresses a sudden quick movement)
flor (kwo) flower
flori (zwo) flower, bloom, blossom
floring (kwo) flowering, florescence, blossoming,
flordan (kwo) flowerpot
flora (kwo) flora
flot (kwo) fleet
floti (zwo) float (be afloat;
flotika (kwo) float (something that floats)
flotilia (kwo) flotilla
flui (zwo) flow
fluisa (kwo) flow
hwan lif floti nich fluisa yellow leaves floated down
flui-she (kwel) flowing, fluent
flui-shem (komo) fluently
fo (konekti)
for (the
object, aim, or purpose)
Es fo yu. This is for you.
Me ve lai fo vidi ela. I
shall come to see her.
fo ke in order to (see also "dabe")
2) for (duration or a specific time)
Ob me mog pren yur kitaba fo kelke taim? May I take
your book for some time?
Nu he aranji sey mita fo klok dwa. We have arranged
this meeting for two o'clock.
fo manya for tomorrow
fobi (zwo) fear, be afraid
foba (kwo) fear, fright
prefoba (kwo) misgiving, apprehension
fobisi (zwo) frighten, scare, intimidate
rasfobisi scare/frighten away
fobisa (kwo) intimidation
en-fobi (zwo) take fright, get frightened
foba-ney (kwel) terrible, frightful
fobisi-she (kwel) frightening
fobishil (kwel) timid, timorous
fobnik (kwo) coward
sinfoba-ney (kwel) fearless, intrepid
-fobista -phobe
fogeti (zwo) forget
fogeta (kwo) oblivion
fogetishil (kwel) forgetful
fok (kwo) seal (animal cf.
fon1 (konekti)
from; of (from among)
Me zai go fon teatra I am going from the theatre.
Me he resivi se fon lu. I have received this from
fon kapa til peda from head to foot
fon sabah til aksham from morning till evening
un fon nu one of us
fon2 (kwo) phone, telephone (shortening of
Hu-ney fon zai baji? Whose phone is ringing?
fonda (kwo) background (but not person's experience, training, or education)
fonetika (kwo) phonetics
fonetike (kwel) phonetic
fonologia (kwo) phonology
fonologike (kwel) phonological
fontan (kwo) fountain, jet, spout
fontani (zwo) fountain
for (syao-komo) further, on (continuing an
fai for continue, go on
Treba gun for! One should work on!
Hao for-gunsa! I wish you good luck on your further work.
Me bu yao resti hir, me sal go for. I don't want to stay here, I am going
to go on.
e tak for (etf) and so on
for-ney (kwel) further, following
lo for what goes further
in lo for in what follows
fora (kwo) furrow
See also: ruga
forji (zwo) forge (metals)
forjer (kwo) forger, smith
forjidom (kwo) smithy, forge
forma (kwo) form, shape
formi (zwo) form, shape
forming (kwo) forming, formation (act or process)
formitura (kwo) formation (result)
formale (kwel) formal
format (kwo) format (of
publication; of data)
formati (zwo) format
formati-ney (formaten) (kwel) formatted
formula (kwo) formula
formuli (zwo) formulate
formiling (kwo) formulation
forna (kwo) stove, furnace, kiln
forsa (kwo) force
forsi (zwo) force; compel
forsi-ofni dwar force a door open
forsi-ney (forsen) (kwel) forced
forsen smaila strained smile
forte (kwel) strong
mah-forte (fortisi) (zwo) strengthen, make strong or stronger
fa-forte (fortifi) (zwo) grow strong or stronger
fortitaa (kwo) strength
fortesa (kwo) fortress
fortuna (kwo) good fortune, good luck
pa fortuna fortunately, luckily
fai fortuna have luck, be in luck
Hao fortuna! Good luck!
nofortuna (kwo) misfortune
pa nofortuna unfortunately, unluckily
fortuna-ney (fortune) (kwel) fortunate, lucky
fortunnik (kwo) lucky one
nofortunnik (kwo) unlucky one, luckless
foto (kwo) photo
foti (fai foto) (zwo) photograph, take a photo
foting (kwo) photographing
fotoaparat, fotika (kwo) photo camera
fotoguan (kwo) photographer's (studio)
foxa (kwo) fox
yunfoxa (kwo) fox cub
fragile (kwel) fragile, frail
fragmenta (kwo) fragment
frai (zwo) fry
fraier (kwo) fryer; frying pan
frak (kwo) (evening) dress coat, swallow-tailed coat
frama (kwo) frame (framework
as of a machine, as of a picture; context)
in frama de koysa within the
framework of smth
windaframa (kwo) window-frame
franja (kwo) fringe (decorative border)
franke (kwel) frank (open in expression, straightforward; manifest)
franko (kwo) franc (unit of currency)
Frans (kwo)
Frans-jen inhabitant/citizen of France
franse (kwel, kwo) French (relating to ethnicity, language or country); French (person of French ethnicity); French language
frasa (kwo) phrase; clause, sentence (gramm.)
fraula (kwo) strawberry
frekwensa (kwo) frequency
banda de frekwensa frequency band
frenta (kwo) forehead
frentahar (kwo) fringe (part
of the hair that hangs down over the forehead)
freshe (kwel) fresh
freshenesa (kwo) freshness
rifreshisi (rimah-freshe) (zwo) refresh,
freshen up
frikasee (kwo) fricassee
frikti (zwo) undergo
frikta (kwo) friction
(cf. "froti")
frima (kwo) hoar-frost, rime
frisi (zwo) dress the hair
friser (kwo) hairdresser, barber, coiffeur
frisiguan (kwo) hairdressing saloon, barber's (shop),
frivole (kwel) frivolous, light-headed
fronta (kwo) front (battlefront; field of activity; group or movement cf. "avana", "frenta")
frosta (kwo) frost (intensely
cold weather)
frosta-ney (froste) (kwel) frosty (cold, chilly)
frosti (zwo) freeze
sedey frosti it is freezing today
frosti-ney (frosten) (kwel) frozen
Me sta frosten. I am freezing.
defrosti (zwo) defrost, unfreeze
froster (kwo) freezer
froti (zwo) rub
froti okos rub one's eyes
froti handas rub one's hands
froting (kwo) rubbing, rub
(cf. "frikti")
fruni (zwo) frown (wrinkle the
brow, as in thought or displeasure); wrinkle (the brow)
ta zai fruni he is frowning
fruni brovas to knit one's brows
Ant.: smaili
fruta (kwo) fruit
fruti (zwo) fruit, bear fruit
fruting (kwo) fructification (process of producing fruit)
fruti-she (kwel) fruit-bearing, fructiferous; fruitful
frutishil (kwel) fecund
fugi (zwo) flee, run away
fuga (kwo) flight, escape
fuger (kwo) fugitive, runaway
fujur (kwo) depravity
fai fujur indulge in debauch(ery), lead a
depraved/loose/dissolute life
fuki (zwo) blow (produce an
air current)
fuka (kwo) waft, whiff, puff, breath
fukiflor (kwo) dandelion
fule (kwel) full
fulitaa (kwo) fullness, plenitude
fulem (komo) fully
fulifi (fa-fule) (zwo) become filled
fulisi (mah-fule) (zwo) fill
fuli (zwo) fill (tr./intr.)
fulfil (zwo) fulfill (carry
out, bring to completion, satisfy), come true
hay may yaosa fulfil! may my wish come true!
fulfilsa (kwo) fulfillment
fum (kwo) smoke
fumi (zwo) smoke
fuming (kwo) smoking
fumilok (kwo) smoking-room
fumtuba (kwo) chimney
fundamenta (kwo) foundation (that
on which anything rests; groundwork, underpinnings; (fig.) basis,
fundamentale (kwel) fundamental
fundi (zwo) found (establish,
funda, funding (kwo) foundation,
establishing (cf. "fundamenta")
fundu (kwo) fund, foundation
funduk (kwo) hazelnut
funga (kwo) mushroom
funksion (kwo) function
funksioni (zwo) function
funksioning (kwo) functioning
fupi (kwo) bran
furaja (kwo) forage, fodder
furgon (kwo) van, wagon
furia (kwo) fury, rage, frenzy
sta pa furia be furious
furia-ney (kwel) furious, frantic, frenetic
furisi (zwo) infuriate, enrage
furka (kwo) fork
senufurka pitchfork
daofurka road fork
furmi (kwo) ant
furmidom (kwo) anthill
furni (zwo) furnish, supply
furna, furning (kwo) supply,
fusi (zwo) melt, fuse, smelt
fusi-nayu melted butter
fusa, fusing (kwo) melting, fusion
fusika (kwo) fuse (electric
safety device)
fut (kwo) foot (unit of measure)
futbol (kwo) football
futbol pleier, futbolista (kwo) football-player
futur (kwo) future
in futur in future
futur(-ney) (kwel) future
fuy (exklami, syao) fie (disgust, repugnance)
fuy-jen, fuynik a nasty person
fuyka ugly thing
ga (komo)
quite, entirely,
ga hao quite good
ga fogeti quite forget
Yu es ga gande! You are
completely dirty!
German (ganz,
gadari (zwo) betray, give away
gadara (kwo) betrayal, treason
gadarnik (kwo) betrayer, traitor
gadara-ney (gadare), gadaralik (kwel) treacherous, perfidious, traitorous
gadle (kwel) turbid, muddy (not
bright or pure, not clear, cloudy; lacking luster, dull)
gadle akwa turbid water
fa-gadle (zwo) grow turbid/dull
gaf (kwo) gaffe, lapse
fai gaf to make a gaffe
gai (sta)
(one) should, (one)
ought, supposed to; befit, become
Gai bi honeste. One should be
Yu bu gai lanfai. You should not be lazy.
Sempre gai zwo olo tak kom gai. One should always do everything as needed.
Gai sempre tayari leson bifoo skola. One should
always prepare one's lesson before the classes.
gai-ke (kwel) proper, due, appropriate
bugai-ke (kwel) improper, inappropriate
nogaitaa (kwo) outrage, disgraceful goings-on
Es nogaitaa! It's simply a disgrace / a scandal!
galga (kwo) gallows, gibbet
Syn.: pendi-kilika
galopi (zwo) gallop
galopa (kwo) gallop
galsa (kwo) neck
galsahar (kwo) mane
galsatasma (kwo) collar (band
around an animals neck cf. kolar)
galta (kwo) error, mistake
galti (zwo) err, be wrong,
make a mistake
galta-ney (galte) (kwel) erroneous,
gamande (kwel) haughty, supercilious; conceited
gamanditaa (kwo) haughtiness, superciliousness; conceit
gamba (kwo) leg
stula gamba chair's leg
gambir (kwo) serious
Syn.: seriose
gami (zwo) marry (intr./tr.)
gamifi (zwo) marry (intr.)
gamer, gamifer
(kwo) fiance/fiancee (also dulho,
gaming (kwo) marriage (wedding)
gamifesta (kwo) wedding
gamisi (zwo) marry (tr.)
gami-ney (kwel) married
gama, gamitura (kwo) wedlock, marriage (the state of being married)
gamijen (kwo) spouse, wife/husband
gamiman (kwo) male spouse, husband (also mursha)
gamigina (kwo) female spouse, wife (also molya)
bugamnik (kwo) bachelor
ausengama-ney (kwel) extramarital
gamusa (kwo) chamois, suede, shammy
gana (kwo)
statagana national anthem
gani (zwo) sing
gani-ki (zwo) hum; sing quietly
ganer (kwo) singer
gande (kwel) dirty, impure; indecent, nasty
mah-gande (gandisi) (zwo) dirty, soil; pollute
fa-gande (gandifi) (zwo) get/become dirty
gandi (zwo) make/become dirty
ganditaa (kwo) impurity, filth, dirt
gandenik (kwo) slovenly/untidy person
gansa (kwo) goose
gin-gansa (gansina) (kwo)
female goose
man-gansa (ganso) (kwo)
gander, male goose
yungansa (kwo) gosling
gansamasu (kwo) goose meat
See also: hansa
ganta (kwo) glove
piga ganta leather gloves
dwa para ganta two pairs of gloves
gao (kwel,
komo) high
mah-gao (zwo) make high, raise higher, elevate
fa-gao (zwo) become higher, heighten
gaotaa (kwo) height
gaoley (kwel) higher (advanced
in complexity or elaboration; of education beyond the secondary level)
gaoley talim higher education
gap (kwo) gap
gapi (zwo) gape (open wide cf.
garabel (kwo) sparrow
garaja (kwo) garage (place to store a car)
garantia (kwo) guarantee (anything
that assures a certain outcome; a written declaration)
pet-yar-ney garantia a 5-year guarantee
garanti (zwo) guarantee
garanter (kwo) guarantor
garbar (kwo) turmoil, bustle, fuss
garden (kwo) garden
kindagarden (kwo) kindergarten
legumgarden (kwo) kitchen garden
zoo-garden (kwo) zoological garden
gardi (zwo) guard, safeguard
garda (kwo) guarding, safeguarding
gardiyuan (kwo) guard (a person
who guards)
gardika (kwo) guard(s)
gargari (zwo) gargle
gari (kwo) carriage, cart, wagon, chariot
bebi gari baby carriage
garijen (kwo) coachman
garibe (kwel) alien, extraneous, foreign
gariba (kwo) alien, stranger
garja (kwo) thunderstorm
garma (kwo) heat
garma-ney (garme) (kwel) hot
es garme it is hot
me sta garme I am hot
garmitaa (kwo) hotness
garmi (zwo) heat up (intr./tr.)
garmifi (fa-garme) (zwo) become hot
garmisi (mah-garme) (zwo) heat up
garming (kwo) heating
garmiser (kwo) heater (device)
garoba (kwo) carob
garoba-baum carob tree
garson (kwo) waiter
garwe (kwel) proud
garwi, garwefai (zwo) be proud,
take pride
garwi por koysa be proud of smth
garwitaa (kwo) pride
gas (kwo) gas
gas(-ney) (kwel) gas
gasisi (zwo) gasify; aerate
gasisa (kwo) gasification; aeration
gasyuan (kwo) gasman
gaspiwat, gaska (kwo) fizzy drink
gasela (kwo) gazelle
gaseta (kwo) newspaper
gason (kwo) lawn, grassplot
gasta (kwo) guest
gasti (zwo) be a guest, be on a visit, stay
gasti she amiga stay at a friend's
gastaguan (kwo) hotel, guesthouse
gastashamba (kwo) drawing room, sitting room, living room
gata (kwo) street
fai gata be outdoors; stroll
gata-ki (kwo) bystreet
gaurawe (kwel) considerable, substantial; influential,
gavahi (zwo) witness, testify
gavaha (kwo) testimony, witness
gavaher (kwo) witness, eyewitness
oko-gavaher (kwo) eyewitness
gayar (kwo) lad, guy, fellow, chap, bloke
gaza (kwo) gauze (thin fabric)
ge 1) (kwo) piece (single item)
pet dolar per ge five dollars apiece
2) (gramatika) optional marker of the
auto-ge one car
jen-ge one person
geda (kwo) spike (fish)
gei (gramatika)
marks "passive of becoming"
gunsa gei zwo the work is being done
kitaba gei lekti this book is being read
geim (kwo) game (a kind of
game; a stage of game cf. pleisa)
video-geim (kwo) video game
worda-geim (kwo) word game
hima (saif) geimes (kwo) winter (summer) games
geit (kwo) gate
gela (kwo) girl
See also: yungina
gemi (zwo) groan, moan
gema (kwo) groan, moan
gen (kwo) gene
general (kwo) general (commander)
generale (kwel) general (not particular
cf. «sarwe»)
generalem (komo) in general
generalisi (zwo) generalize
generalisa (kwo) generalization
generasion (kwo) generation (people of same period)
generati (zwo) generate (bring
into existence; engender, procreate; produce)
generati elektritaa to generate electricity
generative (kwel) generative
generata (kwo) generation (act or
process of generating; origination, production, or procreation)
genetika (kwo) genetics
genetike (kwel) genetical
genia (kwo) genius
geniale (kwel) of genius, ingenious, genial
genialem (komo) ingeniously, genially
genialitaa (kwo) ingeniousness, ingenuity
genialnik (kwo) genius (about a person)
genra (kwo) genus, genre
genta (kwo) clan, ethnic group, family, kin, stock
genu (kwo) knee
genu jor knee joint
genukapak kneecap, patella
genui (kwo) kneel
lwo-genui fall to one's knees
geografia (kwo) geography
geografier (kwo) geographer
gerania (kwo) geranium
gerbila (kwo) gerbil
gesi (zwo) guess
gesa (kwo) guess
gesing (kwo) guessing
geti (zwo) get (to somewhere,
into smth); fall (into a situation)
geti a dom get home
geti inu kaptika fall into a trap
geti aus koylok get out of somewhere
gida (kwo) guide (person or
gidi (zwo) guide (serve as a
guide; exert control or influence over)
gei gidi bay koysa to be guided by smth
giganta (kwo) giant
giganta-ney (gigante) (kwel) giant
gimnastika (kwo) gymnastics
gimnastike (kwel) gymnastic
gin- (syao)
gin-studenta female student
gin-dogΰ bitch
gina (kwo) woman (also ginjen)
ginalik (kwel) womanly
ginaliknesa (kwo) womanliness
ko-gina (kwo) female companion; wife
ginnik (kwo) womanizer
girlanda (kwo) garland
gitara (kwo) guitar
gladi (zwo) stroke (move the
hand over the surface of smth in one direction)
glan (zwo) be glossy, shine
glan-she (kwel) glossy, shiny, sleek
glansa (kwo) gloss, shine, lustre
mah-glan (zwo) gloss, give a gloss or sheen to
glas (kwo) glass (substance)
glas(-ney) (kwel) glass, of glass
glas bartan glass utensil
glaslik (kwel) glassy
glaska (kwo) smth made of glass; jar
jemglaska jam-jar
glasa (kwo) glass (vessel)
glasakin (kwo) small drinking glass
glate (kwel) smooth (not rough)
fa-glate (glatifi) (zwo) become smooth
mah-glate (glatisi) (zwo) smooth
Ant.: karke
glidi (zwo) slide, glide
gliding (kwo) sliding, slip
glide (kwel) slippery, sliding
glimi (zwo) glimmer (emit or
reflect a dim, intermittent light)
stara glimi stars glimmer
glina (kwo) argil; clay
globa (kwo) globe
globale (kwel) global
(cf. globus)
globus (kwo) globe (a spherical model of Earth or any planet)
glodi (zwo) gnaw
glok (kwo) bell
gloki (zwo) ring a bell, toll
gloria (kwo) glory
gloria-ney (kwel) glorious
glorisi (zwo) glorify
glorisa (zwo) glorification
gloti (zwo) swallow
glota (kwo) a swallow
gloting (kwo) swallowing
misgloti (zwo) choke (with)
glu (kwo) glue
glui (zwo) glue
gluing (kwo) gluing
See also: lipi
glube (kwel) deep, profound
glubitaa (kwo) depth
fa-glube (glubifi) (zwo) become deeper
mah-glube (glubisi) (zwo) deepen, make deep or deeper
glubefai in akwa to be deep in water, to draw much
Ant.: chyen
gluhe (kwel) deaf; dull, muffled, toneless
gluhitaa (kwo) deafness
gluhe-mute (kwel) deaf-mute
gluhisi-she (kwel)
glume (kwel) gloomy, sulky, sullen, morose
go (zwo) go (move; leave;
go a leker go to the doctor
dela go hao the thing goes good
go-she (kwel) current
go-she wik the current week
go-she dela the current affairs
going (kwo) going; course (onward movement, progress)
going de eventas the course of events
godi (zwo) serve (to be
convenient or favourable),
suit (answer a purpose, be of use)
It godi fo kwo? What does it serve for?
godi-she (kwel) suitable, good
godinesa (kwo) suitability, aptitude
gol (kwo) goal (point
gol-geit (kwo) goal (zone)
gol-geityuan (kwo) goalkeeper
gola (kwo) aim, goal, end, purpose, target
goli (zwo) aim
goli banduk an koysa to aim the gun at smth
fai gola an koysa take aim at smth
golda (kwo) gold
golda(-ney) (kwel) gold, golden
goldika (kwo) smth gold
goldisi (zwo) gild
golfa (kwo) golf
gonga (kwo) gong
goni (zwo) drive (cause to
move; chase)
goni gurta a pilok drive a herd to the watering place
goni afte koywan pursue / chase smb
gona (kwo) drive, chase, pursuit
See also: persekwi
gorba (kwo) hump, hunch
(deformity of the back in humans; the fleshy structure on the back of a camel)
gorba-ney (gorbe) (kwel) hunchbacked
gorbe jen (kwo) hunchback
gorbi (zwo) hump, hunch, stoop
gorbi-ney (kwel) stooping, stooped
gorila (kwo) gorilla (ape)
gorla (kwo) throat
gorla de botela throat (neck) of the bottle
gosip (kwo) gossip, scuttlebutt, tittle-tattle
fai gosip, gosipi (zwo) gossip,
tittle-tattle, tell tales
gosiper (kwo) talebearer, gossiper
gova (kwo) cow/bull
gin-gova (govina) (kwo) cow
man-gova (govo) (kwo) bull
yungova (kwo) heifer/calf
govamasu (kwo) beef
yungovamasu (kwo) veal
grada (kwo) degree, extent (cf. gradus)
in sertene grada to a certain extent
gaograd (komo) in a high degree
koygrad (komo) to some degree
kwelgrad (komo) to what extent
nulgrad (komo) not at all, to no extent
syaograd (komo) to a small extent
talgrad ke to such an extent that
gradina (kwo) a single stair, step, footstep; rung (step of a ladder)
graduale (kwel) gradual
gradualem (komo) gradually
gradus (kwo) degree (a unit of measurement)
pet gradus sobre nol five degrees above zero
dwashi gradus de frosta (garmitaa) 20 degrees of frost (heat)
graf (kwo) graph
grafika (kwo) graphic
grafike (kwel) graphic
gram (kwo) gram
sto gram one hundred grams
gramatika (kwo) grammar
gran (kwel) big, large, great
gro-gran (kwel) huge, enormous
granfinga (kwo) thumb
grantaa (kwo) size, magnitude
stara do un-ney grantaa star of the first magnitude
fa-gran (granifi) (zwo) increase, become bigger/larger
mah-gran (granisi) (zwo) increase, make bigger/larger, magnify
granisa/granifa (kwo) increase
Ant.: syao
grandiose (kwel) grandiose
granit (kwo) granite
grapa (kwo) cluster, bunch, a number of fruits or
flowers growing along a common stalk
vingrapa cluster/bunch of grapes
grasile (kwel) gracile
graspi (zwo) grasp (to take
hold of or seize firmly; comprehend), grip
fa-graspi pa koysa snatch at smth
graspika (kwo) handle (haft,
knob, bail, etc.)
dwar graspika door-handle, door-knob
Syn.: samaji
grata (kwo) grating, grate, lattice
gratis (komo) gratis, free of charge
gratuli (zwo) congratulate
gratula (kwo) congratulation
grauli (zwo) growl, snarl
graula (kwo) growl, snarl
grave (kwel) heavy, ponderous; (fig.)
weighty, momentous, grave
gravitaa (kwo) heaviness, gravity
gravela (kwo) gravel
gravide (kwel) pregnant, with child
gravida (kwo) a pregnant woman
graviti (zwo) (phys. and fig.) gravitate, be attracted, tend to a center
gravita (kwo) gravitation
kanun de gravita the law of gravitation
gren (kwo) grain (seeds of
crops; crops)
greninka (kwo) a single seed of grain
grendom (kwo) granary, barn
grey (kwel) gray
grey-har-ney grey-haired
grif (kwo) vulture
grimasa (kwo) grimace
grimasi, fai grimasa (kwo) grimace, make a grimace, contort the face, make a wry face
grin (kwel) green
grinka (kwo) greenery, verdure
grip (kwo) flu, grippe, influenza
faula-grip bird flu
grivi (zwo) grieve (feel
sorrow or distress); mourn (om koysa for smth)
grivi-plaki lament, deplore
griva (kwo) grief, woe, sorrow
griva-ney (grive) (kwel) sorrowful, mournful, sad
mah-grivi (zwo) grieve (make unhappy)
Ant.: joi
gro (syao,
komo, kwel) "very much, strongly" (augmentative/intensifying particle)
kitaba "a book" gro-kitaba "a big volume, tome, folio"
hao "good, well" gro-hao "great, excellent"
interes-ney "interesting" gro-interes-ney "gripping,
pri "to like" gro-pri "to adore, to like greatly"
Me lubi yu gro. I love you
Suy luba bu es gro. His
love is not very deep.
Lu en-mediti gro. He became lost in thoughts.
grog (kwo) grog
grose (kwel) thick
grositaa (kwo) thickness
Ant.: dine
grugru, fai grugru (zwo) grunt, utter a grunt
grumbli (zwo) grumble
grunta (kwo) soil, ground
grupa (kwo) group
grupi (zwo) group
gual (kwo) coal
gual-muver (kwo) poker
Scottish Gaelic
guan (kwo) institution, establishment
fanguan (kwo) dining rooms
frisiguan (kwo) hairdresser's
kitabaguan (kwo) library
printiguan (kwo) printing house
guapi (zwo) yawn
guapa (kwo) yawn
gubra (kwo) dung, manure, muck
gubrajuk (kwo) dung-beetle
gudi (zwo) honk, hoot, toot
See also: zumbi
guha (kwo) cavern, cave
gukan (kwo) chaff
gulam (kwo) slave
gulamtaa (kwo) slavery
gulao (kwel) ancient, antique
guma (kwo) gum; rubber; eraser
chabiguma (kwo) chewing gum
gumabanda (kwo) elastic (band), rubber band
gun (zwo) work
gunjen (kwo) worker
gunsa (kwo) work, labour
treba go a gunsa one must go to work
guntura (kwo) work (product of working)
gundey (kwo) working day, workday
guntaim (kwo) working time
gunpaga (kwo) salary, wage
gunshamba (kwo) study (room)
gunah (kwo) sin
gunahi, fai gunah (zwo) sin
guran (kwo) crane (bird)
gurka (kwo) cucumber
gurta (kwo) herd, flock, drove
gurti (zwo) herd, flock
See also: trupa
guru (kwo) spiritual teacher
guruhi (zwo) thunder
shuta ek-guruhi a shot burst out
guruha (kwo) thunder
gusli (kwo) gusli
baji gusli play gusli
guslier (kwo) guslar
gusta (kwo) taste
gusti (zwo) taste (have a
taste; sample the flavour of smth orally)
gustike (kwel) gustatory
hao-gusta-ney (kwel) tasty
guta (kwo) drop (of liquid)
guti (zwo) drip, fall in drops
guting (kwo) dripping
guverna (kwo) government
guverni (zwo) govern (exercise authority over)
guverner (kwo) governor
guy (kwel) expensive, costly
guytaa (kwo) expensiveness, costliness
gwansi (zwo) concern (have to
do with, relate to, be of importance to)
sey dela bu gwansi me it is no concern of me
gwansi-yen (konekti) concerning, regarding
gwansa (kwo) relation, connection, anything to do
hev/fai nul gwansa a koysa have no connection with
smth, bear no relation to smth
bugwansa-ney (bugwanse) (kwel) irrelevant, out of place, having nothing to do with
bugwansa-nem (bugwansem) (komo) malapropos,
not to the point
gwer (kwo) war
gwership warship
gwer akta military action
gwer e salam war and peace
gwer-stopa, gwer-pausa armistice, truce
gweri, fai gwer (zwo) make/wage war
gwerjen (kwo) warrior
gwerlik (kwel) warlike
gwin (zwo) gain, earn, win
gwin anubav gain in experience
gwinsa (kwo) gain; income, earnings
Syn.: akwiri
gwo (gramatika)
"some time ago, at one time, earlier in life"
me gwo bi in Moskva I have been to Moscow
Me gwo dansi hao wen me bin syao gela. I danced well
when I was a little girl.
Lu gwo zun sporta. He used to go in for sports.
habar (kwo) (piece of) news
habiti (zwo) inhabit; dwell, live
nu habiti in toy gata we live in that street
habita (kwo) habitation
habitilok (kwo) habitation (place) (apartment is
habitibile (kwel) habitable
buhabiti-ney (buhabiten) (kwel) uninhabited
haf (kwo, syao) half
pa haf by half, in half
haf-dey (kwo) half a day
haf-ora (kwo) half an hour
haf-luma (kwo) twilight
mah-haf (zwo) halve
ha-ha (exklami,
kwo) ha-ha, a sound made
in imitation of laughter
fai ha-ha laugh
See also: ridi, hi-hi
haifen (kwo) hyphen
haili (zwo) heal, cure
haishi (taim-komo) still, as yet, so far
Me haishi bu he zwo se. I have not done this yet.
Lu haishi safari. He still travels.
Me es haishi ausen urba. I am still out of town.
(cf. "yoshi")
haki (zwo) hew, hack, chop, cut
haki ligna chop wood
haki bay zian cut with a sword
hakimarka (kwo) notch
hakmi (zwo) try
(examine by judicial process)
hakma (kwo)
(court) trial
hakmiwat (kwo) defendant,
the accused, prisoner at the bar
halat (kwo) circumstance; circumstances
al tal halat under such circumstances
halka (kwo) ring (a
circumscribing object)
aurhalka (kwo) earring
harhalka (kwo) lock, curl, ringlet
halka-ney (kwel) annular, ring-shaped
halkafinga (kwo) ring finger (finger
between middle finger and little finger)
halka-dansa (kwo) round danse
fai halka-dansa to sing and dance in a ring
haloo (halo) (kwo) hallo (used also over the telephone)
halwa (kwo) halva
ham (kwo) ham (food)
hamak (kwo) hammock
hampi (komo)
Me jan hampi olo om to. I know almost everything about it.
Li es hir, hampi oli. They
are here, almost everyone.
hamra (kwo) hammer
hamri (zwo) hammer
hamsi (zwo) whisper
hamsa (kwo) whisper
hamsta (kwo) hamster
han 1) (kwel, kwo)
Chinese (relating to ethnicity, language or country)
hanjen (kwo) Chinese (person of
Chinese ethnicity)
hanlingwa (kwo) Chinese language (syn.: putunhua)
2) khan
See also: Jungwo
handa (kwo) hand
handagunsa handwork
handi (zwo) hand (to give or pass with the hands)
handak (kwo) ditch, trench
Hanguk (kwo) South Korea
hansa (kwo) swan
hanzi (kwo) Chinese characters, Hanzi
hao (kwel,
komo) good; well
Me sta hao. I am OK.
Hao! Good, OK!
Es hao. That's good.
haotaa (kwo) good
fo haotaa de jenley for the welfare of mankind
lucha de haotaa e baditaa struggle of the good and the evil
Bi hao! 1) You are welcome! (a reply to thanking); 2) Bless you! (after smb's
sneezing); 3) Good luck! (when parting)
Hao aksham! Good evening!
Hao dey! Good day!
Hao fortuna! Good luck!
Hao nocha! Good night!
Hao sabah! Good morning!
Hao safara! Have a good trip!
haohunten (kwel) coherent
(Origin: hao+hunti+ney)
har (kwo) hair, hairs (chevelure)
harinka (kwo) a single hair
harhalka (kwo) lock, curl, ringlet
frentahar (kwo) fringe (part
of the hair that hangs down over the forehead)
galsahar (kwo) mane
(cf. "mao")
harem (kwo) harem
harhari (zwo) expectorate
harmonia (kwo) harmony
harmoni (zwo) harmonize (be in
agreement, be harmonious)
harmonike (kwel) harmonious
harmonisi (zwo) harmonize (v.tr.)
hashish (kwo) hashish
hasima (kwo) defeat, loss
fai hasima to be defeated
hasti (zwo) be in a hurry
hasti-muvi bustle, move hastily
hasta (kwo) hurry, haste
pa hasta hastily, in haste, hurriedly
hasta-ney (haste) (kwel) hasty, hurried
hata (kwo) peasant house (esp.
in Ukraine and Russia)
hay!1 (exklami) hi!
(gramatika) let, may (wish; leave)
Hay Forsa bi kun yu! May the force be with you!
Hay oni shwo to ke oni yao. Let them say what they like.
(cf. "ba")
he (gramatika)
past tense marker
Me he yo lekti sey kitaba. I have already read this book.
Yu bu he audi ku? Haven't you heard?
hek (kwo) pick, hack
helikopta (kwo) helicopter
helma (kwo) helmet
helpi (zwo) help
helpa (kwo) help
helpi koywan to help smb
kun helpa de with the help of
voki helpa call for help
helpike (kwel) auxiliary
helpalingwa (kwo) auxiliary language
hema (kwo) blood
hema-vasa blood vessel
hema-sosis blood sausage, blood pudding
hema-pyasa-ney blood-thirsty
hema-ney, hemaful (kwel) bloody
hemi (zwo) bleed
heming (kwo) bleeding, haemorrhage
heni (zwo) hate
hena (kwo) hatred
henival (kwel) odious
henri (kwo) henry
sto milihenri one hundred millihenries
hepata (kwo) liver (organ)
herba (kwo) grass; herb
lekiherba (kwo) medicinal herb(s)
herbinka (kwo) a blade of grass
heredi (zwo) inherit, be the heir to; succeed (to)
heredi koysa fon koywan inherit smth from smb
hereda (kwo) heritage; inheritance
hereder (kwo) heir
hermete (kwel) hermetic, sealed, airtight
hermetem (komo) hermetically
hermetisi (zwo) make hermetic
dehermeta (kwo) depressurization
hero (kwo) hero
herolik (kwel) heroic
heroisma (kwo) heroism
hesiti (zwo) hesitate, falter
hesita (kwo) hesitation
hev (sta)
Me hev dwa kitaba. I
have two books.
en-hev (zwo) come to possess
hevsa (kwo) possession; property, belongings
hey! (exklami) hey! (used to attract attention)
hi (gramatika)
"exactly, it's...that" (emphasizes
the previous word)
nau hi right now
Den se hi me yao shwo. This
exactly I want to say.
Me hi zwo-te se. It's me
who did it.
Sey rasma bu es jamile.
Es jamile hi! This drawing is not beautiful. Yes it is!
Non hi! No, no way!
Ya hi. Yes, to be sure. Certainly.
Es toy hi jen. It's that
very person.
Me bu jan wen ta lai e ob ta lai hi. I dont know when he comes and if he
comes at all.
Bu hi go! Mind you, don't go!
hieroglif (kwo) hieroglyph
hieroglifike (kwo) hieroglyphic
hieroglifike skriba hieroglyphic writing
See also: hanzi
hi-hi, hi-hi-hi (exklami, kwo) tee-hee
fai hi-hi (zwo) chuckle, giggle, titter, snigger
hili (zwo) stagger, be unsteady, sway, reel
dushman en-hili the enemy wavered
hima (kwo) winter
hima geimes the winter games
hina (kwo) henna
hindi (kwel, kwo) Indian (relating to Indians [of India], their language and country); Indian (person of Indian ethnicity); Hindi
hipotesa (kwo) hypothesis
hir (loko-komo) here
Lu es hir. He is here.
Hir es hao. It's good here.
Lai hir. Come here.
Figaro hir, Figaro dar. Figaro's here, Figaro's there.
hir-ney (kwel) of this place, local
hiran (kwo) deer
yunhiran (kwo) young deer, fawn
gin-hiran (kwo) doe, female deer
man-hiran (kwo) buck, male deer
hiranmasu (kwo) venison
hisi (zwo) hiss
hisa, hising (kwo) hissing
histeria (kwo) hysteria
histerike (kwel) hysterical
histo (kwo) tissue (anat.,
historia (kwo) history (the
aggregate of past events; science; record or narrative description)
historike (kwel) historic
historier (kwo) historian
hm (exklami) hm, ahem
hobi (kwo) hobby (activity
that one enjoys doing in one's spare time)
hok (kwo) hawk (predatory
hokey (kwo) hockey
hokey pleier, hokeista (kwo) hockey player
hole (kwel) hollow (having an
empty space or cavity inside)
holika (kwo) hollow
holisi (zwo) hollow (out)
holifi (zwo) become hollow
wangas holifi the cheeks became hollow
hom (kwo) home (habitual
abode, birthplace, native land, asylum)
Syn.: dom
honeste (kwel) honest (fair and straightforward in conduct, thought, etc., free from deceit or fraud, upright)
honor (kwo) honour
pa honor de in honour of
fai honor a koywan give/pay honour to smb
honor-ney (kwel) honorary (guard, etc.)
nohonor (kwo) dishonour
hopak (kwo) hopak (Ukrainian folk dance)
hor (kwo) choir, chorus
horal (kwo) choral
horisonta (kwo) horizon
horisontale (kwel) horizontal
horisontala (kwo) horizontal (line)
hospital (kwo) hospital
hosta (kwo) host
hostina (kwo) hostess
hosti (zwo) host
hostel (kwo) hostel (lodging house)
hotel (kwo) hotel, inn
hovi (zwo) hover (float in
the air)
hu (kwesti)
Hu lai? Who comes?
Hu zwo-te se? Who did it?
hu-ney whose
huanmi (kwo) millet
huf (kwo) hoof
huk (kwo) hook
huki (zwo) hook (catch,
suspend, or connect with a hook)
See also: ahuki
huligan (kwo) hooligan
huligani (zwo) behave like a hooligan, engage in hooliganism
huliganing (kwo) hooliganism
humane (kwel) humane
humanitaa (kwo) humaneness, humanity (the quality of being humane, benevolence cf. jenley)
humanisma (kwo) humanism (system
of thought)
humanista (kwo) humanist
humanistike (kwel) humanistic, humanist
humel (kwo) hop (plant)
humide (kwel) humid, damp, moist
humiditaa (kwo) humidity, dampness
Syn.: mokre
hunga (kwo) hunger
fai hunga be hungry
defai hunga satisfy/appease one's hunger
hunga-ney (hunge) (kwel) hungry
hunga-nem (hungem) (komo) hungrily
hungi (zwo) hunger, starve
al haf-hungi half-starving
hunti (zwo) join; come together; pool
suti-hunti sew together
hunti a koywan to join smb
hunta (kwo) joining, junction
ferdao hunta railway junction
hunta-ney (hunte)
(kwel) joint, combined
pa hunta, hunta-nem (huntem) (komo) together, jointly
huraa (exklami) hurrah, hurray
husar (kwo) hussar
huta (kwo) hut (crude or makeshift dwelling or shelter; a shack)
hwan (kwel) yellow
fa-hwan (zwo) grow/turn yellow
mah-hwan (zwo) make yellow
hwanka (kwo) yolk
hwei (zwo) repent, rue
hweisa (kwo) repentance, penitence
i (unisi)
i...i... both...and...
i lu i ela both he and she
i sey-las i toy-las these as well as those
(komo) too, also (relates to the following word)
I me koni lu. I too know him.
Me jan i ela. I know also her.
idea (kwo) idea
idea-ney (kwel) of idea, conceptual
ideal (kwo) ideal
ideal-ney (kwel) ideal
idente (kwel) identical
identitaa (kwo) identity, sameness
identisi (zwo) identify (tr.)
identifi (zwo) identify (intr.)
ideologia (kwo) ideology
ideologike (kwel) ideological
idiota (kwo) idiot
idola (kwo) idol (also fig.)
idris (kwo) bird cherry
idyen (komo)
a little, a bit
idyen pyu hao
a bit better
Dai a me idyen akwa, plis. Give me a little water,
igla (kwo) needle
ignori (zwo) ignore, disregard
igo (kwo) yoke (also
ikra (kwo) calf (of leg)
ilusion (kwo) illusion, delusion
fai ilusion om koysa cherish/harbor an illusion about
defai ilusion (desilusioni) (zwo) become disillusioned/disappointed
desilusiona (kwo) disillusionment, disenchantment,
imaja (kwo) image
imajini (zwo) imagine (to form a
mental image of something; to envision or create something in one's mind; to
use one's imagination)
imajina (kwo) imagination
imbati (zwo) strike (against), run (against), run into,
bump into, stumble upon
imbati kontra chyenlok run aground
imiti (zwo) imitate
imita (kwo) imitation
impedi (zwo) impede, hinder
impedi-korda hobble, fetter
impeda (kwo) hindrance, impediment
imperia (kwo) empire
imperator (kwo) emperor
importi (zwo) import
importa (kwo) import, importation
Ant.: exporti
impresi (zwo) impress (produce
impression, affect strongly)
impresa (kwo) impression
impulsa (kwo) impulse
in (konekti)
in, at
(refers to location)
Me jivi in Rusia. I live in Russia.
In sey shulin funga yok. There are no mushrooms in this forest.
2) in, on (refers to time)
in petdi on Friday
in same taim at the same time (=samtaim-nem)
in lai-she yar in the next year
3) in (other
Lu es in nove palto. He wears a new overcoat.
kreda in boh belief in god
in tal kasu in such case
inen (konekti-komo) inside, within
Inen dom es warme. It's warm inside the house.
Me es inen, zin ba! I am
inside, come in!
inenklaida (kwo) underclothes, underwear
inenlanda (kwo) inland
inen-taraf (kwo) the inside
incha (kwo) inch (unit of length)
indexa (kwo) index (number, ratio)
India (kwo) India (also "Bharat")
See also: hindi
indigni (zwo) be indignant
indigna (kwo) indignation
indigna-nem (indignem) (komo) indignantly
indiki (zwo) indicate, point
indika (kwo) indication (act of
pointing out; sign, token)
individu (kwo) individual (single
person or animal)
individuale (kwel) individual
individualisma (kwo) individualism
indulgi (zwo) be indulgent, make allowance for, forbear
to inflict
indulga (kwo) lenience, indulgence
indulgishil (kwel) indulgent, lenient
infanta (kwo) infant
infarkta (kwo) infarction
infekti (zwo) infect
infekta (kwo) infection
inferna (kwo) hell, inferno
inferna-ney, infernalik (kwel) infernal, hellish
inflama (kwo) inflammation
(morbid condition)
inflami (zwo) inflame
infli (zwo) inflate
infli balon/tara inflate a baloon/tire
infla (kwo) inflation (for the economical meaning
inflasion is used)
influsi (zwo) influence, affect
influsa (kwo) influence
informi (zwo) inform
informa (kwo) information (also info)
infrarude (kwel) infrared
Ingland (kwo)
Ingland-jen inhabitant/citizen of England
inglish (kwel,
kwo) English (relating to ethnicity, language or country); English (person of English
ethnicity); English language
Ob yu shwo inglish? Do you
speak English?
ingoma (kwo) a kind of African drum
ingravi (zwo) carve, engrave
ingrava (kwo) carving, engraving
inisi (zwo) initiate (to set
going by taking the first step; to introduce into a sosiety, club, etc. by
formal rites)
inisa (kwo) initiation
Syn.: begin
inisiativa (kwo) initiative
injenior (kwo) engineer
inkarni (zwo) incarnate
inkarna (kwo) incarnation
inklina (kwo) slant, slope; physical tilt or bend;
inclination (act; mental tendency)
flanka-inklina (kwo) list, heel, careen, bank
inklini (zwo) incline (bend;
slope; tend)
inklusi (zwo) include
inklusi-yen (konekti)
inklusa (kwo) inclusion
inkombri (zwo) encomber, obstruct, block, hinder in passing
inkweri (zwo) inquire, make inquiries
inloo (gramatika)
marks non-immediate
mata-inloo (kwo) mother-in-law
brata-inloo (kwo) cousin
son-inloo (kwo) nephew
kindocha-inloo (kwo) grandniece
brata-inloo-inloo (kwo) second cousin
inlubi (zwo) fall in love (with)
Lu es inluben om/in ela. He is in love with her.
inluba (kwo) the state of having fallen in love
inmurisi (zwo) immure, mure, wall up, brick up
(Origin: in+mur+isi)
inosente (kwel) innocent, guileless, artless
inosensia (kwo) innocence
inplas (konekti) instead (of), in place (of)
Dai a me sey kalam inplas toy-la. Give me this pencil instead of that one.
Go dar inplas me! Go there
instead of me!
Gai zwo inplas shwo. One
should act, not speak.
Lu plei inplas gun. He plays instead of working.
inplasi (zwo) be instead of, fill in, act as a substitute
insekta (kwo) insect
inserti (zwo) insert, put in, set in
inserta (kwo) insertion
insidenta (kwo) incident, occurrence
insisti (zwo) insist
inspiri (zwo) inspire (by divine
instruction, poetic spirit, ideas)
inspira (kwo) inspiration
instali (zwo) install
instali swa (zwo) install oneself
Afte instali swa in may favorite stula, me bu pri
en-stan. Once I've installed myself in my favourite chair, I don't like to
get up.
instala (kwo) installation
instinkta (kwo) instinct
instinkta-ney (kwel) instinctive
institut (kwo) institute
instrukta (kwo) instruction (directions
on procedure, a direction to be obeyed cf. talim)
instrukti (zwo) instruct, brief, give instructions
instrukting (kwo) briefing, instruction
insulti (zwo) insult, affront
insulta (kwo) insult, affront
integre (kwel) integral, entire, complete, whole, all
parts properly united and present
integritaa (kwo) integrity, entirety
teritoriale integritaa territorial integrity
integri (zwo) integrate (intr./tr.)
integrisi (zwo) integrate, render entire
integrifi (zwo) integrate (intr.)
integrisa, integrifa (kwo) integration
intele (kwel) clever
nointele (kwel) silly, stupid
(cf. "saje")
intelekta (kwo) intellect
intelekta-ney (kwel) intellectual
intense (kwel) intense, intensive
intensisi (zwo) intensify (tr.)
intensifi (zwo) intensify (intr.)
intenti (zwo) intend, purpose, have in mind
intenta (kwo) intention, purpose
hao intenta good intentions
pa intenta on purpose, intentionally
sin intenta unintentionally
intenta-ney (intente) (kwel) intentional, deliberate, premeditated
intenta-nem (intentem) (komo)
intentionally, on purpose
inter (konekti) between
inter skay e arda between the sky and the earth
mutuale samaja inter jenmin mutual understanding between the peoples
interen (komo) between (them), in between; in the meantime
interes (kwo) interest (attention,
interes-ney (kwel) interesting
interesi (zwo) interest
se interesi me gro it interests me greatly
fai interes om koysa
take an interest in smth
defai interes om koysa lose interest in smth
interfai (zwo) intervene, interfere
interfai inter gambas get under smb's feet
intermiti (zwo) intermit
internasion-ney (kwel) international
Syn.: interjenmin-ney
interne (kwel) internal
Syn.: inen-ney
Ant.: externe
internet (kwo) Internet
interplexi (zwo) interlace, intertwine
(Origin: inter+plexi)
interrupti (zwo) interrupt, break off
intershanji (zwo) exchange; interchange
intershanja (kwo) exchange; interchange
interspas (kwo) interspace
(Origin: inter+spas)
intertaim (kwo) a period between
pa intertaim (komo) in the meanwhile, meantime
Ta ve lai sun. Pi ba kahwa pa intertaim. He'll be
back soon. Meantime, have a cup of coffee.
(Origin: inter+taim)
interval (kwo) interval
intervyu (kwo) interview
intervyui (zwo) interview
intrigi (zwo) intrigue
intriga (kwo) intrigue
introdukti (zwo) introduce (begin,
preface; put inside or into; bring into use; provide smb with a beginning
knowledge cf. prisenti)
introdukta (kwo) introduction
intrusi (zwo) intrude
intrusa (kwo) intrusion
intuision (kwo) intuition
intuision-ney (kwel) intuitive
inu (loko-komo) into
Ela lopi-te inu shamba. She ran into the room.
Kan inu! Look inside!
Nulwan mog transformi fer inu golda. Nobody can change iron into gold.
inundi (zwo) inundate, flood
inunda (kwo) flood, inundation
inuspiri (zwo) inhale, breathe in
inuspira (kwo) inhalation
Ant.: ausspiri
invadi (zwo) invade
invada (kwo) invasion
invalida (kwo) invalid (one who is sickly or disabled)
inventi (zwo) invent
inventa (kwo) invention
inverse (kwel) inverse, inverted
inversem (komo) vice versa
inversa (kwo) the contrary, the reverse, opposite
investigi (zwo) investigate, research, inquire into
investiga (kwo) investigation, research
inviti (zwo) invite
invita (kwo) invitation
inyekti (zwo) inject
inyekta (kwo) injection
iradi (zwo) find fault, carp, cavil, nag
iri (zwo) be angry (om
koysa/koywan at/with smth/smb)
ira (kwo) anger, ire, wrath
gro-ira great anger, rage
ira-ney (kwel) angry, cross
ira-nem (komo) angrily, crossly
irisi (zwo) anger, enrage
irisi-ney (kwel) incensed, infuriated, enraged
irishil (kwel) short-tempered
ironia (kwo) irony
ironike (kwel) ironical
isla (kwo) island
islajen (kwo) islander
islam (kwo) Islam
islamjen (kwo) Islamite
isoli (zwo) isolate; insulate
isola (kwo) isolation; insulation
it (inplas-kwo) it (inanimate)
Es may tabla. This is my table.
Me pri it. I like it.
Me pon kitaba on it. I put
a book on it.
Italia (kwo) Italy
Italia-jen (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of Italy
italiano (kwel), (kwo) Italian (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Italian (person of Italian ethnicity); Italian language
iva (kwo) willow
iven (komo)
ta bu jan iven to he doesn't know even that
ta gun iven al morbi even when he is sick, he works
(cf. "yoshi")
jabra (kwo) jaw
jadu (kwo) sorcery
fai jadu do/practice sorcery, conjure
mah-jadu (zwo) bewitch, enchant
jadujen (kwo) sorcerer/sorceress
jaduman (kwo) sorcerer
jadugina (kwo) sorceress; witch
jaduleker (kwo) witch-doctor, quack doctor
jadu-shwosa (kwo) spell, exorcism
jagi (zwo)
be awake; vigil
jaging, jaga (kwo)
wakefulness, vigil
en-jagi, jagifi (zwo) wake up (intr.)
jagisi (zwo) wake up (tr.)
jagiser alarm clock
jaka (kwo) jacket (a short coat)
jaketa (kwo) jacket (a piece of a persons suit)
jal (zwo) be on fire, burn
ek-jal (zwo) burn, cauterize
ek-jal finga burn one's fingers
jalsa (kwo) burning
jal-she (kwel) ablaze, burning
jalka (kwo) fuel
mah-jal (zwo) burn (to cause to
be consumed by fire)
finjal (zwo) burn down
jalusa (kwo) jealousy
jalusi (zwo) be jealous (of)
jalusnik (kwo) jealous man
jami (zwo) gather
jami amigas gather friends
jami asembla gather a meeting
jami fruta gather fruits
jamitura (kwo) that which has been gathered
(cf. "kolekti, rekoli")
jamile (kwel) beautiful, handsome, pretty
ela es jamile gina she is a pretty woman
jamilitaa (kwo) beauty (property)
jamilina (kwo) beauty (beautiful
jamilo (kwo) handsome man
jan (zwo) know
Me jan to. I know that.
Ta bu jan nixa. He doesn't know anything.
en-jan (zwo) get to know, learn
jansa (kwo) knowledge
jan-sha, jannik (kwo) connoisseur
(cf. "koni")
jangla (kwo) jungle
janmi (zwo) be born; give birth to
ta janmi in yar 1975 he/shi was born in 1975
janma (kwo) birth
janmadey (kwo) birthday
janmalanda (kwo) native land, homeland, motherland
janmalok (kwo) native place, home
janmalingwa (kwo) native language
janmamarka (kwo) birthmark, mole
janming (kwo) childbirth, delivery
janmer (kwo) parent
janmog (zwo) know how to, can
Me janmog gani, yu janmog rasmi, bat nu ambi bu janmog
swimi. I can sing, yu can draw, but we both cannot swim.
janmogsa (kwo) ability, skill, know-how
(Origin: jan+mog)
januar (kwo) January (also mes-un)
jaopay (kwo) signboard
japat (kwo) fit (seizure; outburst of
emotion); gust
feng japat a gust of wind
japat-ney feng gusty wind
japunga (kwo) dragonfly
jatile (kwel) intricate, sophisticated
jawabi (zwo) answer
jawaba (kwo) answer
jawaba-ney (kwel) reply, return
jawaba-ney leta reply (letter), return mail
jay-jay (exklami) hip, hip, hooray!
jay-jaysa (kwo) cheers, hurrahing
jay-jayka (kwo) cheer (a shout of
Syn.: huraa
jel (kwo) gel
jelee (kwo) jelly
jem (kwo) jam (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar)
jen (kwo) man (human, any
man or woman)
jenley (kwo) mankind
jen-ney (kwel) human
jenlik (kwel) human, humane
(characteristic of human)
jenful (kwel) crowded
auslandajen (kwo) foreigner
lubijen (kwo) loved one, lover
samlandajen (kwo) compatriot
samtaimjen (kwo) contemporary (coexistent
in time)
sendijen (kwo) envoy
jengun-ney (kwel)
man-made, artificial
jengun-silka artificial silk
jenmin (kwo) people (nation)
jenmin(-ney) (kwel) people's
interjenmin-ney (kwel) international
jenta (kwo) folk, (a
particular group of) people
islajenta es hao jenta islanders are good folk
urbajenta sempre hasti townspeople always hurry
gunjenta (kwo) workpeople
yunge jenta (kwo) youth, young people
jesti (zwo) gesture, gesticulate
jesta (kwo) gesture (motion of
the limbs or body)
jestalingwa the gesture language, pantomime
jesting (kwo) gesticulation
jet-ney (kwel) jet, jet-propelled
jet-avion jet, a jet-propelled aircraft
jigyas (kwo) curiosity, inquisitiveness
jigyas-ney (kwel) curious (eager to
learn cf. kuriose)
jila (kwo) vein (blood
vessel; nervure; lode; a long strip of a different colour cf. vena)
jinja (kwo) ginger
jinsa (kwo) jeans, denim
jirafa (kwo) giraffe
jita (kwo) victory
jiti (zwo) win
jiva (kwo) life
jiva-ney (jive) (kwel) living, alive
jivaful (kwel) lively, animated
jivika (kwo) living thing/being/creature
jivi (zwo) live
jivishil (kwel) viable, tenacious of life
rijivi (zwo) resuscitate, revive
Krista rijivi! Christ has arisen!
rijivifi (zwo) return to life
rijivisi (zwo) bring back to life
joi (zwo) be glad, be happy, rejoice
me joi al vidi yu I am glad to see you
joisa (kwo) joy
joisaful (kwel) joyful
joisi (zwo) gladden, make happy
joki (zwo) joke
joka (kwo) joke
jor (kwo) joint, articulation
jota (kwo) harness
joti (zwo) harness
judi (zwo) judge
judike (kwel) judicial
juda (kwo) judgement
judura (kwo) judgement of court
judiguan (kwo) law-court; tribunal
judidela (kwo) court trial, case
judista (kwo) judge
prejuda (kwo) prejudice
jui (zwo) enjoy (feel with
pleasure, revel in)
prejui (zwo) look forward to, foretaste
juisa (kwo) delight, enjoyment
juk (kwo) beetle, bug
meyjuk (kwo) cockchafer, may-bug
gubrajuk (kwo) dung-beetle
lumijuk (kwo) firefly, glowworm
saltijuk (kwo) grasshopper
preijuk (kwo) mantis
juli (zwo) defraud, cheat, swindle
jula (kwo) fraud (act)
julnik (kwo) fraud (person)
Syn.: trompi
jumla (kwo) clause, sentence (gram.)
Jungwo (kwo) China
Jungwo-jen (kwo) inhabitant/citizen of China
See also: han
jupa (kwo) skirt
Jupiter (kwo) Jupiter
jura (kwo) law (legal system
cf. kanun)
internasion-ney jura international law
jura-ney (kwel) juridical, law, legal
jurista (kwo) lawyer, jurist
jurap (kwo) stockings
jurap-tasma (kwo) garter
juri (kwo) jury
jurnal (kwo) magazine (periodical), journal
jurnalista (kwo) journalist, newsman
jus (kwo) juice; sap
frutajus fruit juice
jus-ney (kwel) juicy
jusnesa (kwo) succulence
juste (kwel) just (equitable,
justitaa (kwo) justice, fairness
nojuste (kwel) unjust, unfair
nojustitaa (kwo) injustice, unfairness
justifiki (zwo) justify
gola justifiki medias the end justifies the means
justifika (kwo) justification
justis (kwo) justice (the civil power dealing with law)
kabel (kwo) cable (assembly of
wires for electricity or a communications system)
kabina (kwo) cab, cockpit, cabin (compartment for driver, pilot, or user)
kabluk (kwo) heel (part of shoe
cf. topuk)
kabra (kwo) grave, sepulchre,
kabralok (kwo) cemetery,
kabu (kwo) cape, promontory
kada (inplas-kwel) every
kada dey every day
kadalok (inplas-komo) everywhere
kadawan (inplas-kwo) everyone
kadawan jan, ke... everyone knows that...
Me inviti yu oli. Kadawan mog lai. I invite all of you. Everyone may come.
kadena (kwo) chain
kadena de montas chain of mountains
kafee (kwo) coffee house/bar/shop, café,
kafeeyuan (kwo) café worker
kafkaf (kwo) cough
kafkafi (zwo) cough
ek-kafkafi (kwo) cough once, give a cough
kafsa (kwo) cage (an enclosure
made of bars)
kahwa (kwo) coffee
kahwa bona coffee beans
kahwadan (kwo) coffee-pot
kahwabaum (kwo) coffee tree
kahwameler (kwo) coffee-mill
kaif (kwo) delight, rapture, ecstasy
Syn.: juisa
kaila (kwo) wedge
kaki (zwo) do caca
kaka (kwo) caca
Syn.: feki
kalabi (zwo) tumble, somersault
kalaba (kwo) tumble, somersault
kalafati (zwo) caulk
kalam (kwo) a writing tool; pencil
bolkalam (kwo) ballpoint pen
kalamdan (kwo) pencil-box
sikin do kalam (kwo) penknife
kolorkalam (kwo) colour pencil
kalamar (kwo) squid
kalenda (kwo) calendar
kalibra (kwo) calibre, bore, gauge
kalibri (zwo) calibrate, gauge
kalibring (kwo) calibration
kalina (kwo) viburnum, guelder-rose
kalka (kwo) tracing paper; tracing paper copy; calque
kalki (zwo) trace (copy)
kalkuli (zwo) calculate, compute
kalkula (kwo) calculation
kalkun (kwo) turkey
man-kalkun (kalkuno) (kwo) turkey cock
gin-kalkun (kalkunina) (kwo) turkey hen
yunkalkun (kwo) turkey-poult
kalme (kwel) calm (cf.
kyete, trankwile)
kalmitaa (kwo) calm
kalmi (zwo) calm (intr./tr.)
kalmifi (fa-kalme) (zwo) become calm, calm down
kalmisi (mah-kalme) (zwo) make calm, calm
kalmiser (kwo) sedative
kalming (kwo) calming
kalson (kwo) long johns, long underwear, drawers
kalve (kwel) bald, having but little hair
kalvika (kwo) bald spot/patch
kalyum (kwo) potassium
kama (kwo) bed (for sleeping
cf. "kyar, chwan")
fai kama go to bed
kamar (kwo) girdle
pa kamar, in kamar in one's belt
kamari (zwo) girdle
kamarada (kwo) comrade, mate
kamel (kwo) camel
kamera (kwo) camera (photo, video)
kamfer (kwo) camphor
kamila (kwo) camomile
kamin (kwo) fireplace
kamina (kwo) road
hao kamina good road
kamion (kwo) lorry, truck (motor
kamisa (kwo) shirt
kamon (exklami)
come on (an expression of encouragement, hurrying up, or disbelief)
kamon, shwo! come on, speak!
kamon, go kway! come on, go
kampa (kwo) camp (outdoor
place; group of people)
kampi (zwo) camp
kampania (kwo) campaign
kan (zwo) look (try to see; to face or present a view), watch (view)
kan TV watch
winda kan gata windows face the street
kan sirkum to look around
kan bak look behind, glance back
ek-kan glance quickly
kansa (kwo) look (action of looking; expression of eyes), glance
al un-ney kansa at first sight
kana (kwo)
cane, reed (bot.)
sukra-kana (kwo) sugar-cane
kanal (kwo) canal; channel
kanalya (kwo) rascal, scoundrel
kanapa (kwo) hemp
kanapafibra (kwo) hemp fiber
kandela (kwo) candle
kandeladan (kwo) candlestick
kandidat (kwo) candidate
kanela (kwo) cinnamon
kanga (kwo) comb (a toothed
kangi (zwo) comb
kangi swa comb one's hair
trakangi (zwo) comb (search thoroughly; look through)
kanging (kwo) combing
kanguruu (kwo) kangaroo
kanon (kwo) cannon (artillery piece)
kanser (kwo) cancer (disease)
kanula (kwo) cannula
kanun (kwo) law
kanun-ney (kwel) legal
nokanun-ney (kwel) illegal
kanva (kwo) canvas
kao (kwo) shackles, irons; handcuffs, manacles
handa-kao (kwo) handcuffs, manacles
kaovati (zwo) handcuff
kaosa (kwo) chaos
kapa (kwo) head; prow
spilakapa pinhead
kol-kapa head of cabbage
kapable (kwel) capable, able
kapablitaa (kwo) ability, faculty, capability
kapak (kwo) lid (cover)
genukapak kneecap, patella
winda-kapak shutter
kapal (kwo) skull
kapase (kwel) capacious, able to hold
kapasitaa (kwo) capacity
kapitan (kwo) captain (milit., naval)
kaporal (kwo) corporal (officer)
kapra (kwo) cloth (woven
fabric, material, stuff);
koton kapra cotton fabric
kamakapra bed linen
linkapra linen cloth
mortakapra shroud, cerement
kama-kapras bed-clothes
kaprisa (kwo) whim, caprice
kaprisi (zwo) be capricious
kaprisnik (kwo) capricious/self-willed person
kapti (zwo) catch, capture, seize
kapta, kapting (kwo) capture (act of capturing), catching
kaptiwat (kwo) capture (smth
captured), prey
kapter, kaptika (kwo) snare, trap
kapter, kapti-sha (kwo) catcher (smb that catches)
kapushon (kwo) hood (covering); cap (protective
kalam kapushon pen cap
karabe (kwel) corrupt, tainted, spoilt; depraved
karabisi (zwo) corrupt (taint,
spoil; deprave, demoralize)
karada (kwo) lathe
karadi (zwo) lathe, operate a lathe
karader (kwo) turner, lathe operator
karaf (kwo) carafe, decanter
karakter (kwo) character
(distinctive quality of a person or thing)
karakter-ney (kwel) characteristic
karakterisi (zwo) characterize
karamel (kwo) caramel
karamelisi (zwo) caramelize
karat (kwo) carat
karavan (kwo) caravan
karbon (kwo) carbon (chem.)
karbonisi (zwo) carbonize
karbonisa (kwo) carbonization
kardamom (kwo) cardamom
kare (kwel) dear (loved cf.
Kare amigas! Dear friends!
karesi (zwo) caress, fondle with affection
karesa (kwo) caress
karga (kwo) freight, cargo, lading
kargi (zwo) freight
kariera (kwo) career (occupation; the general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements)
karikatura (kwo) caricature
karikaturi (zwo) caricature caricaturist
karikaturista (kwo) caricaturist
karim (kwel) kind (kindhearted)
bi karim will you be so kind as, please
karimtaa (kwo) kindness
karitaa (kwo) charity, spiritual benevolence
karkasa (kwo) framework, skeleton
See also: skelet
karke (kwel)
rough, coarse, rude,
harsh, rugged
karkem (kwel) roughly, coarsely, rudely
karmin (kwo) carmine
karmin-ney (kwel) carmine
karota (kwo) carrot
karpenti (zwo) carpenter
karpenter (kwo) carpenter
karpentifah (kwo) carpentering
karpus (kwo) watermelon
karta (kwo) card
nam-karta (kwo) visiting card
armee-karta (kwo) military ID
yuan-karta (kwo) membership card
karton (kwo) cardboard, pasteboard
kartun (kwo) cartoon (animated film)
kartush (kwo) cartridge
kartushdan (kwo) bandoleer, ammunition belt
karwe (kwel) bitter
karwitaa (kwo) bitterness
kasa (kwo) cash-box, till; cashiers stand; fund
kaser (kwo) cashier
kasak (kwo) Cossack
kasam (kwo)
oath, vow
fai kasam to make (take) a vow, swear
defai kasam take ones vow/oath back
tori kasam break one's oath
kaseta (kwo) cassette
kasha (kwo) porridge, gruel, mush; squash; slush,
mess, jumble
snega-kasha (kwo) slush, mire
kaskasa (kwo) scales (platelike
dermal or epidermal structures cf. "vaka")
kaskasinka (kwo) a single scale
kasrat (kwo) morning exercises
kastana (kwo) chestnut
kastela (kwo) castle